

CharCommandHit levelDamageStartupBlockHitCounter hitNotes
alisaDES.2,1M,M,m,h!5,5,520i28~56+85a (+69)
* Tornado
* Weapon
* Available only as a combo from 1st hit
junuf+4,3m,m,M10,8,20,i29 i18-12+84a (+68)
* Tornado
* Combo from 1st hit
* Transition to r17 MIA on hit only
* 3rd hit available only as combo from 2nd hit
* 3rd hit deals 12 damage to self (8 recoverable)
,Low crush 1~20 fs21~23
Low crush 1~
lidiaHAE.1m21i18~19-11+80a (+60)
* Spike
* Power up based on Heaven and Earth level
* Chip damage on block
* Guarantees grounded hit vs airborne opponent
Power crush 7~17
* Tornado
* Tornado
fengdf+3m21i18~19-7+78a (+62)
* Tornado
lawUF+4,3m,m2316i19-14+78a (+62)
* Combos from 1st hit
* Tornado
* 2nd hit Instant Tornado
** (+68a (+52) oH)
* Alternate input
** UB+4,3 U+4,3
** FC.ub+4,3 FC.u+4,3 FC.uf+4,3
Low crush
fengKNP.3m20i22~23-14+77a (+55)
* Tornado
Low crush 15
* Can hold B to exit SCR (becomes -1/
* Launches into Tornado
** Does not apply Tornado mid-combo
fengdb+4l23i31 (30~32)-26+76a (+60)
High crush 6~31
jinCD.df:2h25i11~i12+5~+6+76a~+77a (+60~+61)
* Tornado
* Partially uses remaining Heat time
lilidb+4L20i30-24+76a (+60)
* Homing
* Instant Tornado
High crush 7~
hwoarangH.RFS.f+4,4h,h,h8,10,9i23-6+75 (+59)
* Tornado
* Instant Tornado on standing hit
* Shifts to Right Stance
* Combo from 1st hit
* Partially uses remaining Heat time
hwoarangRFS.f+4,4h,h,h8,8,9i23-6+75 (+59)
* Tornado
* Shifts to Right Stance
jinCD.df+2h20i11~12-10~-9+74a~75a (+58~+59)
alisaCLK.d+3L20i30~31-12+73a (+57)
* 8 chip damage on block
High crush 9~
jack-8GMC.1m22i22-6+73a (+57)
* Homing
* * Partially uses remaining Heat time
* Chip damage on block (4)
* Tornado
* Combo from 1st hit
* Can also be done by f,n,d,DF+1/CD.1.
* Tornado on grounded hit.
High Crush
kumaSIT.2m18i19~21-12+73a (+57)
* Tornado
* Only once per match
* chip damage on block
pandaSIT.2m18i19~21-12+73a (+57)
* Tornado
victoruf+4m,sm12,16i15~17-19+73 (+57)+73 (+57)
* Tornado
* Alternate input: ub+4 or u+4
Low crush 14
xiaoyuBT.d+4l20i24-26+73a (+57)+73a (+57)
* Instant Tornado
* Has clean hit effect
High crush
Balcony Break
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 15~40
* fs41~43</div>
devil-jin3,1,2m,h,M16,11,20,i25~28-11+72a (+56)
* Tornado
* Input can be delayed 12f
* Move can be delayed 4f
* Interrupt with i9 from 2nd block
devil-jin1+4,2SL,h,m5,5,20,i24~25-12+72a (+56)
* Tornado
* 6 chip damage on block
devil-jinws2m20i15~16-12+72a (+56)
* Tornado
* 6 Chip Damage on block
* 8 Chip Damage on block while in heat
Transition to Hell's Gate on hit with U
hwoarangws2,3m,h8,10i23~25+3+72 (+56)
* Tornado
* Shifts to Left Flamingo
Low crush
jinH.db+1+2,1m,m0,25i20~22-13+72a (56)+72a (56)
* Tornado
* Uses Tornado on launch
* 10 Recoverable Damage on block
jund+1+2M28i26-9+72a (+56)
* Tornado
* Chip damage (11) on block
* Deals 12 damage to self (8 recoverable)
* Unparryable
junMIA.1M30i24~25-9~-8+72a (+56)
* Tornado
* Chip damage (12) on block
* Deals 12 damage to self (8 recoverable)
* Unparryable
leoBOK.1,2m,m14,20i17~18-14~-13+72 (+56)
* Tornado
* Combo from 1st hit
ravenH.f,f,F+3,4m,sm20,20i26~28, i43~44+7~+8+72a (+56)
* Tornado
* Partially uses remaining Heat time
* Available only on hit or block
alisab+1,1+2m,SL,m15,1,30,i25~40 i26~28-16+71a
* Tornado
* Head
* Input can be delayed 13f
* 2nd hit combos into 3rd on CH only
bryanf,F+3*m33i34~35+8 +14wc+71a
* Balcony Break
* Gain SNE on hit with 1+2
* Chip damage on block (9)
jack-8uf+1h10i17+71a (+55)
* Tornado
* Only hits airborne opponents
* Transition to GMH with D
** (+75a (+59))
* Can be charged to power up
* Alternate input ub+1, u+1
ninadb+4,3L,m5,21,i27~28-13+71a (+55)
* Tornado
* Combo from 1st CH with 1f delay
paulqcf+1+2L20i32~33-12c+71a (+55)
* Cancel to t41 FC with B
High crush 1~33
xiaoyudf+3l23i29-23+71a (+55)
* Homing
* Tornado
* Cancel into BT with B
* On hit, transition to AOP with D
