

CharCommandHit levelDamageStartupBlockHitCounter hitNotes
bryanb+1m21i20~21+4+7c+78a (+58)
* Spike
* Elbow
fengws2m17i15~16-7+24d+78a (+62)
* Balcony Break
* Tornado (CH Only)
kumadb+4l20i21~22-23+6+74a (+38)
* Tornado
High crush 6~
leeub+3m20i18-13+20a (+13)+74a (+58)
* Tornado
Low crush
pandadb+4l20i21~22-23+6+74a (+58)
* Tornado
High crush 6~
paulqcf+3+4m22i19~20-9+35a (+27)+74a (+58)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* High Evasion (brief)
Low crush 19~39
eddyuf+3,4m, L15, 10i24~25-14c+7+73a(+57)
larsSEN.2l23i17~19-12+6c+73a (+57)
* Tornado
High crush 9~
lidiaCAT.2,2h, m12, 18,i26~27-10+19a (+12)+73a (+57)
* Tornado
* Combo from 1st CH
* Just frame input within a 3f window (13~15) adds 2 damage
victoruf+4m,sm12,16i15~17-19+73 (+57)+73 (+57)
* Tornado
* Alternate input: ub+4 or u+4
Low crush 14
xiaoyuBT.d+4l20i24-26+73a (+57)+73a (+57)
* Instant Tornado
* Has clean hit effect
High crush
bryanqcb+1h22i13~14+5+36a (+28)+72a (+56)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage 6 (30%) on block
fengSS.4l19i21~22-31c+8 (-8)+72a (+56)
* Has a clean hit effect
High crush 10
jack-8df+1,1m, m12i29-11+21cg+72a (+56)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* Combos from 1st hit CH
* Delayable
leeHMS.4l20i22-13+4c+72a (+56)
* Instant Tornado on CH
High crush 6~
eddyf+2,4m, l15, 17,i23~24-14c+2+71a(+55)
jind+2L22i22~23-14+4c+71a (+55)
* Balcony break on airborne hit
High crush 8~55
leof+3+4h24i17~180~-1+8+71a (+55)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block
lidiaws3m20i14~15-12+32a (+24)+71a (+55)
* Balcony Break
* Tornado
Low crush 14~22 fs23~25
ninad+2,2L, M13, 20,i28~29-12+17a (+0)+71a (+55)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st CH
ninab+1,4h, M10, 22,i28~29-12+7+71a (+55)
* Tornado
* Combo from 1st hit with 1f delay
* Can hit grounded when off-axis
reinadf+4,2,3m, m, h14, 10, 20,i27-8+35a+71a (+55)
* Tornado
* Combo from 2nd CH
* Can be delayed
,High crush 7~15
reinab+4h20i18-8+35a+71a (+55)
* Tornado
High crush 6~17
shaheen4,3h, h16, 21,i31-1+26a (+17)+71a (51)
* Balcony Break
reinadf+4,2,3m,m,h14,10,20,i27-8+35+71a (+55)
* Tornado
* Combo from 2nd CH
* Can be delayed
reinab+4h20i18-8+35+71 (+55)
* Tornado
azucenaf+4,4~3m, m16, 24,i21~22-9~-8+15a (+6)+70a (+54)
Balcony Break
<div class="plainlist">
* ,Low crush 1~6
* fs7~9</div>
devil-jinMCR.3SM26i23-7+16a (-1)+70a (+54)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* Opponent recovers FDFA on hit
* 7 Chip Damage on block
* 10 Chip Damage on block while in heat
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 1~19
* fs20~22</div>
fengBT.d+3l20i18~20-26c-3+70a (+54)
* Has clean hit effect
High crush 6~
kingb+1,2h, h13, 20i19~20-13+5+70a(+54)*
* Tornado
* Launches opponent if b+1 on CH.
liliH.RAB.3L20i20~21-13+24a+70a (+54)
* Homing
* Partially consumes remaining Heat time
High crush 6~
liliRAB.3L20i20-13+3c / +24a H+70a (+54)
* Homing
* Powered up during Heat: KND on normal hit
* Partially consumes remaining Heat Time
High crush 6~
junb+2,1,2m, h, M10, 7, 20,i23-9+30a (+15)+69a (+53)
* Tornado
* Combo from 2nd CH with 6f delay
* Input can be delayed 14f
* Chip damage (9) on block
* Deals 12 damage to self (8 recoverable)
* Unparryable
junb+3,2m, M20, 22,i20-9+30a (+15)+69a (+53)
* Tornado
* Chip damage (8) on block
* Deals 12 damage to self (8 recoverable)
* Unparryable
junuf+2M24i19-9+30a (+15)+69a (+53)
* Tornado
* Chip damage (9) on block
* Deals 12 damage to self (8 recoverable)
* Unparryable
junws1,1,2h, h, M14, 7, 22,i23-9+30a (+15)+69a (+53)
* Tornado
* Combo from 2nd CH with 6f delay
* Input can be delayed 14f
* Chip damage on block
* Deals recoverable self-damage when not in Heat
kazuya1,2,4,3h, h, l, m5, 8, 18, 25,i32-2+24a(+15)+69a)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 3rd CH
* Can be delayed
leef,F+2h26i18+2+18gc+69a (+53)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* Transition to +5, +21gc, +72a (+56) MS with F
* 6 chip damage
leef:F+2h26i18+2+18gc+69a (+53)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* Transition to +5, +21gc, +72a (+56) MS with F
* 11 chip damage
Perfect Input not required during Heat
Partially consumes remaining Heat Time, while Perfect input restores Heat Time
shaheenFC.df+4,1l, h16, 20,i26-2+24a (+15)+69a (+49)
* Balcony Break
* Counter hit combo from 1st hit
asukaf,F+1+2M20i19~20-6+29a (+14)+68a (+52)
* Tornado
* Chip damage when on block
* Grounded hit can be inconsistent sometimes
steveLWV.1,f+1,1m, m, h14, 9, 8i16+3+7+68a
* Combo from 1st or 2nd hit
* Input b to r14? FLK (+4/+3/+68a)
asukaf,f,F+1+2h30i17~18+4+32a (+6)+67a (+51)
* Tornado
* Homing
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block
