

CharCommandHit levelDamageStartupBlockHitCounter hitNotes
shaheendb+1+2ub(m)40i64~65+42 (+11)+42 (+11)
asukaf+3**m!28i70~71+28a (+19)+28a (+19)
* Balcony Break
* Cancel to r58? with B
jack-81+4,1m25i17(43~)+21g+7a (-2)+39d (-8)
* Balcony Break
* Alternate input hcf,1 to power up
* Chip damage on block (7)
jack-8HCF,1m30i17(43~)+21g+7a (-2)+39d (-8)
* Balcony Break
* Alternate input 1+4,1
* Chip damage on block (9)
reinab+1+4ub(m)50i64+20d (-1)+20d (-1)
* Balcony Break
* Can cancel with input b,b
reinab+1+4ub(m)50i64+20 (-1)+20 (-1)
* Balcony Break
* Can cancel with input b,b
kazuyaub+1+2h32i41+19d (-39)+19d (-39)
* Chip damage when guarded
* Jack-8 or Alisa can recovery 20 by input 1+2
* Balcony Break
* Heat Smash
* Recovers in HYP, max level
* Recover facing forward with F (+4)
* Recovers in SIT, then stands up
devil-jindb+1+2*m25i39~60+17g +24w+7+37d (+29)
* Wall Crush +24g on block
* Balcony Break on CH or air hit
* Cancel to r27 MCR with F (js27~)
* 10 Chip Damage on block
* 11 Chip Damage on block while in heat
Balcony Break
* Transition to SIT (Cannot cancel)
* Automatically transitions to DSS on hit and block
** On hit, guaranteed DSS.1, DSS.f+1, DSS.2, DSS.f+2, DSS.3+4,4
* Transition to SIT (Cannot cancel)
* Heat Smash
* Floor Break
* Transition to attack throw on hit
Low crush 9
bryanSNE.f,F+1+2 (on absorb)m20i13+15 / +21wc+43d
* Balcony Break
* Wall Crush +21g on block
* Consumes SNE
claudiob+2+3ub(m)60i72+15a (-11)+15a (-11)
Balcony Break
* Guard Break
* Reversal Break
* Cancel with b,b or f,f
* Transition to HAE on hit or block only
* Cancel HAE transition with B
* Partially uses remaining Heat time
* Hold for 55 frames
* Tornado
* Cancel with b,b or f,f on frames 10~18
* Transition to HAE on hit or block only
* Cancel HAE transition with B
* Balcony break on airborne hit
jack-8db+3, ... 1+2l,h15,21i34+14g+43a (-15)
* Balcony Break
ninaH.2+3m,h,h,h,h20,9,12,9,12i16 i28 i35 i42 i49+14+43a (+10)
* Heat Smash
* Jails
* Heat Smash
* Transition to r20 SZN on block
yoshimitsuKIN.2,NSS.1+2*m,M15,30,i47~49+14~+16+69a (+49)
* Balcony Break
* Spike
* Weapon
* Guard Break
* 12 chip damage on block
* Recovers health on hit
jack-8uf+3+4m23i34 js8+13cg+20d
* Automatically transitions to SIT on hit or block
Low crush 8
Low crush
shaheenH.D*,u+2h35i18~19+13+63 (+47)
* Balcony Break
* Tornado
* Guard break
Low crush
fengH.3+4ub(m)30i30~31+12c g+19d
* Partially consumes remaining Heat
* Creates an unblockable shockwave along the ground that is +7g on hit and forces the opponent to crouch. The shockwave comes out even if the kick itself whiffs, or is parried by certain parries like Jin's or Reina's. It can be absorbed by a Power Crush.
fengH.2+3m,m22,26i21,24+12, +24 on STC at Wall, +19 at Wall+30d (-6)
Heat Smash
* Chip damage on block
* Transitions to STC on block, can cancel with b, change to BKP with b, in STC stance.
fengH.2+3m,m22,26i21,24+12, +24 on STC at Wall, +19 at Wall+30d (-6)
Heat Smash
* Chip damage on block
* Transitions to STC on block, can cancel with b, change to BKP with b, in STC stance.
* Heat Smash
* Floor Break
* Shifts to JGR on block (without heat).
* Hold b to cancel shift, becomes +7 on block.
* Beats all Power Crush armor, hits OTG.
pandaH.uf+3+4m21 (8)i16~17+12g+7a
* Partially uses remaining heat time
* Transition to SIT (cannot cancel)
steveub+1+2ub(m)70i66+12a (+1)+12a (+1)
* Balcony Break
asukaNWG.f,f,F+1+2h36i17~18+11g+66a (+50)
* Tornado
* Homing
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block
* Consumes NWG
* During Heat, remaining Heat is consumed
* Unparryable by traditional parries, Asuka, Nina, etc
* Heat Smash
* Jail from 1st attack
* Transition to attack throw on hit
* Transition to MCR on block only
* 8 Chip Damage on block
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 15~52
* fs53~55</div>
* Strong Aerial Tailspin
* Weapon
* Balcony break on airborne hit
* Transition to r20 MCR on hit or block only
* 2 Chip Damage on block
* 3 Chip Damage on block while in heat
* Balcony Break On air hit
* Weapon
* Combo from 1st CH with 1f delay
* Transition to MCR on hit or block only
* 2 Chip Damage on block
* 3 Chip Damage on block while in heat
fengH.f,F+1+2*m30i39+11+22a (+12)
* Balcony Break
* Guard Break
* Partially uses remaining Heat Time
hwoarangH.2+3m,m,h13,14,24(51)i17~18, i18~19, i29+11+13
* Heat Smash
* Jails
* Also possible during Right Stance and Left Flamingo
* Shifts to Right Flamingo
jack-8GMC.2h42i20 pc1+11+31a (+5)
* Tornado
* Guard Break
* Balcony Break
* Partially uses remaining Heat time
* Chip damage on block (4)
Power crush 1
jack-8GMH.2h40i20+11g+21d (+11)
* Balcony Break
* Tornado
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage when guarded
lawH.2+3m,t24,4,5,5,5,7 (50)i14+11g+5
* Heat Smash
* Balcony Break
* Automatically transitions to DSS on block
ninaf,F+1+2*M32i33~34+11g~+12g+19a (+9)
Balcony Break
* Heat Smash
* Floor Break
* 17 chip damage on block
* Transition to attack throw on hit
* +15a if only the last hit connects