* [[Snake_Edge|Snake Edge]]
asukadf+3+4L22i28~30-26+70a (+54)
* Homing
* Alternate input: 3~4
* Cancel to r47? FC with DB
High crush 6~
bryandf+3L20i29~30-26+70a (+54)
* Homing
* Insta Tornado launch
fengf+4,2h,m19,16i24~25-14+70a (+54)
* Combo from 1st hit
* Tornado
fenguf+3+4,3m,h,h,h10,10,7,11,i17~18-6+70a (+54)
* Balcony Break
* Tornado
* Combo from 1st hit
* causes 1st hit not to crush
* Balcony Break
* Unblockable
* Tornado
* chip damage on block
reinauf+4m15i17~18-13+70a (+54)
* Tornado
Low crush 9~
reinauf+4m15i17~18-13+70 (+54)
* Tornado
yoshimitsuFC.DF+1l!12i26+70a (+54)
* Weapon
* Alternate input: FC.db,b+1
* Alternate notation: 1SS.FC.DF+1
* Alternate name: Samurai Cutter
High crush 1~
hwoarangd+4,4l,h722i20-13+69 (+53)
* Tornado
* Also possible during Right Stance
jack-8df+2,1*m,h13,16i35-46+69a (+53)
* Tornado
* Transition to GMH with D
** (+70a (+54) oH))
jack-8uf+1*h35i35+69a (+53)
* Tornado
* Only hits airborne opponents
* Transition to GMH with D
** (+70a (+54))
* Alternate input ub+1*, u+1*
kuma1,1,1h,m,m5,8,14,i22~23-16+69a (+23)
* Tornado
* Combo from 2nd hit
* Combo from 1st CH
leef+3,3,3,3,3,4m,m,m,m,h,h6,3,3,3,3,25i23-9+69a (+53)
* Tornado
* If only last hit connects +28a (+13)
* Combos from 1st hit
* 4 can be input after the 2nd hit on-wards
Low crush
leef+3,3,3,3,3:4m,m,m,m,h,h6,3,3,3,3,26i23-9+69a (+53)
* Tornado
* Perfect Input not required during Heat
* Partially consumes remaining Heat Time, while Perfect input restores Heat Time
* Combos from 1st hit
Low crush
lidiauf+4m,h10,16i15~16,i13-5+69a (+53)
* Balcony Break
* Tornado
* Transition to CAT on hit or block only
* 2nd hit available only as combo from 1st hit
* CAT transition is -13
Low crush 9~30 fs31~33
panda1,1,1h,m,m5,8,14,i22~23-16+69a (+53)
* Tornado
* Combo from 2nd hit
* Combo from 1st CH
yoshimitsuKIN.2,NSS.1+2*m,M15,30,i47~49+14~+16+69a (+49)
* Balcony Break
* Spike
* Weapon
* Guard Break
* 12 chip damage on block
* Recovers health on hit
alisauf+1m,m,m20,20,20i19~20 i25 i17-13+68a (+52)
* Tornado
* Transition to SBT on hit with 3_4
* Transition to DBT on hit with f+3_f+4
* 2nd and 3rd hit available only as combo from 1st hit
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 20~40
* fs41~43</div>
Steel pedal
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 17~62
* fs63~65</div>
Steel pedal
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 26~71
* fs72~74</div>
dragunovqcb+2m23i26~27-15+68a (+52)
* Tornado
* Also known as Backswing Blow
lawdf+4,3m,m15,23i29-14+68a (+52)
* Tornado
* Combos from 1st hit CH
Low crush
lawws4,3m,m14,23i27-14+68a (+52)
* Tornado
** Combos from 1st hit CH
Low crush
ninaqcb+4M20i19~20-12~-11+68a (+52)
* Tornado
* Sway adds minimum 10 frames, total startup is i29~30
shaheendb+3,4l,h12,20,i18-13+68 (+52)
* Tornado
*Counter hit combo from 1st hit
High crush
* Balcony Break
* Cancel SCR transition -1, +64a with B
* Instant Tornado
** Does not apply Tornado mid-combo
* Combos from 1st hit CH
* Alternate input FC.db+4,2
alisad+3+4L20i27~i28-37+67a (+51)
* Homing
* Enter DES with 1+2
<div class="plainlist">
* High crush 20~40
* fs5~55</div>
asukaNWG.f,F+1+2M24i19~20+2+67a (+51)
* Tornado
* Chip damage on block
* Consumes NWG
* During Heat, remaining Heat is consumed
* Grounded hit can be inconsistent sometimes
* Unparryable by traditional parries, Asuka, Nina, etc
azucenaLIB.4,1,2m,h,m14,10,23,i28~29-10+67a (+51)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 2nd CH with 1f delay
* Input can be delayed 10f
devil-jinFLY.1h20i18~19-3+67a (+47)
* Strong Aerial Tailspin
* Balcony Break
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 1~12
* fs13~15</div>
jack-81+2m,m8,14i15-13+67a (+51)
* Tornado
* Instant Tornado
* Homing
junH.SS.4,Fm20i18~20+5~+7+67a (+50)
leroydb+2+3lm10,14 (9)i20~21-14+67a (+51)
* Only once per match
* Tornado
* chip damage on block
yoshimitsuNSS.FC.df+3L12i20~21-26~-25+67a (+51)