clivedb+4L20i19~20-18+4c+67a (+51a)
* Homing
dragunovdb+3l17i27~29-26-2c+67a (+51)
Clean hit [[Dragunov combos#Staples|+67a (+51)]]
High crush 6~49
lidiaHRS.1+2L17i20~21-18-1c+67a (+51)
High crush 8~
nina1,4,1h, h, m5, 17, 21,i25~26-11+15g+67a (+47a)
* Balcony Break
* Interrupt with i1 from 2nd block
ravenBT.1,4h, h7, 23,i16~17-8~-7+40a (-18)+67a (+51)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st hit
law1+2m20i16~17-13~12+12a (+5)+66a (+50)
* Tornado
* Weapon
* Partially uses remaining Heat Time in heat
* Instant Tornado on CH
* Alternate input DSS.1+2
lawDSS.1+2mi16-13+12a (+5)+66a (+50)
* Tornado
* Weapon
* Partially uses remaining Heat time
* Instant Tornado on CH
* Alternate input 1+2
raven3,3,4m, h, h10, 16, 20,i26~27-9+39a (-19)+66a (+50)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 2nd CH
* Cancel to r18 BT at -16~-15/-3~-2 with B
reina3,2h, h12, 16,i20-9+8+66a (+50)
* Tornado
* Combo from 1st hit
reina3,2h,h12,16,i20-9+8+66a (+50)
* Tornado
* Combo from 1st hit
bryan1,2,1h, h, m5, 8, 18,i19-6+6+65a
Combo from 2nd CH with 10f delay
kumauf+2m27i28~30-6+30a+65a (+45)
* Balcony Break
* Homing
* Tailspin
* Alternate input: ub+2 or u+2
lawd+1,3l, h15, 21i24-9+20a (+11)+65a (+45)
* Balcony Break
* Tornado on CH
lee2,1,3h, h, h10, 8, 20i24-4+20a (+11)+65a (+45)
* Balcony Break
pandauf+2m27i28~30-6+30a+65a (+45)
* Balcony Break
* Homing
* Tailspin
* Alternate input: ub+2 or u+2
* On hit only
* Floor Break
* Spike
* Transition to -2, +8c, +65a HMS with 3
* +18d on crouching opponent
liliss1+2m21i19+0+25a (+16)+64a
* Balcony Break
* Elbow
yoshimitsuDGF.f+2h23i20~21+7+19a (+10)+64a (+44)
* Homing
* Balcony Break
* Weapon
Low crush 1~
clived+1+2M23i22~23-6+9a (-8)+63a (+47)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* Weapon
* 6 Chip Damage on block
* 9 Chip Damage on block in heat
leef+4,3h, m13, 18i21-8+6c+63a
* Transition to -4, +7c, +64a HMS with 4
* Combos on 1st hit CH
* Delayable
lidiab+2,3h, m14, 14,i22-10+6+63a
* Knee
* Combo from 1st hit with 7f delay
* Input 3 on frames 12~14 to add 3 damage
steveb+1,2~1h, m10, 17i30~31-8+4+63a
steveLWV.1,2~1m, m14, 17i30~31-8+4+63a
steveRWV.1,2~1m, m13, 17i30~31-8+4+63a
yoshimitsuBT.1,2h, m16, 18,i25-5+5+63a
* Balcony break on airborne hit
* Elbow
* Combo from 1st CH
claudiodb+1+2M20i17~18-12+8a (-9)+62a (+46)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 20~32
* fs33~35</div>
kumab,f+2h26i15~17-5+17a (+8)+62a (+42)
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block
* Transition to Avalanche Flip on hit with input UF
pandab,f+2h26i15~17-5+17a (+8)+62a (+42)
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block
shaheenf+2,4,4h, l, h10, 13, 21,i26~27-7+10g+62a (+42)
* Balcony Break
* Causes Strong Aerial Tailspin
alisa2,3,3h, m, m10, 8, 25,i20~22-11+16a (-7)+61a (+41)
* Strong Aerial Tailspin
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 2nd hit with 9f delay
* Input can be delayed 12f
* Move can be delayed 11f
<div class="plainlist">
* ,Low crush 13~41
* fs42~44</div>
feng1,1h, m5, 21i25~26-11+2+61a
* Move can be delayed
stevedf+1,2~1m, h12, 20i30~31-2+2+61a
* Input b to r14? FLK (+0/+4/+63a)
* Input B to FLK (-1/+10/+69)
zafinaMNT.d+1,4L, m14, 23i27~30-16+15 (+6)+60a (+40)
* Balcony Break
asukadf+1,4m, m10, 22,i23~24-12+22a (+17)+59a
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st CH with 1f delay
* Input can be delayed 7f
azucenad+4,1~2L, m13, 20,i17~18-8+10g +22w+59a
* Wall Crush +22g on hit
Balcony break on airborne hit
bryandf+2,3m, m12, 20,i23-13+8+59a
Combo from 1st CH
devil-jin3,1,4m, h, m16, 11, 20,i23~24-9+15a (+6)+59a
* Balcony Break
* Input can be delayed 12f
* Move can be delayed 4f
* Interrupt with i7 from 2nd block
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 9~23
* fs24~26</div>
jinb,f+2,3m, m15, 17,i25-9+6+59a
* Combo from 1st hit with 4f delay
* Input can be delayed 9f
* Enter ZEN +2 +17g +71a r20 with F
* Homing
* Balcony Break on air hit
* Crumple stun +13F after CH
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage when guarded
larsf,F+1+2m20i16~17-9+14 (+5)+59a (+39)
* Elbow
* Balcony Break
* chip damage on block
lidiaqcf+1+2,2m, m18, 22,i24~25-6+24g+59a
* Tornado
* Combo from 1st hit
* Combo from 1st CH with 12f delay
* Transition to WLF on hit or block only
* Balcony break on airborne hit
* WLF transition is -14
pauldf+3,4m, m14, 17,i21~22-10+6+59a
* Move can be delayed 14f
* Input can be delayed 14f
* Combo from 1st hit with 10f delay
paulqcb+4h20i15~16+1+23d (+14)+59a
* Homing
* Chip damage (6)
dragunovdf+1,4m, h13, 23,i22~23-6+22a (+13)+58a
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st CH with 8f delay
* Input can be delayed 12f
* Input can be delayed 10f