* +11d (-24) if only the last two hits connect
* 2nd hit damage 11 > 18 if 1st hit whiffs
* 3rd hit damage 27 > 30 if 1st hit whiffs
* Hit level becomes m,m,m on block/whiff
Low crush 5~
asukadb+1+2m,m10,20i42 i3+10g +25w+18a (+9)
* Balcony Break
* Wall Crush +25g on block
* Sabaki, parries lows except weapons
Parry state 8~20
* Shifts to Right Flamingo
* RFF.3,4,F to cancel and shift to Right Flamingo
kumaH.2+3m51i13~15+10+33 (+23)
* Heat Smash
* Transition to SIT (cannot cancel)
lidiaH.1+2*m30i42~64+10g+37a (+29)
* Reversal Break
* Cancel with b,b or f,f
* Transition to HAE on hit or block only
* Cancel HAE transition with B
* Partially uses remaining Heat time
* Hold for 31~54 frames
lidiaH.WLF.1m24i22+10g+38a (+30)
* Balcony Break
* Tornado
* Cancel with b,b or f,f on frames 10~18
* Transition to HAE on hit or block only
* Cancel HAE transition with B
* Heat Smash
* Balcony Break
* Transition to r31 HAE on block
* Cancel HAE transition with B
* Transition to attack throw on hit
Low crush 77~105
* Transition to SIT (cannot cancel)
paulH.1+2*m40i46+10+30d (-6) FDFA
* Balcony Break
Wall Crush +17g
* Consumes Heat unless canceled
* Chip damage (16)
* Move can be delayed 21f (i67)
* Charge begins on frame 1
* Requires 28~55f charge
* Delayed startup from 35~55f charge
* Cancel to t27~35 r1 [[Paul_movelist#CS_(Cormorant Step)|CS]] from 17~35f with f
** Sidestep u can be buffered 2f after cancel
** CS attacks can be buffered from 26f
** Decaying 13f delay on CS attacks
*** Decays to 0 delay 24f after cancel
* Cancel to t41~49 r12 [[Paul_movelist#SWA_(Sway)|SWA]] from 17~35f with b
** Sidestep u can be buffered from 27f
** SWA attacks can be buffered from 26f
* [[Paul_movelist#Paul-H.1+2|H.1+2]] from 1~27f charge
* [[Paul_movelist#Paul-H.1+2**|Burning Fist]] at 56f charge
alisaDBT.1h,h,h,h,h,h30i24~28 i1~6 i1~6 i1~6 i1~6 i1~2+9+11g
* Weapon
* Jail from 1st attack
* 3 chip damage on block
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 17~34
* fs35~37</div>
bryan3+4,SNE.2*m,m20,30i55~56+9+66a (+50)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* Consumes SNE
* Chip damage on block (12)
* Causes a wall splat on block
* Cannot be absorbed by Power Crush
* Instant Tornado launcher
* Tornado
* Shifts to HSP on block
* 6 chip damage on block
* Balcony Break
* 13 chip damage on block
* Shifts to RLX
jack-8ss2h20i17+9+35d (+27)
* Balcony Break
* Transition to GMH with D
** (+9 oB, +35d (+27) oH)
* Chip damage on block (6)
jinH.2+3,4m,h,m12,20,21i15~16+9+32a (-4)+32a (-4)
* Heat Smash
* Wall Crush +21g on block
* Balcony Break
jinZEN.3+4hi21~i27+9~+15+19~ (+9~)
* Wall Crush +15g~+21g on block
Balcony Break
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage when guarded
Low crush 3~
kumaH.df+2+3*sm26i25~26+9+45 (+35)
* Partially uses remaining heat time
* H.f,n,d,df+2* to power up
* Cannot absorb with power crush
* Combo from 2nd CH
* Enter CD -5 +1 +5 with df
* Combo from 1st CH
* Combo from 1st hit
* Enter CD -5 +1 +5 with df
* Same move as [[Leo movelist#Leo-f+4|f+4]]
* Balcony Break
* Homing
* Transition to HRM
* Cancel into HRM with input b+3,3+4
* chip damage on block
* Heat Smash
* Homing
* Floor Break
Low crush
liliH.2+3h,h,m,M15,15,15,30i23~24 i14~15 i36~38 i9~11+9+20d(-15)
* Heat Smash
* Homing
* Floor Break
Low crush
pauld+1,2*M16,39,i43+9+20d (+10)
* Balcony Break
* Wall Crush +16g
* [[Paul_movelist#Paul-H.d+1,2*|H.d+1,2*]] with Heat
* Chip damage (11)
* Charge begins on frame 16
* Requires 27f charge
* [[Paul_movelist#Paul-d+1,2|d+1,2]] from 0~26f charge
* Heat Smash
* Balcony Break
* Recovers in BT
* Recover facing forward with F (+5)
Low crush
xiaoyuf,F+4h20i20+9+13g c+58a (+38)
* Balcony Break
* Automatically transitions to HYP on hit or block
* Chip on block [6]
alisaH.2+3m50 (28)i20~21+8-15d
* Heat Smash
* Transition to SBT with 3_4
* Transition to DBT with f+3_f+4
* 14 chip damage on block
* Spike
* Chip damage when guarded
* Consumes Naniwa Gusto
* During Heat, remaining Heat is consumed
Low crush 9~31
bryanf,F+3*m33i34~35+8 +14wc+71a
* Balcony Break
* Gain SNE on hit with 1+2
* Chip damage on block (9)
claudioSTB.f,f,F+1+2h45i13+8+29a (+19)
* Chip damage when guarded
* Wall Crush +8g on block
Low crush
* Spike
* Opponent recovers FDFA on hit
* 6 Chip Damage on block
* 8 Chip Damage on block while in heat
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 1~38
* fs39~41</div>
eddy1,2,4~4h,h,h5,12,27,i18~20+8~+10+42d (-16)
* Balcony Break
* Tech roll to r45 FC on frames 30-31
* Wall crush on block, +20g minimum
* Unparryable by traditional parries, Nina, Asuka, etc
Low crush 7~32
Balcony Break
* Shift to HSP on block
* 9 Chip damage on block
* Chip damage on block
* Transition to +4c +4c STC with f
* Chip damage on block
* Transition to STC with f
* Shifts to Right Flamingo
* Shift to Right Flamingo
* Shifts to Right Flamingo
* Shifts to Right Flamingo
* Shifts to Right Flamingo
jack-8f+4~1,2m30i15 (66~)+8+0d
* Balcony Break
* Guard Break
* Chip damage on block.