High crush 1~
asukaf,F+4h23i20~21-3+66a (+46)
* Strong Aerial Tailspin
* Balcony Break
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 6~21
* fs22~24</div>
asukaNWG.f,f,F+1+2h36i17~18+11g+66a (+50)
* Tornado
* Homing
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block
* Consumes NWG
* During Heat, remaining Heat is consumed
* Unparryable by traditional parries, Asuka, Nina, etc
azucenadb+3,4L,h14,20i24~25-13+66a (+50)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st CH
bryan3+4,SNE.2*m,m20,30i55~56+9+66a (+50)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* Consumes SNE
* Chip damage on block (12)
* Causes a wall splat on block
* Cannot be absorbed by Power Crush
* Instant Tornado launcher
* Tornado
* Shifts to HSP on block
* 6 chip damage on block
jack-81+4:df+1m30i20~23-17+66a (+50)
* Tornado
* Instant Tornado
* Just frame version of 1+4,df+1
* Alternate input hcf:df+1 to power up
jack-8HCF:df+1m36i20~23-17+66a (+50)
* Tornado
* Instant Tornado
* Just frame version of hcf,df+1, for a normal version search "one"
* Alternate input 1+4:df+1
jack-8GMH.f+1m26i20-17+66a (+50)
* Tornado
* Instant Tornado
* Tornado
* Cancel with b,b or f,f on frames 10~18
* Transition to HAE on hit or block only
* Cancel HAE transition with B
* Balcony break on airborne hit
jack-8f+1,2,1m,h,m13,12,12i26-12+65a (+49)
* Tornado
* Instant Tornado
kumaf+1+2,1+2m,m16,20i30~31-14+65a (+49)
* Tornado
* Combo from 1st hit
pandaf+1+2,1+2m,m16,20i30~31-14+65a (+49)
* Tornado
* Combo from 1st hit
ravenH.ws3,2m,sm,sm18,18,20i16~17, i19~20 i39~41-3~-1+65a (+49)
* Tornado
* Combo from 1st hit
* Available only on hit or block
* Recover Heat on hit
ravenws3,2m,sm18,20,i19~20-14~-13+65a (+49)
* Tornado
* Combo from 1st hit
* Available only on hit or block
* Combo from 1st hit
* Can be delayed
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st hit
* Can be delayed
* Chip damage when guarded
* Tornado
* Combos from 1st CH
alisaCLK(Two spins).3m22i13~14+0+63a (+43)
* Balcony Break
* 8 chip damage on block
larsDEN.1+2h20i12~13-10+63a (+47)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
lawss3+4m,h9,10i15-12+63a (+43)
Balcony Break
Low crush
* Reversal Break
* Cancel with b,b or f,f
* Transition to HAE on hit or block only
* Cancel HAE transition with B
* Partially uses remaining Heat time
* Hold for 55 frames
shaheenH.D*,u+2h35i18~19+13+63 (+47)
* Balcony Break
* Tornado
* Guard break
Low crush
shaheenf,F+3m23i17-12+63 (+48)
* Alternate input: f,f,F+3
* Hit throw which side switches
* Tornado
Low crush 13
shaheenSNK.3m23i20-12+63 (+48)
* Tornado
* Hit throw which side switches
Low crush 13
liliws3m25i15-21+62a (+46)
* Instant
Low crush
paulf,F+3,4,4m,m,h17,10,25,i23~25-5+62a (+42)
* Balcony Break
Low crush 10~24 fs25~27
ravenH.ws3+4,Fm20i16~18+5+62a (+42)
* Homing
* Alternate input: H.qcf+3+4,F
xiaoyuf+3,1,4m,m,m14,8,20i26-22+62a (+46)
* Tornado
* Instant Tornado
* Combos from 2nd hit CH
* Tornado
* Chip damage on block (14)
* Alternate input: ws3+4
* Tornado
* Alternate input: ws3+4
* Tornado
steveEXD.2m21i19-14+61a (+51)
steveLNH.2m22i16-17-13+61a (+51)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
<div class="plainlist">
* ,fs1~5
* ,Low crush 6~54
* ,fs55~57</div>
* Tornado
* Weapon
* 6 Chip Damage on block
* Consumes 220F of remaining heat time
victorIAI.P.fm21i16~17N/A+60 (+44)
* Balcony Break
* Tornado
High crush
* Spike
* Combo from 1st hit
<div class="plainlist">
* ,Low crush 6~78
* ,fs79~81</div>
* Balcony Break
* Tornado
* Weapon
* 4 Chip Damage on block
* Consumes 220F of remaining heat time
hwoarangf,n,df:4m18i16-8+59 (+49)
* Tornado
* Chip damage on block
* Also possible during Right Stance
* Weapon
azucenaH.LIB.P (Low)m20i16~18+58a (+42)
* Tornado
* Regenerates heat
* Restores recoverable health
is1 fs2~48
azucenaH.LIB.d+3+4m27i16~18-9~-7+58a (+42)
* Tornado
* Uses heat gauge
* Restores recoverable health