Balcony Break
lee1,2,4h, h, m5, 9, 10,i18-12-1+58a
* Jail from 1st attack
* Combo from 2nd hit
* Transition to -14 -2 HMS with 3
* Move can be input by pressing 4 during frames 1-9 of 1,2
lee1,2:4h, h, m5, 9, 12,i18-12+5+58a
* Jail from 1st attack
* Combo from 2nd hit with 1f delay
* Move can be input by pressing 4 during frames 10-13 of 1,2
* Transition to r44 -14 +3 HMS with 3
leoKNK.2h20i13-4+22a (+13)+58a
* Balcony Break
shaheen1,2,2h, h, m5, 9, 17,i20~21-11+3+58a
* Counter hit combo from 1st hit
* Can be delayed
* Homing
* Punch parry
+0d and 25 damage on a successful parry
Parry state
* crumple stun on CH
xiaoyuf,F+4h20i20+9+13g c+58a (+38)
* Balcony Break
* Automatically transitions to HYP on hit or block
* Chip on block [6]
xiaoyuf,F+1+2m12i14-9+5+58a (+38)
* Alternate input ws1+2
yoshimitsudf+2+3m18i17~18-13+6g+58a (+38)
* Balcony Break
* Can be buffered
* Can be performed in FC
* Power up input [[Yoshimitsu movelist (Tekken 8)#Yoshimitsu-f,n,d,df+2|f,n,d,df+2]]
High crush 9~17
yoshimitsuf,n,d,df+2m20i14~15-13+6g+58a (+38)
* Balcony Break
* Weapon
* Can be buffered
* Can be performed in FC
High crush 6~14
* Homing
* Balcony Break
* Weapon
leeHMS.1,4h, m7, 17i15-8+4+57a
* Transition to -8, +4, +58a HMS with 3
* Tornado
paul3,2~bm, h14, 17+4+14g+57a
* Sidestep u can be buffered from 45f
* SWA attacks can be buffered from 54f
* Transition to cs1~ r9 -13 +4 +47a [[Paul_movelist#DPD_(Deep Dive)|DPD]] from 61f with df
Balcony Break
(Ver.1.05.00) - Damage changed from 20.
High crush 8~15
azucenadf+1,4,1m, h, h11, 13, 20,i22~23-5+44d (-14)+56a
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 2nd CH with 7f delay
* Input can be delayed 8f delay
* Enter LIB -17 -6 r20 with F
eddy2,1,4h, h, m10, 13, 21,i20~22-12~-10+17a (+8)+56a
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 2nd Ch with 10f delay
* Input can be delayed 14f
leof+1+2m24i17~18-14~-13+10a (+1)+56a
* Balcony Break
* Spike
paulb+2,1*m, m22, 35,i60~61+8+20d+56a
* Balcony Break
* [[Paul_movelist#Paul-H.b+2,1*|H.b+2,1*]] with Heat
* Chip damage (7)
* Charge begins on frame 18
* Requires 42f charge
* [[Paul_movelist#Paul-b+2,1|b+2,1]] from 0~41f charge
steved+2,1,2l, m, h11, 8, 17i24~25-2+27a (+18)+56a
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 2nd CH
azucenauf+3,4h, m20, 17,i20~21-14+15a (+6)+55a
* Strong Aerial Tailspin
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st hit
* Balcony Break
* i23 startup when unbuffered, and i21 startup when buffered
* Opponent recovers crouching on hit
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 10~30
* fs31~33</div>
heihachidf+4,2m, m10, 23,i20-12+9a (+0)+55a
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st hit with 9f delay
law2,b+2,1,2h, h, h, m8, 8, 8, 21i20-3+20a+55a
* Combos from 3rd hit CH
* Delay-able
* Transition to FC with D
Transition to FC with D
lidiadf+1,3m, m13, 17,i23-13+10a (+1)+55a
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st CH with 3f delay
* Input can be delayed 6f
* Move can be delayed 5f
paulf+1+2*m26i29~30+5c+20d FDFA+55a
* Balcony Break
* [[Paul_movelist#Paul-H.f+1+2*|H.f+1+2*]] with Heat
* Chip damage (10)
* Requires 24f charge
* [[Paul_movelist#Paul-f+1+2|f+1+2]] from 0~23f charge
reinaf+3+4m25i43-14+50 (+19)+55a
* Cancel to r24 FC at earliest with input DB/D/DF
High crush 6~33
reinaf+3+4m25i43-14+50 (+19)+55
* can be cancelled into crouch with input DB/D/DF
victorPRF.2,2,1m, m, h9, 13, 20,i12~13-1+12+55a
Strong Aerial Tailspin
* Balcony Break
zafinadf+3,4m, h15, 17,i23~24-6+22a+55a
* Balcony break on airborne hit
* Combo from 1st hit
Balcony Break on air hit
liliDEW.1,2m, m12, 20i23-14+20a (+10)+54a
* Balcony Break
* Combos from 1st hit
ninaf+3h,h10,20i14~15 i10~11+3~+4+24a (+15)+54a
* Balcony Break
* Does not jail
* 2nd hit is homing
reina3,4h, m12, 20,i20-14+50 (+19)+54a
Combo from 1st hit
reina3+4,4m,m, m5,10, 20,i16-14+50 (+19)+54a
Combo from 1st hit with 4f delay
reinadf+3+4,4m,h, m5,10, 20,i20-14+50 (+19)+54a
Combo from 1st hit
reina3,4h,m12,20,i20-14+50 (+19)+54
Combo from 1st hit
reina3+4,4mm,m15,20,i16-14+50 (+19)+54
Combo from 1st hit
reinadf+3+4,4mh,m5,10,20,i20-4+50 (+19)+54
Combo from 1st hit
azucenaBT.1,4h, m9, 21,i24~25-11+8+53a
* Combo from 1st hit
* Combo from 1st CH with 2f delay
* Input can be delayed 10f
* Will not combo if the kick impacts on i25
bryan1,4,2h, h, h5, 14, 18,i24-7+4+53a
* Combo from 2nd CH with 10f delay
* Input can be delayed 18f
* Move can be delayed 16f
* Cancel into 1,4,2,1 with f+1
* Cancel into 1,4,2,4 with f+4
* Interrupt with i8 from 3rd block
* Cancel into b+2,1 with f+1
* Cancel into b+2,4 with f+4
Sidesteps left
* Special down state that allows low juggle (on normal hit).