* On block / hit increases up to 2nd spin.
* Damage increase up to 3rd spin.
kumaf,F+1+2m30i37~38+8 HBS / +5 ROL52a HBS / +49a ROL
* Chip damage
* Transition to HBS (cannot cancel into standing)
* Transition to ROL with input F
larsH.2+3m55i18~19+8 (+10 DEN)+0
* Heat Smash
* Spike
* Transition to DEN on block
* Cancel auto-DEN transition with input B
leoH.2+3m,m,h14,13,23 (50)i16~17+8~+9+5a
* Heat Smash
* Balcony Break
* Enter CD +16g with df on block
* Strong Aerial Tailspin
* 7 chip damage on block
* Spike
* 6 chip damage on block
* Transition to WLF on hit or block only
pandaf,F+1+2m30i37~38+8 HBS / +5 ROL52a HBS / +49a ROL
* Chip damage
* Transition to HBS (cannot cancel into standing)
* Transition to ROL with input F
* Balcony Break
* [[Paul_movelist#Paul-H.b+2,1*|H.b+2,1*]] with Heat
* Chip damage (7)
* Charge begins on frame 18
* Requires 42f charge
* [[Paul_movelist#Paul-b+2,1|b+2,1]] from 0~41f charge
paulSS.1h21i20+8+35a (+27)
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage (6)
* Effective minimum startup 30f
* Heat Smash
* Balcony Break
* Alternate input: H.R1
* Jails from 1st block
* Transitions to attack throw on 1st hit for a total of 50 dmg
* Transitions to r53 WRA on 2nd block, whiff or hit
* +19d WRA if only second hit connects (25 dmg)
steveH.2+3m,th10,4,2,3,3,3,25i16+8 LNH+0
* Heat Smash
* Floor Break
* Spike
* Chip damage on block
* On block, transitions to LNH
* Alternate input: H.FLK.2+3 or H.PAB.2+3
reinaH.2+3m50i21+8 WRAThTh
* Heat Smash
* Alternate input: H.R1
* Transitions to WRA on block or whiff.
victorH.IAI.d+2m45i23~24+8+20 (+2)+20 (+2)
* Transition to IAI on hit
Low crush
* Homing
* Balcony Break
* 8 chip damage on block
Low crush ?~
azucenaH.LIB.1,2,F+7+54a (+34)
*Chip damage on block
azucenaH.b+1,1,2,F+7+54a (+34)
* Chip damage on block
azucenaH.b+2,F+7+54a (+34)
* Balcony Break
* Homing
* Chip damage on block
<div class="plainlist">
* ,Low crush 15~30
* ,fs31~33</div>
Chip damage on block
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +5, [[Dragunov combos#Staples|+67a (+50)]]
* Balcony Break
* Floor Break
* Chip damage on block
* Shifts to Right Flamingo
* Forces crouching on hit.
* Allow crouching throw on hit.
* Chip damage on block.
kumauf+4,3m,m20,25,i20~21+7+21a (+14)
* Balcony Break
* Only connects on hit or block
* Recovers in FUFT
Low crush
Recovers in FUFT
law3+4,4m,m,h5,10,25i30+7 (+10g w)+31d (-27)
* Balcony Break
* Combos from 1st hit
* Chip damage on block
* Alternate input DSS.3+4,4
Low crush
lawDSS.f+4h40i19+7 (+10g w)+31d (-27)
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block
* While transitioning to DSS from other moves, it is possible to input DSS.f+4 as a Just Frame (ex; 4,3~F:DSS.f+4) for 4 more damage.
* chip damage on block
* power up during Heat (partially uses remaining Heat time)
* Can be delayed
* chip damage on block
* power up during Heat (partially uses remaining Heat time)
* Delayable
* 9 chip damage on block
* Hold for 55 frames
* Tornado
* 13 Chip damage on block
pandaH.2+3m44 (16)i15~16+7 / +6 ROL / +11 HBS-3 / N/A ROL / N/A HBS
* Heat Smash
* Spike
* Alternate input: H.HBS.2+3
* Transition to ROL with input F
* Transition to HBS with input D or 3+4
pandauf+4,3m,m20,25,i20~21+7+21a (+14)
* Balcony Break
* Only connects on hit or block
* Recovers in FUFT
Low crush
Recovers in FUFT
ravenH.f,f,F+3,4m,sm20,20i26~28, i43~44+7~+8+72a (+56)
* Tornado
* Partially uses remaining Heat time
* Available only on hit or block
* Spike
* Elbow
* Deals chip damage on block
* Transitions to r26 SZN on hit or block only
xiaoyuf,f,F+3m20i23+7+29a (+19)
* Automatically transitions to AOP on hit or block
* Chip on block [9]
* Alternate input wr3
Low crush
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +5g~7g +62a (+42)
* Balcony Break
* Weapon
* Combo from 1st hit
* 4 chip damage on block
* Does not transition to DGF during Heat activation and Heat Dash
* Power up in NSS or Heat
* Recovers in 1SS
,Low crush 26~
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +5g~7g +62a (+42)
* Balcony Break
* Weapon
* Combo from 1st hit
* 7 chip damage on block
* Recovers health no hit
* Does not transition to DGF during Heat Dash
* Recovers in 1SS
,Low crush 26~
yoshimitsuf,f,F+3,UM30+7g~+8g+15a (+5)
Unavailable in NSS
,Low crush 1~
yoshimitsuDGF.f+2h23i20~21+7~+8+19a (+10)+64a (+44)