devil-jinf,n,d,DF+4,1+2L,SM7,9,i29~40+58a (+42)
* Tornado
* Available only on hit
* Opponent recovers FUFA on hit
* Tornado
* Combo from 1st hit with 3f delay
* Just frame input within a 3f window (14~16) adds 2 damage
* Balcony break on airborne hit
* Hitstop 20f on hit
steveDCK.1m17i19-7+58a (+27)+34a (+24)
* Tornado
Power crush ?~
* Strong Aerial Tailspin
* 7 chip damage on block
* Tornado
* 13 Chip damage on block
* Spike
Low crush 7~33 fs34~36
* Spike
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 7~33
* fs34~36</div>
asukaFC.db+1+2t15,15,15i11-6+56a (+28)
* Throw break 1+2
* Side switch on hit
* 2nd damage on landing
* 3rd damage without tech roll
junFC.db+1+2t15,15,15i11~12-6+56a (+28)
* Throw break 1+2
* Opponent can tech roll to reduce the landing damage
* Crumple on hit.
paulb+2,H.1*m,m22,35,i60~61[[Paul combos#Mini-combos|+12]]+56a
* Balcony Break
* Guard Break
* Consumes Heat
* Chip damage (13)
* Charge begins on frame 18
* Requires 42f charge
* [[Paul_movelist#Paul-b+2,1|b+2,1]] from 0~41f charge
* Enter SLS +7 +62a with f
* Cancel to SS with u_d
* Input can be delayed 8f
* Move can be delayed 6f
* Cancel last hit to SS with u_d
* Enter SLS with f
* Alternate input:
** 1,4,2,1
** qcf+4,1
* Combo from 1st CH
* Enter SS with u_d (*/+5/+5)
* Alternate input:
** 1,4,2,1
** b+2,1
lawf,F+3+4t10i12-3+55a (+28)
Throw break 1+2
* 9 chip damage on block
* Hold for 55 frames
* Balcony Break
* Consumes Heat
* Chip damage (13)
* Requires 24f charge
* [[Paul_movelist#Paul-f+1+2|f+1+2]] from 0~23f charge
azucenaH.LIB.1,2,F+7+54a (+34)
*Chip damage on block
azucenaH.b+1,1,2,F+7+54a (+34)
* Chip damage on block
azucenaH.b+2,F+7+54a (+34)
* Balcony Break
* Homing
* Chip damage on block
<div class="plainlist">
* ,Low crush 15~30
* ,fs31~33</div>
* Throw Break 2
reinaFC.df+3m25i20-17+54a (+34)
* Balcony Break
High crush 1~
* Balcony Break
Strong Aerial Tailspin
reinaFC.df+3m25i20-17+54 (+34)
* Balcony Break
* Balcony Break
* crumple stun on normal hit
crumple stun on normal hit
* Homing
* Launches into Tornado
** Does not apply Tornado mid-combo
Chip damage on block
* Only occurs during STC after absorbing 2 attacks
Parry state
hwoarangCD.4m18i16-18+53 (+43)
* Tornado
* Also possible during Right Stance
jack-8f,F+2m23i18-16+53a (+43)
* Can be charged to power up
* Launcher
Chip damage on block
devil-jinFLY.4,2M,m10,20,i22~23+52a (+7)
Available only on hit
devil-jinMCR.4,2M,m10,20,i22~23+52a (+7)
Available only on hit
* Transition to -5 +56a BT with B
jack-81+4,df+1m21i20~23-17+52a (+42)
* Tornado
* Non just frame version of 1+4:df+1
* Alternate input hcf,df+1 to power up
jack-8HCF,df+1m25i20~23-17+52a (+42)
* Tornado
* Non blue spark version, for a just frame version search "emgf"
* Alternate input 1+4,df+1
kumaf,F+1+2m30i37~38+8 HBS / +5 ROL52a HBS / +49a ROL
* Chip damage
* Transition to HBS (cannot cancel into standing)
* Transition to ROL with input F
lawdf+3m23i21-13+52a (+21)
pandaf,F+1+2m30i37~38+8 HBS / +5 ROL52a HBS / +49a ROL
* Chip damage
* Transition to HBS (cannot cancel into standing)
* Transition to ROL with input F
* Cancel to r24 FC at earliest with input DB/D/DF
High crush 6~57
* Spike
* can be cancelled into crouch with input DB/D/DF
* crumple stun on normal hit
yoshimitsu4~3m25i25~26-13+52a (+42)
* Tornado
<div class="plainlist">
* High crush 4~22
* fs10~50</div>
yoshimitsuuf+3+4,3+4M,m20,25,i25~26-13~-12+52a (+42)
* Tornado
* Combo from 1st hit
,High crush 4~22 fs10~50
yoshimitsuf,F+3+4,1+2,3+4m,m,m15,15,20,i27-13+52a (+42)
* Tornado
* Combo from 2nd hit
* Combo from 1st CH
* Tremendous forward travel
,Low crush 1~13 fs14~54
yoshimitsuFLE.3+4m25i25~26-13~-12+52a (+42)
* Tornado
fs1~26 High crush 6~22
yoshimitsuIND.3,3+4m,m15,20,i27-13+52a (+42)
* Tornado
* Combo from 1st hit
* Tremendous forward travel
,Low crush 1~13 fs14~54
bryan1+2,2m,m15,20,i26~27-14+51d (+20)
* Combo from 1st hit with delay
* Generic low parry.