* Crumple on CH for full combo.
law3,3h, m12, 17i27-14-3+53a (+22)
* Combos from 1st hit CH
* Delay-able
Low crush 9~
paulqcb+1M24i21~22+0c+21d FDFA+53a
* Chip damage (7)
reinab+1,1,3,3h, m, m, m14, 15, 13, 20,i32-16+48 (+17)+53a
reinaWRA.d+4,3L, m9, 20,i21~22-16+48 (+17)+53a
* Combo from 1st CH with 14f delay
* Input can be delayed 15f
* Move can be delayed 13f
* CH-confirmable
reinab+1,1,3,3h,m,m,m14,15,13,20,i32-16+48 (+17)+53
reinaWRA.d+4,3l,m9,20,i21~22-16+48 (+17)+53
* Combo from 1st CH without max delay
* Can be delayed
* CH-confirmable
* Launcher
zafina1,4h, m5, 17,i19-5+22g+53a
* Tornado
* Combo from 1st hit with 3f delay
* Move can be delayed 1f
heihachi1,2,4h, h, h5, 8, 21,i22~23-9+16g+52a
* Tornado
* Combo from 2nd CH with 2f delay
* Opponent recovers crouching
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* Opponent recovers crouching on hit
jundf+4m22i15-14+48a (+17)+52a
* Tornado
* Crumple stun launcher (+52a) on CH
kingf,n,d,DF+1+2 / CD.1+2m24i20~23-5c+16d+52d
Balcony Break
* Hits OTG.
* Bounce off ground on CH for full combo.
chip damage on block
Cannot be buffered
yoshimitsu1,NSS.1h, m5, 22,i23-9+16a+52a
* Balcony Break
* Spike
* Weapon
* Combo from 1st hit with 1f delay
* Input can be delayed 3f
* Interrupt with i4 from 1st block
* 11 chip damage on block
* Recovers 4 base health on hit
yoshimitsudf+3,NSS.1m, M10, 24,i23~24-9+16a+52a
* Spike
* Weapon
* Combo from 1st hit
* Recovers 4 base health on hit
* 12 chip damage on block
* Input can be held to transition to d+1*
* Spike
* Weapon
* Slowly realigns while charging
* Can be canceled with b*
* Spike
* Weapon
* Slowly realigns while charging
* Can be canceled with b*
* Spike
* Weapon
* Slowly realigns while charging
* Can be canceled with b*
yoshimitsuuf+3+4,1,4,NSS.1M, h, m, M20, 8, 15, 24,i24~25-9+16a+52a
* Balcony Break
* Spike
* Weapon
* Can transition to d+1*,n
* 12 chip damage on block
* Recovers 4 base health on hit
* Spike
* Weapon
* Recovers health on hit
* 12 chip damage on block
* Input can be held to transition to d+1*
azucenauf+2h23i17~18-7+15a (+6)+51a
* Balcony Break
leeb+2,4,3h, h, h9, 16, 21i27-0+22a (+13)+51a
* Balcony Break
Low crush
paul2,3h, h10, 21,i22~23-9+22d (+13)+51a
Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st CH
jinb,f+2,1,2m, h, m15, 14, 20,i19~20-5+18a (+9)+50a (+3)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 2nd CH with 15f
* Input can be delayed 16f
* Move can be delayed 10f
kazuya2,2h, m12, 24i24~25-8+7+50a
* Combo from 1st CH
Balcony Break
* Tornado
* Hits OTG. Forces standing on normal hit.
* Crumple on CH for full combo.
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block
nina1,4h, h5, 17,i17~18-4+1+50a
* Combo from 1st hit
* Move can be delayed 2f
paul3,2m, h14, 17,i23-3+7+50a
* Move can be delayed 4f
* Input can be delayed 4f
* Combo from 1st hit with 4f delay
* Transition to t60 r19 [[Paul_movelist#SWA_(Sway)|SWA]] +4 +14g [[Paul_combos#Counterhit|+57a]] at 43f with b
* Balcony Break
* Spike
* Weapon
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 9~27
* fs28~30</div>
jack-8ws2,1m, m10, 17i15-14c+3d+49a
* Combos from 1st hit
kumaHBS.1,2*m, m10, 20,i33~34-12+13c+49a
* chip damage on block
* Heat skips to Level 2 charge
larsf+1,2,3h, m, m10, 11, 20,i24-5+48d (-10)+49a
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 2nd hit CH
* Transition to DEN
* Cancel DEN transition with input B
Alternate input DSS.f+3+4
Low crush 11~
nina1,2,4h, h, h5, 10, 22,i22-6+20a (+11)+49a
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 2nd CH with 8f delay
* Input can be delayed 10f
ninadf+3,2,4m, h, h13, 12, 22,i22-6+20a+49a
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 2nd CH with 8f delay
pandaHBS.1,2*m, m10, 20,i33~34-12+13c+49a
* chip damage on block
* Heat skips to Level 2 charge
reinaf,F+3+4h22i16~19-2+49d (-9)+49a
* Balcony Break
Low crush
* Input 3 to LWV (+1/+17d/+57a)
* Input 4 to RWV (+1/+17d/+57a)
* Input b+3_4 to SWY (+1/+17d/+57a)
* Input f+3_4 to DCK (+3/+19d/+59a)
reinaf,F+3+4h22i16~19-2+49 (-9)+49
* Balcony Break
High crush 6
* Recover facing forward with F (+4c, +5c, +47a)
* Alternate input u+2
* Chip on block [6]
Low crush
yoshimitsuKIN.4h23i16~17+0+20a (+11)+49a
* Homing
* Balcony Break
* Enter KIN +3 +23a (+14) r26 with 1+2
* Enter MED -1 +19a (+10) r28 with 3+4
asukaf,f,F+3m32i24~28+3~+7+16a (+7)+48a (+1)
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 3~30
* fs31~33</div>
jack-8f+3,1+2m, m18, 20i25-11c+2d+48a
* Combos from 1st hit CH
* Alternate input ws3,1+2
jack-8ws3,1+2m, m18, 20i25-11c+2d+48a
* Combos from 1st hit CH
* Alternate input f+3,1+2
paulb+2,1m, m22, 22,i36-120c+48a
* Move can be delayed 20f (i56)
* Charge begins on frame 18
* Requires 0~41f charge
* Delayed startup from 22~41f charge
* Combo from 1st CH with 0~23f charge
* [[Paul_movelist#Paul-b+2,1*|b+2,1*]] / [[Paul_movelist#Paul-H.b+2,1*|H.b+2,1*]] at 42f charge
jack-8b+1,2m, m17, 17i26-14c+15d+47a
* Spike
* Combos from 1st hit
kingdf+4,3,4l, h, m10, 11, 27i28~29-15/-8+6a/+13a+47a(+16)
Balcony Break
* Wall combo tool.