* Homing
* Balcony Break
* Weapon
* Alternate input: FLE.f+2
Low crush 1~
yoshimitsuFLE.f+2h23i20~21+7g~+8g+19a (+10)+64a (+44)
* Homing
* Balcony Break
Low crush 1~
* Balcony Break
* Cancel SCR transition +3, +15a with B
* 9 chip damage on block
Low crush ?~
* Combo from 2nd hit
* 2 chip damage on block
asuka1,2,3*h,m,m6,9,26,i52~53+6+28a (+19)
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block
* Cancel to r15 with B
* Interrupt with i36 from 2nd block
asukaf+3*m26i52~i53+6~+7+28a (+19)
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block
* Cancel to r55? with B
* Heat Smash
* Reversal Break
* Balcony Break
* 17 chip damage on block
* Transition to attack throw on hit
* Enter LIB +6 automatically on block/whiff
* +15a if only the last hit connects
* +30a (+20) if only the last two hits connect
* 2nd hit damage 9 > 15 if 1st hit whiffs
* 3rd hit damage 29 > 30 if 1st hit whiffs
* Hit level becomes m,h,m on block/whiff
* Spike on the last hit if the first two whiff
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 18~57
* fs58~60
bryanf,f,F+3m30i22~25+6+13a (+3)
Chip damage on block (9)
claudiof,f,F+2h40i13~16+6+24a (+19)
* Heat Engager
* Grants STB on hit, adv. changes to +1a (-4)
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage when guarded
Low crush 3~
claudioSTB.d+1,2m,m16,23i17, i28+6+28(+13)
* Tornado
* Chip damage when guarded
claudioSTB.ws1,2m,m12,23i12+6+28a (+13)
* Tornado
* Chip damage when guarded
devil-jinf,f,F+3m30i22~25+6+13a (+3)
* Balcony Break
* 9 Chip Damage on block
* 12 Chip Damage on block while in heat
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 3~25
* fs26~28</div>
* Heat Smash
* Balcony Break
** Only 1st and 3rd hit
* Chip damage on block
* Throw on 1st hit - 50 damage
Power crush
Floor Break
* Heat Smash
* Balcony Break
* Shifts to RLX on block
* Shift to RLX
* 6 Chip damage on block
* Shift to RLX
* 6 Chip damage on block
* Can shift to RLX with input HSP.b+4,D
* 7 Chip damage on block
* Balcony Break
* Can shift to RLX with input HSP.b+4,D
* 7 Chip damage on block
fengf,F+1+2*m30i39+6+22a (+12)
* Balcony Break
* Wall Crush +18g
* Becomes Essence of Nian Zhang Mie Ba in Heat
fengf,f,F+3m30i20~25+6~+11g+13d (+3)
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block
Low crush 5
* Shifts to Right Stance
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block
* Also possible during Right Stance
Low crush
* Shifts to Left Flamingo
* RFF.f+3,B to shift to Backturn Stance
* Can be charged to power up
* Chip damage on block (7)
* Guarantees i10 moves on hit
* Alternate input wr2
* Floor Break
jinf,f,F+3m30i22~i23+6~+7+13a~+14a (+3~+4)
* Alternate input: WR.3 or f,n,d,df,UF+3
* Homing
* Combo from 2nd CH with 5f delay
* Jail from 2nd block with 1f delay
* Restores 2 health on hit
* Homing
* Combo from 1st hit with 5f delay
* Restores 2 health on hit
* Homing
* Alternate input: ub+2
junf,F+1+2m32i22+6+23a (+13)
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage (6) on block; +5 chip damage in Heat
* Deals 6 damage to self (4 recoverable)
* Heat Engager
* Spike
kumaf,f,F+3m30i22~23+6+13a (+3)
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block
larsf,f,F+3m30i20~26+6+33 (-25)
* Balcony Break
* chip damage on block
Low crush
lawf,f,F+3m30i20~28+6+35d (-23)
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block
* Alternate input wr3
Low crush
leof,f,F+3m30i23~26+6~+9+13a (+3)
* Balcony Break
* Alternate input wr3
Low crush 3~
leroyH.2+3m50 (25)i15+6+0
* Heat Smash
* Balcony Break
* Alternate input: H.HRM.2+3
* Also possible after Twin Dragon Gate is successful
* Transition to HRM on block
* Balcony Break
* chip damage on block
lidiaf,f,F+1h24i13~15+6+24a (+19)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* 7 Chip damage on block
lidiaf,f,F+3m30i23~25+6+37d (-21)
* Balcony Break
* 9 Chip damage on block
Low crush 12~33 34~36
lidiaHAE.2m,m10,26i13, i20~21+6+14a
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block
* Power up based on Heaven and Earth level
* +35a (-1) on hit with HAE level 3
* 2nd hit available on hit or block only
* Balcony Break
* Transition to +0, +11 RAB with b+3 or b+4
pandaf,f,F+3m30i22~23+6+13a (+3)
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block
raven(Back to wall).b,b,UBm21i40~43+6~+9+28a (+19)
Balcony Break
is8~13 Low crush ?~? fs?~?