* Tornado affect on success.
steveLNH.1+2h24i18-19[[Steve combos#Mini-combos|+12]]+51a (+31)
* Guard Break
* Reversal Break
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block
xiaoyuBT.d+1+3+51a (+35)
* Low Parry from BT
* Alternate input BT.d+2+4
Parry state
* Throw only on hit
* Powerup with f+2 or b+2 (perfect) - additional 5 damage
fengub+1+2!70i79~82+50g (+19)
* Chip damage on block
* Alternate input DSS.2
leed,DB+4m24i22-17+50a (+40)
* Tornado
reina3,4h,m12,20,i20-14+50 (+19)+54a
Combo from 1st hit
reina3+4,4m,m,m5,10,20,i16-14+50 (+19)+54a
Combo from 1st hit with 4f delay
reinaf+3+4m25i43-14+50 (+19)+55a
* Cancel to r24 FC at earliest with input DB/D/DF
High crush 6~33
reinadf+3+4,4m,h,m5,10,20,i20-14+50 (+19)+54a
Combo from 1st hit
reina3,4h,m12,20,i20-14+50 (+19)+54
Combo from 1st hit
reina3+4,4mm,m15,20,i16-14+50 (+19)+54
Combo from 1st hit
reinaf+3+4m25i43-14+50 (+19)+55
* can be cancelled into crouch with input DB/D/DF
reinadf+3+4,4mh,m5,10,20,i20-4+50 (+19)+54
Combo from 1st hit
jack-8u+1+2m23i19-13+49a (+39)
* Special down state that allows low juggle (on normal hit).
* Crumple on CH for full combo.
* chip damage on block
* Cannot absorb with power crush
* Heat reduces charge length (consumes partial Heat time)
ninauf+2,1m,m10,10,i21-13+49a (+40)
* Spike
* Combo from 1st hit with 9f delay
* Input can be delayed 9f
* Move can be delayed 7f
* chip damage on block
* Cannot absorb with power crush
* Heat reduces charge length (consumes partial Heat time)
reinaf,F+3+4h22i16~19-2+49d (-9)+49a
* Balcony Break
Low crush
* Input 3 to LWV (+10/+59a/-)
* Input 4 to RWV (+10/+59a/-)
* Input b+3_4 to SWY (+10/+57a/-)
* Input f+3_4 to DCK (+12/+59a/-)
reinaf,F+3+4h22i16~19-2+49 (-9)+49
* Balcony Break
jun2,1,1+2h,m,h7,9,21,i22+2+48a (+10)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 2nd CH with 9f delay
jundf+4m22i15-14+48a (+17)+52a
* Tornado
* Crumple stun launcher (+52a) on CH
* Transition to -9, +40 MS with F
lidiab+1m24i18+2+48d (-10)
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash [[Lidia_combos#Staples|+36a (+26)]] on hit, +5 on block
* Balcony Break
* 4 chip damage on block
reinab+1,1,3,3h,m,m,m14,15,13,20,i32-16+48 (+17)+53a
reinaWRA.d+4,3L,m9,20,i21~22-16+48 (+17)+53a
* Combo from 1st CH with 14f delay
* Input can be delayed 15f
* Move can be delayed 13f
* CH-confirmable
reinab+1,1,3,3h,m,m,m14,15,13,20,i32-16+48 (+17)+53
reinaWRA.d+4,3l,m9,20,i21~22-16+48 (+17)+53
* Combo from 1st CH without max delay
* Can be delayed
* CH-confirmable
yoshimitsuFLE.nm7i2~60-18~+48a (+38a)
* Balcony Break
* Weapon
* Hitlines exist on the sword and directly behind Yoshimitsu
* Can be canceled at any time into another FLE move
* After hitting with this attack, FLE.n has no hitbox until another FLE action (other than FLE.d) is taken
Low crush 1~
* Strong Aerial Tailspin
* Homing
* Balcony Break
* Clean hit
* Chip damage on block
Power crush
* Crumple on hit.