* Combos on 2nd CH. Crumple on 3rd CH.
* Hold back to shift to backturn stance.
* Shift to backturn is 14F punishable.
ninaqcf+1h21i14~16+1~+3+3~+5+47a (+37)
Chip damage on block
dragunov4,4h, m10, 23,i25~36+5+29a (+20)+46a
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block
* Interrupt with i16 from 1st block
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 22~42
* fs43~45</div>
junf,f,F+3m28i24~28+3~+7+14a (+5)+46a (-1)
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block
* Alternate input: ub,b+3
Low crush 3~30 Low crush 31~33
lawd+3,3l, h8, 17i16-7+20a+46CS
* Combos from 1st hit CH
* -30 on block from 1st block
* Delay-able
* Balcony Break
High crush 6~19
nina4,4,4h, h, L15, 21, 20,i30~31-12+4c+46a
* Balcony break on airborne hit
* Combo from 2nd CH
,High crush 16~55
paulws3,2M, h16, 21,i21~22-9+17d (+8)+46a
* Balcony Break
* Move can be delayed 12f
* Input can be delayed 12f
* Combo from 1st hit with 12f delay
paulDPD.df+2,3m, M10, 22,i25~26-13c+10d FDFA+46a
* Spike
* Move can be delayed 10f
* Input can be delayed 17f
* Combo from 1st hit with 6f delay
paulqcb+3,2,3L, m, M14, 20, 22,i25~26-13c+10d FDFA+46a
* Spike
* Combo from 1st CH +15d (-20) FDFA
* Move can be delayed 10f
* Input can be delayed 17f
ravendf+3h17i16~17-9~-8+12a+46a (+36)
High crush 6~17
* Spike
* Weapon
* 11 chip damage on block
* [[Yoshimitsu movelist (Tekken 8)#Yoshimitsu-H.DGF.1|Power up]] in Heat
* Partially uses remaining Heat time
Low crush 1~27
devil-jinb,f+2,1,2m, m, m12, 12, 24,i22~23-8+15a (+6)+45a (+0)
* Balcony Break
* Combo on 2nd CH with 8f delay
* Input can be delayed 20f
* Move can be delayed 15f
* 7 Chip Damage on block
* 10 Chip Damage on block
ninab+2,2,2h, h, h12, 16, 20,i25~26-9+9g+45a
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st CH
* Combo from 2nd CH with 5f delay
* Cancel to SS -25 -14 with D_U
* If Nina uses a SS attack after the cancel, interrupt with i22 on block, i11 on hit
* Input can be delayed 13f
ninab+3,4m, h10, 17i20~21-8+19a+45a
* Combo from 1st hit with 16f delay
* Input can be delayed 17f
yoshimitsuub+1+3,1+2m!, h!40, 18,i18~19+1~+2+45a
* Spike
* Weapon
yoshimitsuNSS.ub+1+3,1+2m!, h50, 15,i18~19-15-4+45a
* Spike
* Elbow
dragunovf,f,F+2m22i15~17+4+32d (-26)+44a
* Balcony Break
* Spike
* 20% (4) Chip damage on block - 30% (9) when powered up
* Do n,f,n,f+2 within 8 total frames (first forward doesn't matter) for powered up (bluespark) version - 26 damage
fengb,f+1m25i25~26-15+10d (+1)+44a
leows1,4,1m, L, m13, 12, 24i22-14+12a (+3)+44a (-3)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 2nd CH
* Spike
* 6 chip damage on block
* Transition to WLF on hit or block only
stevePAB.1,2,1h, h, m10, 14, 21i18~20-13+8c+44a
* Spike
* Combo from 2nd CH
fengf+3,2m, h10, 17i21~22-3+8+43d (+35)
* Combo from 1st hit
* Move can be delayed
jack-8FC.1,2l, m10, 24i32-11+11a (+2)+43a (-4)
* Balcony Break
jindb+2,2m, h12, 11,i8-12-7+43a
Jail from 1st attack
leroyf,F+4,2m, m16, 21,i27~28-14~-13+34a (+19)+43a (-33)
* Tornado
* Combos from 1st hit
liliws1,2,4m, h, L10, 16, 20i22-14+12a+43a
* Combos from 2nd hit CH
High crush 12~
shaheenws3,3m, m9, 25,i17-13+11a (+2)+43a (-4)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
xiaoyuf,F+1+2,1+2m, m12, 20i19-8+7c+43a
* Alternate input ws1+2,1+2
xiaoyuws1+2,1+2m, m12, 20i19~20-8+7c+43a
* Combos from 1st hit
* Alternate input f,F+1+2,1+2
eddyRLX.1,3L, m7, 17,i25~26-14c+5c+42a
* Shifts to RLX
* Combos on 1st CH
* Enter ZEN -1 +11 +49a r26 with F
* Balcony break on airborne hit
jun2,1,4,1h, m, m, m7, 9, 12, 30,i30-9+10a (+1)+42a (-5)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 3rd CH
* Input can be delayed 10f
* Chip damage (9) on block
* Deals 6 damage to self (4 recoverable)
kumadb+1,2*h, m11, 20i34~35-12+13c+42a
* chip damage on block
* Heat skips to Level 2 charge
* Transition to HBS with input D or 3+4
larsf+1,2,3~Bh, m, m10, 11, 20-12+41d (-17)+42a
pandadb+1,2*h, m11, 20i34~35-12+13c+42a
* Floor Break
* chip damage on block
* Heat skips to Level 2 charge
* Transition to HBS with input D or 3+4
steveFLK.1,1,d+1h, h, h14, 8, 23i15~17+0+18g+42a
* Combo from 2nd CH
* Same hit as (FLK.1),d+1
steveFLK.1,d+1h, h14, 23i15~17+0+18g+42a
* Combo from 1st CH
* Spike
victorb+1+2h25i19~20-9+42 (-16) / HE+42 (-16) / HE
* Heat Engager
* Balcony Break
* Deals chip damage on block