reinaf,f,F+3m22i24~27+6+32a (+24)
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage when guarded
Low crush
reinaSSH.uf+3m22i30~33+6+32a (+24)
* Balcony Break
reinaWRA.3,4m,m17,20,i18~19+6+17a (+16)
* Balcony Break
* Deals chip damage on block
* Can transition to WRA (+8/+19a (+18)/-) with input D
* Jails from 1st block
* Combo from 1st hit
Low crush 9~36 fs37~39
shaheenH.2+3m50i16~17+6+27 (-8)
* Spike
* Heat Smash
* Transition to SNK
Heat Engager
Heat Dash (+5/+67a (+50)/-)
* Balcony Break
* Spike
* Chip Damage On block
reinaf,f,F+3m22i24~27+6+32 (+24)
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage when guarded
reinaSSH.uf+3m22i30~33+6+32a (+24)
* Balcony Break
reinaWRA.3,4m,m17,14,i18~19+6+17 (+16)
* Balcony Break
* Deals chip damage on block
* Can transition to WRA (+8/+19 (+18)/-) with input D
* Jails from 1st block
* Combo from 1st hit
victorH.db+1+2m30i28~29+6+6a (-4)+6a (-4)
* Transitions to IAI
* Partially uses remaining Heat time
* Balcony Break
* Deals chip damage on block
xiaoyuH.f,F+1,2m,m13,23i15, i20+6c+24d
* Balcony Break
* Partially uses remaining Heat time
* Combos from 1st hit
* Recovers in BT
* Recover facing forward with F (+4, +22d)
Low crush
xiaoyuH.f+2,1,2m,h,m12,14,23i16, i20, i20+6c+23d
* Balcony Break
* Partially uses remaining Heat time
* Combos from 1st hit
* Recovers in BT
* Recover facing forward with F (+4, +21d)
Low crush
* Recover facing forward with F (+4c, +5c, +47a)
* Alternate input u+2
* Chip on block [6]
Low crush
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +5 +67a(+50
* Spike
* Azazel's Power
* Zafina receives recoverable health damage
* Gains Power Crush frames during Heat
* 9 chip damage on block
* Hold D to transition to TRT (remains +6/+17d)
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +5 +35d
* Azazel's Power
* Zafina receives recoverable health damage
* 12 chip damage on block
* Gains Power Crush frames during heat
* Spike
* Combo from 1st hit
<div class="plainlist">
* ,Low crush 6~78
* ,fs79~81</div>
alisaf,f,F+2h30i13~15+5~+7+28a (+20)
* Balcony Break
* 9 chip damage on block
* Enter DES with 1+2
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 3~27
* fs28~30</div>
alisaDES.f+1+2m,m,m,m,m,m,m,m34i23~27 i1~5 i1~4 i1~4 i1~5 i1~5 i1~4 i1~1+5+33
* Weapon
* Combo from any hit
* 6 chip damage on block
* Spike
* Chip damage on block
azucenaH.LIB.2,F+5~+6+36a (+26)
bryanSNE.f,F+1+2h36i13+5+33a (+7)
* Consumes SNE
* Chip damage 14 (38%) on block
* Transition into Immortal Payback on opponent attack absorb
Power crush
bryanqcb+1h22i13~14+5+36d (+28)+72a (+56)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* Insta Tornado launcher on CH
* Chip damage 6 (27%) on block
devil-jinf,n,d,df:2h23i11~12 (i14~)+5+39a (+29)
* 4 Chip Damage on block
* 8 Chip Damage on block while in heat
* Throw break 1+2
** Unbreakable during Heat
** Partially uses remaining Heat time
* Cancel with B
* Alternate input f,F+2~1+2
dragunov4,4h,m10,23,i25~36+5+29a (+20)+46a
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block
Low crush
dragunovf,F+3h35i21~23+5+30a (+4)
* Homing
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block
hwoarangu+3h25i20+5+44 (+38)
* Also possible during Right Stance
* Shifts to Left Flamingo
Low crush
* Also possible during Right Stance
Low crush
* Chip damage on block
* Also possible during Right Stance
* Sideswaps and leaves opponent backturned on hit
* Shifts to Backturn Stance on block
Low crush
* Shifts to Right Stance
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +5, +36a(+26)
* Balcony Break
jinCD.df:2h25i11~i12+5~+6+76a~+77a (+60~+61)
junH.1+2,Fm26i13+5+43a (+35)
junH.IZU.3,Fm,h10,16i16~15 i14~15+5~+6+36a (+26)
* Jail from 1st attack
Low crush 20~44
junH.MIA.2,Fsm30i16+5+36a (+26)
* Chip damage (22) on block
* Unparryable
junH.SS.4,Fm20i18~20+5~+7+67a (+50)
* Chip damage when guarded
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage when guarded
kumaH.df+2+3sm20i15~16+5+39 (+29)
* Partially uses remaining heat time
* H.f,n,d,df+2 to power up
larsH.f+3+4sm5 (5)i18~24+5+10
* Transition to SEN
* Partially uses remaining heat time
Power crush
* Heat Engager
* Homing
* Transition to SEN (cannot cancel, does not transition when using Heat Dash)
* chip damage on block
Low crush
leef+4:1h,h13,25i24+5+20a (+3)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* 10 chip damage
* Combos on 1st hit CH
leeuf+3+4h30i22+5+28d (+20)
* Balcony Break
* Transition to +8, +31d (+23) HMS with 3+4
* 9 chip damage
Low crush
* Homing
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block
Low crush 10~
* Reversal Break
* Transition to HRS on hit or block only
* Partially uses remaining Heat time
* Input H.f,f,F+2 to power up
lidiaH.f,f,F+1h37i13~15+5+31a (+23)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* Transition to HAE on hit or block only
* Cancel HAE transition with B
* Partially uses remaining Heat time
* Transition to HRS on hit or block only
* Input f,f,F+2 to power up
ninaH.2+3m,h,h,h,h,m20,30i16 i28 i35 i42 i49 i90~91+5~+6-2d
* Heat Smash
* Spike
* Transition to attack throw on hit
* Enter CD r30 with F on block
* Deals chip damage on block
* Jails
* Balcony Break
* Consumes Heat
* Chip damage (13)
* Requires 24f charge
* [[Paul_movelist#Paul-f+1+2|f+1+2]] from 0~23f charge
paulf+1+2*m26i29~30+5c+20d FDFA+55a
* Balcony Break
* [[Paul_movelist#Paul-H.f+1+2*|H.f+1+2*]] with Heat
* Chip damage (10)
* Requires 24f charge
* [[Paul_movelist#Paul-f+1+2|f+1+2]] from 0~23f charge
pauluf+2h26i22~23+5+17d FDFA
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +5, [[Paul_combos#Starter|+67a (+50)]]
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage (6)
Low crush 9~24
ravenH.1+2,Fm20i14+5+45a (+35)
ravenH.SZN.2,Fm,sm20,10i18 23~24+5+36a (+26)
ravenH.f+1+2,Fh,m10,20i18~19, i26+5+34a
Power crush 7~
ravenH.ws3+4,Fm20i16~18+5+62a (+42)
* Homing
* Alternate input: H.qcf+3+4,F
reinaf,n,d,df:2h23i11~12 (~i13)+5+25a (+25)
* Chip damage when guarded
shaheenf,f,F+2m30i17~18+5+21 (+11)
* Balcony Break
* chip damage on block
* during Heat, partially restores remaining Heat time
reinaf,n,d,df#2h23i11~12 (~i13)+5+25 (+25)
* Chip damage when guarded
yoshimitsuf,f,F+3M30i22~23+5g~+6g+13a (+3)
* Balcony Break
* 9 chip damage on block
Low crush 3~33 fs34~36
* Cancel with B
* Actionable after 19 frames
alisaBKP.1h31i11~13+4~+6+27a (+1)
* Strong Aerial Tailspin
* Balcony Break
* 9 chip damage on block
alisaDES.1+2h,h,h7,7,20i16~18 i5~7 i9~11+4+15g
* Homing
* Balcony Break
* Weapon
* 6 chip damage on block
* Jails
asukaf,f,F+1+2h30i17~18+4+32a (+6)+67a (+51)
* Tornado
* Homing
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block
* Unparryable by traditional parries, Asuka, Nina, etc
asuka(Back to wall).b,b,UBm21i39~41+4c~+6c+22a
<div class="plainlist">
* fs5~13
* Low crush 14~33
* fs34~36</div>
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +67a (+50) on hit, +5 on block
* Spike
* Chip damage on block
azucenaf,F+3+4m,M10,18i21~22 i10~12+4~+6+5d
* Spike
* Enter BT with B
* Chip damage on block
* (Ver.1.05.00) - On normal hit, now applies knockdown for follow up.