* On block / hit / startup increases up to 2nd spin.
* Damage increase up to 3rd spin.
larsf,n,b+2,1m,m10,10,i16-18+47a (+39)
larsDEN.1,2h,h14,20,i14~15-6+47a (-11)
* Heat Engager
* Balcony Break
* Spike
* Spike
* Weapon
* 18 chip damage on block
* Recovers health on hit
Low crush 1~27
alisauf+4,4m,M8,8,i24~26-13+45a (+37)
* Spike
* Combo from 1st hit with 2f delay
<div class="plainlist">
* ,Low crush 9~41
* ,fs42~44</div>
asukaf,F+2,1m,h16,21,i21~22-5+45a (-13)
* Balcony Break
* Elbow
* Combo from 1st hit with 6f delay
* Combo from 1st CH with 10f delay
* Input can be delayed 12f
* Move can be delayed 10f
* Combo from 1st hit
kazuya(back to wall).b,b,ubm25i29-1+45d (-13)
* Air Status 5F
* Tornado
* Duck high and launch, very punishable.
kumaH.df+2+3*sm26i25~26+9+45 (+35)
* Partially uses remaining heat time
* H.f,n,d,df+2* to power up
* Cannot absorb with power crush
kumaf,F+2m23i19~21-19+45a (+35)
* Recovers in FUFT on hit
* Recovers in off axis FUFT on block
law(Back to wall).b,b,ubm25i29-33-1+45d (-13)
Low crush 5~7 is8~13 Low crush 14~
lilid+3+4m23i17-21+45a (+35)
liliuf+3+4,3+4m,m15,23i19-21+45a (+35)
* Tornado
pandaf,F+2m23i19~21-19+45a (+35)
* Recovers in FUFT on hit
* Recovers in off axis FUFT on block
ravenH.1+2,Fm20i14+5+45a (+35)
* Balcony Break
* Head
azucenadf+1,4,1m,h,h11,13,20,i22~23-5+44d (-14)+56a
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 2nd CH with 7f delay
* Input can be delayed 8f delay
* Enter LIB -17 -6 r20 with F
bryanf+1+2h22i20~21-9+44d (-14)
* Balcony Break
* Elbow
* Absorb an attack to power up and deal more chip damage on block
Power crush
devil-jindf+1,2m,h11,20,i17-9+44d (-14)
* Balcony Break
* Combo on 1st CH with 10f delay
* Move can be delayed 4f
hwoarangu+3h25i20+5+44 (+38)
* Also possible during Right Stance
* Shifts to Left Flamingo
Low crush
jack-8f+3,2m,h18,20i23-9+44d (-14)
* Balcony Break
* Combos from 1st hit
* Alternate input ws3,2
jack-8b+3,2,2m,h,h141320i25-9+44d (-14)
* Balcony Break
* Can be charged to power up
jack-8ws3,2m,h18,20i23-9+44d (-14)
* Balcony Break
* Combos from 1st hit
* Alternate input f+3,2
leeHMS.1,1,1h,h,h7,7,20i20-7+44d (-14)
* Balcony Break
* Combos from 1st hit
ravenBT.4m21i19~20-5~-4+44a (-14)
* Heat Engager
* Balcony Break
Low crush 6~19
steveEXD.1m21i19-7+44d (+36)+41a (+31)
zafinaH.SCR.2+3l,m10,20i19-14+44d (+25)
* Heat Smash
* Balcony Break
azucena3,3m,h11,23,i24~25-1+43d (-15)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st hit with 6f delay
bryan3,3,2m,h,h14,13,20,i22~23-7+43a (+33)
* Tornado
* Combo from 2nd CH
bryanf,n,b+2h20i14~15-7+43a (+33)
* Tornado
bryanss2,1m,h15,20i21~22-5+43d (-15)
* Heat Engager
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st hit with delay
* Move can be delayed
bryanSNE.f,F+1+2 (on absorb)m20i13+15 / +21wc+43d
* Balcony Break
* Wall Crush +21g on block
* Consumes SNE
claudioSTB.b+4,3,2m,h,m10,14,38i17-143a (+33)
* Combo from 2nd CH
* Chip damage when guarded
Low crush
jack-8db+1,1,1,2l,l,l,m13,5,5,21i19-11+43a (-4)
* Balcony Break
jack-8db+3, ... 1+2l,h15,21i34+14g+43a (-15)
* Balcony Break
junH.1+2,Fm26i13+5+43a (+35)
* chip damage on block
lars3+4m22i17~18-8+43d (-15)
* Heat Engager
* Balcony Break
lidiad+3,1,2l,h,h9,8,20,i17-6+43d (-15)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 2nd hit
* Combo from 1st CH
ninaH.2+3m,h,h,h,h20,9,12,9,12i16 i28 i35 i42 i49+14+43a (+10)
* Heat Smash
* Jails
* chip damage on block
ravenf,F+3m20i15~18-14~-11+43a (+29)
Balcony Break
Low crush 7~23 fs24~26
ravenBT.3+4m,m5,20i15 i34~35-20~-19+43a (+39)
Second kick's frame advantage on hit: +34a (+24)
Low crush 13~31 fs32~34
reinaUNS.4m30i18~19-8+43a (-15)
* Balcony Break
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +5, [[Reina_combos#Staples|+62a (+42)]]
* Deals chip damage on block
* Can be cancelled into crouch with DB/D/DF
reinaUNS.4m30i18~19-8+43 (-15)
* Balcony Break