Power crush
yoshimitsud+2,2,NSS.d+1M, m, m12, 17, 17,i29~30-12+2c+42a
* Spike
* Input can be delayed 10f
* Move can be delayed 9f
yoshimitsud+2,2,d+1M, m, m12, 17, 17,i29~30-12+2c+42a
* Spike
* Weapon
* Input can be delayed 10f
* Move can be delayed 9f
* Last hit has shorter range and no Weapon property in NSS
* Shift to RLX
* 6 Chip damage on block
fengBT.1+2m20i16~17-3+8+41d (+33)
* Balcony Break (CH only)
leoKNK.1+2M20i25-6+21+41a (+31)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
** On non-CH grounded connect
* Chip Damage on Block
leroydb+1,1+2m, m12, 25i21~22-10~-9+23a (+18)+41a
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st hit CH
steveEXD.1m21i19-7+44d (+36)+41a (+31)
victorPRF.3m21i15~17-8+41 (-17)+41 (-17)
* Heat Engager
* Balcony Break
* Knee
xiaoyuBT.3m18i16-5+7+41d (+33)
* On CH:
Balcony Break
Low crush
zafinab+4,4m, m14, 20,i20~22-14+9a (+0)+41a (-6)
* Balcony Break
* Combos from 1st hit with 16f delay
* Move can be delayed 9f
jack-8f+1,1m, h13, 25i25-7+8d (-1)+40d (-7)
Combos from 1st hit
kazuya3,1,4h, h, m12, 10, 17,i21~22-6+8+40a(+32)
* Combo from 2nd CH
* Can be delayed 14F
* Combo can be delayed 6F from CH
ninaf+2,1,4h, m, h12, 12, 22,i25~27-3~-1+23a (+14)+40a
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 2nd hit with 4f delay
* Combo from 1st CH
* Input can be delayed 19f
* Move can be delayed 18f
bryanf,F+3m25i24~25-13+28a (-8)+39a (-8)
* Balcony Break
* Gain SNE on hit with 1+2
* SNE gain is r25
* Chip damage on block (7)
* Hitstop 20f on hit
jack-81+4,1m25i17(43~)+21g+7a (-2)+39d (-8)
* Balcony Break
* Alternate input hcf,1 to power up
* Chip damage on block (7)
jack-8HCF,1m30i17(43~)+21g+7a (-2)+39d (-8)
* Balcony Break
* Alternate input 1+4,1
* Chip damage on block (9)
larsdf+2m15i14-3+9+39 (+31)
* Elbow
* Transition to SEN
* Cancel SEN transition with input B
Cannot be low parried?
Low crush 8~24 fs25~27 High crush 28~
Balcony Break
yoshimitsudf+1,2m, h14, 16,i25~26-4+14g+39a
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st CH with 2f delay
yoshimitsuws1,2m, h12, 18,i25~26-4+14g+39a
* Balcony Break
* Combos from 1st hit with 4f delay
* Combos from 1st CH with 9f delay
* Input can be delayed 15f
* Move can be delayed 13f
* Balcony Break
* Links to f+2 extensions
* Homing
* Balcony Break
asuka2,1,d+1+2h, h, m9, 10, 23,i28~30-9+3c+38a
* Spike
* Combo from 2nd CH with 1f delay
* Cancel to r20 with B
* Cancel to FC with D
* Interrupt with i10 from 2nd block
* Spike
* Weapon
* Increases ZAN gauge by 0.40 on hit
* Increases ZAN gauge by 0.14 on block
* Only deals recoverable damage
* Homing
* Balcony Break
leroyf+2,3,4h, m, m15, 15, 20,i21~22-9+8+38d (+30)
* Knee
* Transition to HRM
* Combo from 2nd hit CH
leroyd+2,4l, l11, 11,i24~25-13~-12-2c+38d
High crush
lidiaCAT.1m26i17-8+18a (+9)+38a (+30)
Balcony Break
ravenBT.f+3m17i13~14-5~-4+6+38a (+30)
* Knee
* Can transition to r45 BT at -8/+3/+35a (+27) with input B
xiaoyuws2m17i13-3+7+38a (+28)
* Recover facing forward with F (-5, +5, +36a (+26))
High crush 6~
* Weapon
* Cancel to r34 FC with DB on frame 16
High crush 22~
Cancel to r34 FC with DB on frame 16
High crush 22~
zafinaf,F+2h20i15~16+1+21a (+12)+38a
* Homing
* Balcony Break
* 6 chip damage on block
azucena4,3h, M15, 17,i26~27-11+19g+37a
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st CH with 8f delay
* Input can be delayed 12f
* Opponent recovers crouching on hit
devil-jindb+1+2*m25i39~60+17g +24w+7+37d (+29)
* Wall Crush +24g on block
* Balcony Break on CH or air hit
* Cancel to r27 MCR with F (js27~)
* 10 Chip Damage on block
* 11 Chip Damage on block while in heat
* Transition to SIT (Cannot cancel)
leews2,4m, h12, 23i27-2+13g+37a
* Balcony Break
* Combos from 1st hit
leroydf+4,3m, m14, 14,i20~21-9+7+37d (+29)
* Knee
* Combo from 1st hit CH
* Delayable
lidiaCAT.1+2m25i16-3+27g+37 (+29)
* Tornado
* Transition to WLF on hit or block only
* Transition to SIT (Cannot cancel)
High crush 6~49
ravenws2m17i13~14-8~-7+8~+9+37a (+27)
victorb+1+4m24i26~27-21+37 (+6)+37 (+6)
xiaoyuBT.d+3,4l, h12, 20i19-5+20a (+11)+37a
* Balcony Break
* Combos from 1st hit CH
zafinadb+1+2,1+2L, m10, 20,i33-16+5a (-4)+37a (-10)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* Combos from 1st hit
High crush 6~
alisab+2,4m, h12, 20,i16~17-7+12g+36a
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st hit with 12f delay