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 16~36
* fs37~39</div>
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block
* Opponent recovers crouching
* Spike
* Move can be delayed 1f
* Interrupt with i10 from 2nd block
devil-jinub+1+2h!40i32~63+4d (-54)+4d (-54)
* Balcony Break
dragunovf,f,F+2m22i15~17+4+32d (-26)+44a
* Balcony Break
* Floor Break
* 20% (4) Chip damage on block - 30% (9) when powered up
* Do n,f,n,f+2 within 8 total frames (first forward doesn't matter) for powered up (bluespark) version - 26 damage
3 Chip damage on block
7 Chip damage on block
* Combos from 3rd hit
* 3 Chip damage on block
6 Chip damage on block
* The move only can be do it near the wall with the back at the wall allowing to escape from the corner and on hit starts combo, similar to a launcher and without tornado.
hwoarangCD.3m27i18~19+4+25 (+16)
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block
* Also possible during Right Stance
* Shifts to Left Flamingo
hwoarangLFS.4h24i14~16+4+27 (+18)
* Balcony Break
* Shifts to Right Flamingo
* Balcony Break
* Heat Engager
* Remains in Left Flamingo
* Strong Aerial Tailspin
* Homing
* Balcony Break
* Clean hit
* Chip damage on block
Power crush
* Remains in Right Stance
hwoarangRFS.3h24i14~16+4+27 (+18)
* Balcony Break
* Shifts to Left Flamingo
* Sidesteps to the left
Low crush
jack-8uf+2m25i24 js9+4c+7c+11d
* Elbow
Low crush 9
* Transition to FC with D
jack-8f,f,F+1+2m34i20~23+4+7a (-2)
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block (10)
* Alternate input wr1+2
jack-8ws2,4m,h10,26i16+4+21a (+11)
* Balcony Break
* Combos from 1st hit
* Chip damage on block (7)
* Transition to FC with D
** (+7 oH, +2 oB)
jack-8GMH.4h30i14~18+4+21d (+11)
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +5, +36a(+26)
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block (9)
* Balcony Break
* Partially uses remaining Heat time
* Transitions to Awakened Breaking Step on hit or block
* Causes Strong Aerial Tailspin
* Causes WallSplat on hit
Power crush 6
jinH.db+1+2,2m,s0,23i11~12+4+38a (28)+38a (28)
*9 Recoverable Damage on block
jun(Back to wall).b,b,UBm21i39~41+4c~+6c+22
fs5~13 Low crush 14~33 fs34~36
junGEN.4h24i26~28+4~+6+26a (+17)
* Homing
* Balcony Break
Low crush 16~33 fs34~36
Low crush
kumaROL.1h31i15~16+4+35d (+27)
* Balcony Break
* Tornado
* Power up during Heat (partially uses remaining Heat time)
Floor Break 9 chip damage
Low crush
* Spike
chip damage on block
liliH.f,F+3+4 (etc.)m36i19+4 (+9w)+20a (-6)
* All moves named Piercing Thorn share these properties when in Heat
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block [16]
* Partially consumes remaining Heat time
Low crush
* Floor Break
* Combos from 1st hit
Low crush
ninaf,f,F+1+2m30i20~21+4~+5+12a (+3)
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +5 +36a r27
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block
* Alternate input: wr1+2
Low crush 5~14 fs15~17
pandaROL.1h31i15~16+4+35d (+27)
* Balcony Break
* Tornado
* Power up during Heat (partially uses remaining Heat time)
* Sidestep u can be buffered from 45f
* SWA attacks can be buffered from 54f
* Transition to cs1~ r9 -13 +4 +47a [[Paul_movelist#DPD_(Deep Dive)|DPD]] from 61f with df
* Spike
* Chip damage on block
Chip damage on block
Low crush 14~34 fs35~37
* Homing
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block
Requires back close to wall to execute
Low crush
reinaf,f,F+4h28i26~27+4+31a (+5)
* Balcony Break
* Homing
* Can transition to WRA (+8/+35a (+9)/-) with input D
reinaSSH.uf+4h28i32~33+4+31a (+5)
* Homing
* Balcony Break
* Can transition to WRA (+8/+35a (+9)/-) with input D
* Deals chip damage on block
* Spike
Low crush
shaheenD*,u+2h30i18~19+4+28 (+2)
* Balcony Break
* Tornado
* Alternate input: SNK.D*,u+2
* chip damage on block
* power up during Heat
Low crush
Requires back close to wall to execute
reinaf,f,F+4h28i26~27+4+31 (+5)
* Balcony Break
* Homing
* Can transition to WRA (+8/+35a (+9)/-) with input D
reinaSSH.uf+4h28i32~33+4+31a (+5)
* Homing
* Balcony Break
* Can transition to WRA (+8/+35a (+9)/-) with input D
* Deals chip damage on block
victorIAI.d+2m31i23~24+4-1 (-8)-1 (-8)
* Transition to IAI
* Deals chip damage on block
xiaoyuBT.f,F+3+4m (t)15 (43)i39+4+39d
* Unbreakable throw when connecting at close range
* Chip on block [9]
Low crush
yoshimitsuH.DGF.f+1+2h,h,h10,10,20i16~17 i11~12 i11~12+4~+5+18a (+9)
* Homing
* Balcony Break
* Weapon
* 17 chip damage on block
* Recovers health on hit
Low crush 1~65
* Heat Smash
* Balcony Break
* Recovers health on hit
* Transition to r29 DGF on block with U, +10~+11
* Transition to attack throw after 1st hit