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +5, [[Reina_combos#Staples|+62a (+42)]]
* Deals chip damage on block
* Can be cancelled into crouch with D
yoshimitsuMED.3m,M15,15i17~28 i28~39+2~+13+43a
* Spike on second hit
* BT.d+3 is guaranteed on meaty block
Low crush 14~41 fs42~44
dragunov3,1,4m,h,h10,8,24,i22~23-9+42d (-16)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 2nd CH with delay
Alternate input u+2
Low crush
eddy1,2,4~4h,h,h5,12,27,i18~20+8~+10+42d (-16)
* Balcony Break
* Tech roll to r45 FC on frames 30-31
* Wall crush on block, +20g minimum
* Unparryable by traditional parries, Nina, Asuka, etc
Low crush 7~32
Balcony Break
jack-8d+1+2m28i27-18+42a (+32)
High crush 6
jack-8FC.1+2,1+2l,m2123i40-18+42a (+32)
* Combos from 1st hit
junb+2,1,4m,h,h10,7,24,i23~25-8~-7+42a (-16)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 2nd CH with 6f delay
* Input can be delayed 14f
junws1,1,4h,h,h14,7,24,i23~25-8~-7+42a (-16)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 2nd CH with 6f delay
* Input can be delayed 14f
* chip damage on block
* Cannot absorb with power crush
* Heat reduces charge length (consumes partial Heat time)
* Transition to HBS with input D or 3+4
* Hold F to extend attack
* Recovers in FUFT on hit or block
* If attack is extended to where you roll past the opponent, recovers in FUFA
* Alternate input: ub+4, u+4
lawuf+3m20i18-8+42d (-16)
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +5, +36d (+26)
* Balcony Break
Low crush
* Tornado
Low crush
leef+2,1m,h12,22i19-10+42d (-16)
* Balcony Break
* Combos from 1st hit
* Delayable
* chip damage on block
* Cannot absorb with power crush
* Heat reduces charge length (consumes remaining time)
* Transition to HBS with input D or 3+4
* Hold F to extend attack
* Recovers in FUFT on hit or block
* If attack is extended to where you roll past the opponent, recovers in FUFA
ravenBT.b+2,3m,m,m17,5,20,i20 i39~40-20~-19+42a (+38)
* Combo from 1st CH
* Second kick's frame advantage on hit: +34a (+24)
,Low crush 18~36 fs37~39
shaheendb+1+2ub(m)40i64~65+42 (+11)+42 (+11)
victorb+1+2h25i19~20-9+42 (-16) / HE+42 (-16) / HE
* Heat Engager
* Balcony Break
* Deals chip damage on block
Power crush
xiaoyuAOP.d+1+2m21i26-8+42a (+32)
* Weapon
* 6 chip damage on block
azucenaf+1+2h25i16~17-8~-7+41a (+17)
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +43a (+35) on hit, +5 on block
* Balcony Break
* +0 on block if an attack is absorbed
Power crush 7~15
bryan1,4,2,1,2h,h,h,h,h5,14,18,16,22,i24-9+41d (-17)
* Balcony Break
* Input can be delayed 1f
* Balcony Break
* Alternate input:
** 1,4,2,1,2
** qcf+4,1,2
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +5g +36a(+26)
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block (8)
bryanSLS.4,1,2m,h,h13,13,22i24-9+41d (+17)
* Alternate input:
** 1,4,2,1,2
** b+2,1,2
* Floor Break
* Combo from 2nd CH
* Tech-rollable
Low crush
* Balcony Break
* Jails
* Jails
* Balcony Break
hwoarangRFF.f+4~4m20i18~20-13+41 (+31)
* Tornado
* Remains in Right Stance
larsf+1,2,3h,m,m10,11,20,i24-12 / -5 DEN+41d (-17) / +48d (-10) DEN
* Transition to DEN
* Cancel DEN transition to standing with input B
* Balcony Break
law1,1,1h,h,m5,5,20i20-12+41d (-17)
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +5, +36a (+26)
* Combos from 1st or 2nd hit CH
* Balcony Break
leoBOK.2M23i19~20-9~-8+41a (+31)
High crush 0~19
* Balcony Break
* chip damage on block
lidiauf+3M28i25~27-9+41a (-17)
* Balcony Break
* Spike
Low crush 11~24 fs25~27
liliuf+4,3m,m18,30i24-9+41d (-17)+32d (+24)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* Combos from 1st hit
paulf+1+4m25i21~23-14+41d (-17)
* Balcony Break
* Sharp leftward movement on startup
* Homing
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block
victorPRF.3m21i15~17-8+41 (-17)+41 (-17)
* Heat Engager
* Balcony Break
* Knee