clive3,3m, M16, 20,i30~32-18~-16+12a (-5)+36a (+26)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* Input can be delayed 1f
clivedf+1,4,3m, m, M10, 12, 20,i27~28-18~-16+12a (-5)+36a (+26)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* Move can be delayed by 9f
dragunov1,1,3h, h, m5, 8, 22,i25~26-9+15a (+6)+36a (+0)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 2nd CH with 5f delay
* Input can be 10f delayed
dragunovws1,3m, m11, 17,i17~18-13+15a (+6)+36a (+0)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st hit
dragunovws3m21i16~17-9+15a (+6)+36a (+0)
Balcony Break
fengb+1h17i10~11-12+1+36d (+28)
heihachiSS.2m20i23~24-9+9+36a (+28)
* Enter RAI -5 +13 r24 with F
High crush
steveuf+4m20i23-9+22a (+5)+36a (+26)
Balcony Break
Low crush 9~
* Alternate input: ub+3 or u+3
Low crush 7-15
asuka3,1m, m17, 17,i18~19-11+8+35a (+27)
* Combo from 1st hit with 14f delay
* Input can be delayed 14f
* Move can be delayed 10f
* Balcony break on CH
asukadb+4,4L, L14, 15,i31~33-7+4+35a
Transition to r22 FC with D
High crush 1~49
asukadb+4,4,4L, L, L14, 15, 16,i31~33-7+4+35a
Transition to r22 FC with D
High crush 1~49
* Homing
* Balcony Break
clivePHX.2m12i15-7+4+35d (+27)
* Balcony Break
* Weapon
* 7 Chip Damage on block
* 5 Chip Damage on block in heat
heihachid+1,2m, m12, 14,i27~28-9+9+35a (+28)
* Combo from 1st hit with 2f delay
* Input can be delayed 11f
* Move can be delayed 10f
* Enter RAI -5 +13 r24 with F
jundb+4,4L, L14, 15,i31~33-7~-5+4~+6+35a
* Combo from 1st CH
* Transition to r22 FC with D
,High crush 1~49
jundb+4,4,4L, L, L14, 15, 16,i31~33-7~-5+4~+6+35a
* Transition to r22 FC with D
,High crush 1~49
paulf+1+2m22i20~21+3c+8c+35d (+27)
* Balcony Break (CH only)
* Chip damage (4)
* Move can be delayed 9f (i29~30)
* Delayed startup from 5~23f charge
* [[Paul_movelist#Paul-f+1+2*|f+1+2*]] at 24f charge
* [[Paul_movelist#Paul-H.f+1+2*|H.f+1+2*]] at 24f charge
pauld+1,4,2M, L, m16, 15, 21,i21-14+3d (-6)+35a (-12)
* Balcony Break
* Elbow
* Combo from 2nd CH +11d (+4)
pauld+4,2,1+2L, m, m9, 23, 26,i26~27-17+3d (-6)+35a (-12)
* Balcony Break
* Move can be delayed 4f
* Input can be delayed 4f
* Combo from 1st CL with 4f delay +13d (+6)
* Combo from 1st CH with 4f delay +13d (+6)
* Combo from 2nd hit with 4f delay +13d (+6)
* Perfect input window 21~22f after 2 input
pauld+4,2:1+2L, m, m9, 23, 30,i26~27-17+3d (-6)+35a (-12)
* Balcony Break
* Move can be delayed 1f
* Input can be delayed 1f
* Combo from 1st CL with 1f delay +13d (+6)
* Combo from 1st CH with 1f delay +13d (+6)
* Combo from 2nd hit with 1f delay +13d (+6)
* Perfect input window 21~22f after 2 input
* Perfect input increases damage, wall carry
paulf,f,F+2m,t21,34i18~19-9+0d FDFA+35a
* Spike on 2nd hit
* Transition to throw on airborne hit
* +17d FDFA without throw transition
* Balcony Break
* Opponent is FUFA on CH
* Balcony Break
* Opponent is FUFA on CH
victordf+3,4,2m, m, sm10, 14, 23i32~34-9+17a (+10)+35a
* Tornado
* Deals chip damage on block
victord+1+2sm21i19~21-9+17 (+10)+35a
* Tornado
* Deals chip damage on block
victorws2m15i14~15-8+6+35a (+25)
devil-jinf,n,d,df+1+2m25i26~27-9+12a (+3)+34a
* Homing
* Balcony Break
* 7 Chip Damage on block
* 10 Chip Damage on block while in heat
* Opponent recovers FUFA on CH
junSS.2m27i16-9+14a (+5)+34d (+26)
* Balcony Break
* Tornado
* Restores 3 health and 3 recoverable on hit
leodf+1,2m, h13, 20i18-6+9d+34d (+26)
Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st CH with 7?F delay
* Move can be delayed 8?F
liliFC.df+1m25i14-6+19a (+2)+34d (+26)
* Balcony Break
steveDCK.1m17i19-7+58a (+27)+34a (+24)
victor4,3,2h, m, m15, 17, 25i25~26-13+34d (+13)+34d (+13)
* Balcony Break
* Deals chip damage on block
alisa1,2,d+2h, h, l5, 10, 17,i27~28-11+2+33a
* Combo from 2nd CH
* Input can be delayed 8f
* Move can be delayed 7f
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 11~27
* fs28~30</div>
azucena3,2m, m11, 18,i23~24-12+6+33d (+25)
* Combo from 1st hit with 5f delay
* Input can be delayed 10f delay
bryanws3m17i12-10+4+33a (+27)
* Knee
* Can be charged to power up
High crush 6
jack-8FC.df+3+4m28i21-9+1a (-8)+33a (-14)
* Balcony Break
jinub+4m15i15~17-13+19a (+9)+33a (+23a)
Balcony Break
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 9~20
* fs21~23</div>
* Jump straight up knee, very short range.