* Ignores regular power crush armor
* 14 chip damage on block
* Jail from 1st attack
* Unparryable
* Ends Heat
Low crush 68~89 fs90~92 (on block/whiff)
Can transition to [[Yoshimitsu movelist (Tekken 8)#Yoshimitsu-b+3,3,3,3,3,3|Spinning Evade]] with b+3 or b+4
Can transition to [[Yoshimitsu movelist (Tekken 8)#Yoshimitsu-b+3,3,3,3,3,3|Spinning Evade]] with b+3 or b+4
Can transition to [[Yoshimitsu movelist (Tekken 8)#Yoshimitsu-b+3,3,3,3,3,3|Spinning Evade]] with b+3 or b+4
Can transition to [[Yoshimitsu movelist (Tekken 8)#Yoshimitsu-b+3,3,3,3,3,3|Spinning Evade]] with b+3 or b+4
Low crush 1~
yoshimitsuFLE.u+3+4m30i38~40+4~+6+21a (+12)
* Balcony Break
* Tech roll to r33 FC on frames 41-42
Low crush 1~37 fs38~4020
* Spike
* Can't be low parried
Low crush 9~24 fs25~
* Alternate inputs:
** ub+1
** u+1
* Cancel SCR transition +4, +9c with B
alisaDES.f+1h21i11~13 i1~3 i1~3 i1~3 i1~3 i1~3 i1~1+3+9
* Weapon
* 1 chip damage on block
* Homing
* Balcony break on CH
asukaf,f,F+3m32i24~28+3~+7+16a (+7)+48a (+1)
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 3~30
* fs31~33</div>
* Unbreakable unless reversed
* only 1st and 4th hits can be blocked
* 1 to defend left side (against right punch)
* 2 to defend right side (against left punch)
* 1, 2 or 1+2 to defend tackle from behind
* Does not consume CH state on hit
* Combo from 1st hit with 6f delay
* Chip damage on block
Chip damage on block
* Spike
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 9~29
* fs30~32</div>
* Balcony Break
* Can cancel into HSP with input f,F+3+4,n,f
* 6 Chip damage on block
* Homing
* Recovers in BT
* Homing
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block
* Also possible during Right Stance
* Shifts to Right Flamingo
Low crush
hwoarangws2,3m,h8,10i23~25+3+72 (+56)
* Tornado
* Shifts to Left Flamingo
Low crush
* Shifts to Left Flamingo
* Heat Smash
* Transitions to Breaking Step on block
* Heat Smash
* Only possible on block
junf,F+3,3+4m,m,m23,12,15,i35~36 i41~42+3~+4+19a
* Spike
* Chip damage on block
* Interrupt with i11 from 1st block
junf,f,F+3m28i24~28+3~+7+14a (+5)+46a (-1)
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block
* Alternate input: ub,b+3
Low crush 3~30 Low crush 31~33
* Forces standing on hit.
Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block.
* Chip damage on block.
* In heat it becomes +6 on block, and forces crouching +18 near wall.
* Partially uses remaining Heat time.
kumaH.f,f,F+1+2m30i20~24+3+35d (-23)
* Balcony Break
* Heat Engager
* Chip damage
* Transition to HBS with input D or 3+4 (does not shift when using Heat Dash)
Low crush 21F
* chip damage on block
* Cannot absorb with power crush
* Heat reduces charge length (consumes partial Heat time)
* Transition to HBS with input D or 3+4
kumaf,f,F+1+2m30i20~24+3+35d (-23)
* Balcony Break
* Heat Engager
* Chip damage
* Transition to HBS with input D or 3+4 (does not shift when using Heat Dash)
Low crush 21F
kumaws1,2**m,m13,38,i44+3+27a (-9)
* Transition to HBS with input D or 3+4
* Balcony Break
* Tornado
* chip damage on block
* Cannot absorb with power crush
* Heat reduces charge length (consumes partial Heat time)
* chip damage on block
* Cannot absorb with power crush
* Heat reduces charge length (consumes partial Heat time)
Transition to FC with D
* Homing
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block
* Floor Break
* Transition to +6, +29d (-6) HMS with 3
* Combos from 1st hit
* 7 chip damage
* Balcony break on 2nd hit only
Low crush
lilif,f,F+3m30i23+3+20a (+10)
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block
* Alternate input wr3
Low crush
ninaf+3h,h10,20i14~15 i10~11+3~+4+24a (+15)+54a
* Balcony Break
* Does not jail
* 2nd hit is homing
* chip damage on block
* Cannot absorb with power crush
* Heat reduces charge length (consumes remaining time)
* Transition to HBS with input D or 3+4
pandaf,f,F+1+2m30i20~24+3+35d (-23)
* Balcony Break
* Heat Engager
* Chip damage
* Transition to HBS with input D or 3+4 (does not shift when using Heat Dash)
Low crush 21F
pandaws1,2**m,m13,38,i44+3+27a (-9)
* Transition to HBS with input D or 3+4
* Balcony Break
* Tornado
* chip damage on block
* Cannot absorb with power crush
* Heat reduces charge length (consumes partial Heat time)
* chip damage on block
* Cannot absorb with power crush
* Heat reduces charge length (consumes partial Heat time)
paulf+1+2m22i20~21+3c+8c+35d (+27)
* Balcony Break (CH only)
* Chip damage (4)
* Move can be delayed 9f (i29~30)
* Delayed startup from 5~23f charge
* [[Paul_movelist#Paul-f+1+2*|f+1+2*]] at 24f charge
* [[Paul_movelist#Paul-H.f+1+2*|H.f+1+2*]] at 24f charge
* Sidestep u can be buffered from 16f
* SWA attacks can be buffered from 24f
* Transition to cs1~ r9 -1 -12 [[Paul_movelist#DPD_(Deep Dive)|DPD]] from 32f with df
* chip damage on block
* Transition to SNK
* Homing
* Strong Aerial Tailspin
* Transitions to LNH
* Input b to cancel LNH (-1/+4/+4)
* Strong Aerial Tailspin
* Homing
* Causes Strong Aerial Tailspin
* Transition into LNH
* Input b to cancel LNH (+3/+14/+14)
* Strong Aerial Tailspin
* Homing
* Transition to LNH
* Input b to cancel LNH (-1/+4/+4)
* Input b to FLK (+4/+3/+68a)
* Strong Aerial Tailspin
* Homing
* Transition into LNH
* Input b to cancel LNH (-1/+4/+4)
victorIAI.1,1+2m,h9,23,i20~21+3+20a (-6)+20a (-6)
* Deals chip damage on block
Hit confirmable 11F
victorIAI.1+2h30i20~21+3+20 (-6)+20 (-6)
* Deals chip damage on block
JS i10
* Chip on block [6]
Automatically transitions to BT
xiaoyuBT.1+2,4m,h12,20i23+3+19a (+10)
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +5, +62a (+42)
* Balcony Break
* Combos from 1st hit
* Chip on block
zafinaH.2+3h,sm15,4,5,5,4,18i12~13 i47~53 i1~7 i1~7 i1~6 i1~2+3+0d
* Heat Smash
* Balcony Break
* Hit throw on the first hit
* Unparryable
* Ignores regular power crush armor
* Jails
* Balcony Break
* Cancel SCR transition -1, +64a with B
* Can hold B to exit SCR (becomes -1/
* Launches into Tornado
** Does not apply Tornado mid-combo
Low crush 5~39
asukaNWG.f,F+1+2M24i19~20+2+67a (+51)
* Tornado
* Chip damage on block
* Consumes NWG
* During Heat, remaining Heat is consumed
* Grounded hit can be inconsistent sometimes
* Unparryable by traditional parries, Asuka, Nina, etc
azucenab+2h21i18~19+2+22a (+13)
* Balcony Break
* Homing
* Chip damage on block
azucenaf,f,F+3,2m,h10,20,i10~12+2+28a (+2)
* Balcony Break
* Elbow
* Jail from 1st attack
* Chip damage on block
* Available only as combo from 1st hit
<div class="plainlist">
* ,Low crush 1~24
* ,fs25~27</div>
Alternate input: ub+3, uf+3
Low crush 9~
Combo from 1st hit
devil-jin4~3,H.1+2M,SM21,15i24~35+2+30a (-20)
* Tornado
* Weapon
* 4 Chip Damage on block
* Consumes 220F of remaining heat time
* Balcony Break
* Tornado
* Weapon
* 4 Chip Damage on block
* Consumes 220F of remaining heat time
* Tornado
* Weapon
* 6 Chip Damage on block
* Consumes 220F of remaining heat time
Low crush 9
* Also possible during Right Stance
* Shifts to Right Flamingo
Low crush
* Shifts to Right Flamingo
Low crush
* Remains in Right Stance
*10 Recoverable Damage on block
jun2,1,1+2h,m,h7,9,21,i22+2+48a (+10)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 2nd CH with 9f delay
* Transition to r20 MIA on hit only
* Deals 6 damage to self (4 recoverable)
* Unparryable
* Forces crouching on block.
* Balcony Break
* Shifts into BT stance.
* Tap 1+2 otherwise it becomes u+1+2(hold).
* Forces Crouching on block.
* Can also be done by ub+1+2.
lawf+2~1m24i19+2+30a (+4)
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block
* Transition to DSS with F
** (+5 oB, +33a (+7))
* Alternate input DSS.f+2~1
lawf,F+2,f+1+2m,m12,24i31+2+30a (+4)
* Chip damage on block
* Transition to DSS with F
** (+5 oB,+33a (+7))
lawDSS.f+2~1m24i19+2+30a (+4)
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block
* Transition to DSS with F
** (+5 oB, +33a (+7))
* Alternate input f+2~1
* Homing
* Transition to +5, +28a HMS with 3
* 6 chip damage
* Causes Strong Aerial Tailspin
leef,F+2h26i18+2+18gc+69a (+53)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* Transition to +5, +21gc, +72a (+56) MS with F
* 6 chip damage
leef:F+2h26i18+2+18gc+69a (+53)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* Transition to +5, +21gc, +72a (+56) MS with F
* 11 chip damage
Perfect Input not required during Heat
Partially consumes remaining Heat Time, while Perfect input restores Heat Time
* Cancel and transition MS with F
* Cancel into Scatter Kick (HMS.3) with input HMS.1~3
lidiab+1m24i18+2+48d (-10)
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash [[Lidia_combos#Staples|+36a (+26)]] on hit, +5 on block
* Balcony Break
* 4 chip damage on block
lidiaWLF.1m24i22~36+2+30a (+22)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* Cancel with b,b or f,f on frames 10~18
* 4 Chip damage on block
* Chip on block [9]
Low crush 5~
ninaH.b+1+2m,m,h,h,h,h5,20,5,5,5,5i16 i8~10, i28 i35 i42 i49+2+33a (+7)
* Balcony Break
* Weapon
* Combo from 1st hit only if the second hit connects on i8
* 2nd hit available only as combo from 1st
* If the second hit connects on i9~10, frame advantage on hit will be -16~-15
* Erases opponent recoverable health on hit
* Jails
* Partially uses remaining Heat time
* Chip damage (8)
Low crush 14~31 fs32~34
Showing 400 of 5296 moves