kumaws1,2*m, m13, 28,i35-12+18c+33a (-2)
* Heat skips to Level 2 charge
* Transition to HBS with input D or 3+4
* Balcony Break
* Tornado
lawu+4m12i15-13+19a (+9)+33a (+23)
Low crush
* Clean hit +2
* Staggers on block
* Causes float on hit if db+4,1 is input
High crush 11~
leoub+4m15i15~16-13~-12+19a (+9)+33a (+23)
* Balcony Break
Low crush 9~
leroydf+1,1+2,2m, h10, 9, 17,i24-10+3+33d (-25)
* Partially restores remaining Heat time when successful during Heat
* Combos from 1st hit CH
Parry state
leroyub+2m17i20-10+3+33d (+25)
Has punch parry effect (partially restores remaining Heat time when successful during Heat)
Parry state
* Transition to WLF on hit or block only
* Crouching state ends early on frame 20 when transitioning to WLF
* WLF transition is -14
High crush 11~31
High crush 16~
pandaws1,2*m, m13, 28,i35-12+18c+33a (-2)
* Heat skips to Level 2 charge
* Transition to HBS with input D or 3+4
* Balcony Break
* Tornado
victorf,F+2m24i18~20-16+33 (+23)+33 (+23)
* Tornado
* Deals chip damage on block
BKP transition is -18~-10
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 9~23
* fs24~26</div>
Balcony break on CH
azucenaws1m17i13~14-8+6+32a (+26)
Only hits grounded up-close and off-axis
bryand+2,3m, m17, 21,i22-10+16a (-1)+32a (+18)
* Balcony Break
* Knee
* Combo from 1st CH with 10f delay
* Move can be delayed 9f
eddyf+3,4h, m16, 25,i29~31-11~-9+15a (+6)+32a
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st hit
* Can cancel to r23 HSP with F, -17 on block -5 on hit
* Cancel to HSP -17 -5 r23 with F
fengws1,2,1m, m, m13, 16, 20i17~18-14+12d (+3)+32d (+24)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 2nd CH
* Move can be delayed
jack-84h18i16-4+7+32d (+22)
Balcony Break on CH
jack-8f+2h22i10-12+5+32a (+24)
jack-8f+4m20i17-4+7+32d (+22)
Balcony Break on CH
Hits grounded up-close only
kazuyadf+1,df+2m, m11, 22i22-8+18c+32a(+22)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st CH with 6?F delay
larsb+2,1m, m12, 17,i15-10+4+32a
* Combo from 1st hit
* Can be delayed from 1st hit by ??? frames
* Can be delayed by a total of ??? frames
leouf+2,1m, m15, 17i25~26-8~-7+4+32d
* Combo from 1st hit
** [[Leo combos#Mini-combos|+23a (+16)]]
Low crush 0~12
liliuf+4,3m, m18, 30i24-9+41d (-17)+32d (+24)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* Combos from 1st hit
* Balcony Break (CH only)
* Transition to FC with D
High crush 6~
* Chip on block [6]
Automatically transitions to BT
zafinaSCR.1,4h, m12, 18,i22-6+7+32a
* Spike
* Combo from 1st hit
bryan4,3,f+4h, m, h15, 12, 18,i24~25-5+6+31a (+21)
Combo from 2nd CH
dragunovf+2,4h, m16, 24,i19~20-7+28a (+23)+31a (+25)
* Balcony Break
* Knee
* Combo from 1st CH with 10f delay
* Input can be delayed 10f
Shift to HSP
High crush 6
High crush 6
* Homing
* Recovers in BT
* Shifts to Right Stance
* Knocks down on CH for dash OTG throw.
larsdf+2~Bm15-11+1+31 (+23)
law4,3,4h, h, h15, 12, 14i20-6-1+31a (+24)
* Combos off of 1st hit CH
* Transition to DSS with F
** (+8 oB, +13g, +45a (+38))
** DSS allows full combo off of Magic 4
leows3,1,2M, m, h9, 9, 20i24~25-9~-8+6d+31d (+23)
* Combo from 1st CH
* Alternate input CD.3,1,2
leroydb+1,3m, h12, 17i18~190~+1+8~+9+31a
Combo from 1st hit
* Homing
* Balcony break on airborne or CH
shaheen4,1h, h16, 14,i18-5+5+31a (+24)
Low crush
victordf+2m14i15~16-14+31a (+21)+31a (+21)
* Homing
* Enter IND -26 +8c +35a r24 with d+3+4
* Can be done from [[Crouch#Crouch_levels|Crouch Level 2]]
High crush 1~
* Homing
* Enter IND -26 +8 +35a r24 with d+3+4
High crush 1~
devil-jinb+4M20i17~18-8+6+30a (+24)
Opponent recovers FDFA on grounded hit
dragunovf,F+2m20i15~16-12+15a+30d (+22)
* Balcony Break
* Spike
Shift to HSP
jack-82,3h, m10, 18i19-13+5+30d (+22)
* Knee
* 2nd hit Balcony Break on CH
jund+3+4l,h5,20i14 i24~27-25-6 (high blocked)+30a (+20)
* Combo from 1st CH
* Jails from 1st hit
Low crush 5~45, Low crush 1~27 fs28~30
Alternate inputs: ub+3, u+3
Low crush 11~27 fs28~30
Showing 400 of 5574 moves