bryan1,4,2,4h,h,h,m5,14,18,21i30~31-5+40a (+14)
* Strong Aerial Tailspin
* Balcony Break
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 16~34
* fs32~34</div>
bryanf+4,1m,m10,10i25~26-13c+40a (+32)
Combo from 1st hit
* Balcony Break
* Causes Strong Aerial Tailspin
* Alternate input 1,4,2,4
Low crush 16
dragunov2,1,3h,h,h10,10,24,i18~19-9+40d (-18)
* Balcony Break
hwoarang3,3,f+4h,m,h15,12,20i21~27-1+40 (+14)
* Balcony Break
hwoarangBT.4i14~16-13+40 (+30)
* Shifts to Right Stance
hwoarangLFS.3,f+4m,h10,20i21~27-1+40 (+14)
* Balcony Break
jack-8df+2,1m,h13,16i21-32+40a (+22)
* Transition to GMH with D
** (+45a (+27) oH)
* Can be charged to power up
jack-8GMH.3+4sm20i20 pc6-13+40d (-18)
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +5, +36a(+26)
* Chip damage on block when absorbing an attack (6)
Power crush 6
* Sabaki, parries mid or high punches or kicks
Parry state 5~
kingAIR.2+4 / AIR.f+2+4t(a)20i12~14 / i15~17+40d(+35)
* Cannot throw break.
* Input f+2+4 to increase throw range, but its startup is 3 frames slower.
* Opponent recovers in FUFT.
* Chip damage on block
lawws1,2m,h10,25i16-9+40d (-18)
* Balcony Break
* Delayable
* Homing
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block
chip damage on block
lili3,1m,m12,24i27-13+40d (-18)
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +5, +36a (+26)
* Balcony Break
* Combos from 1st hit
* Chip damage on block
ravenBT.1,4h,h7,23,i16~17-8~-7+40a (-18)+67a (+51)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st hit
xiaoyub+4,1m,m10,20i27-14+40d (-18)
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +5, +43a (+35)
* Combos from 1st hit
* Balcony Break
xiaoyuBT.f+3+4,3+4m23i12-11+40a (+30)
* "Cali Roll"
High crush
asukadb+4,3L,h14,21,i17-3+39a (+29)
Combo from 1st CH with 1f delay
azucenab+4,3,4,3m,m,m,h10,10,16,23,i27~28-7+39d (-19)
* Knee
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 2nd CH with 6f delay
* Combo from 3rd hit with 2f delay
* Input can be delayed 6f
devil-jinf,n,d,df:2h23i11~12 (i14~)+5+39a (+29)
* 4 Chip Damage on block
* 8 Chip Damage on block while in heat
devil-jinf,n,d,df+2h20i11~12 (i15~)-10+39a (+29)
* Turns into EWGF (f,n,d,df#2) while in heat
* Consumes 70F of remaining heat time while in heat
* 8 Chip Damage on block while in heat
* Recovers in SIT, then stands up
jinws2m14i14~15-12~-11+39a~+40a (+29~+30a)
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +36a(+26) on hit
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage when guarded
Becomes Electric Wind God Fist during Heat (partially uses remaining Heat Time)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* Becomes -5 on block with chip damage if attack absorbed.
Power crush
* In heat it becomes Tornado on grounded hit.
* Partially uses remaining Heat time.
kumaH.df+2+3sm20i15~16+5+39 (+29)
* Partially uses remaining heat time
* H.f,n,d,df+2 to power up
* Hold 2+3 to power up, up to 2 charge levels and deal more chip damage on block
* chip damage on block
lawDSS.f+1m20i14-9+39d (-19)
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +5, +36a (+26)
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block
leeb+1,1:2h,m,h9,6,23i20-6+39d (-19)
* Balcony Break
* Combos from 1st hit
* Perfect Input not required during Heat
* Partially consumes remaining Heat Time, while Perfect input restores Heat Time
leeb+1:1+2h,h9,25i21-6+39d (-19)
* Balcony Break
* Combos from 1st hit
* 10 chip damage
* Perfect Input not required during Heat
* Partially consumes remaining Heat Time, while Perfect input restores Heat Time
leeHMS.2m23i19-13+39a (+29)
* Tornado
liliws2m17i16-12+39a (+29)
* Transition to -12, +39a (+29) BT with B
liliBT.3,4m,m12,20i30-12+39d (+31)
* Balcony Break
* Combos from 1st hit
Low crush
liliRAB.2m20i20-9+39d (-19)
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +5, +36a (+26)
* Balcony Break
* Powered up during Heat: 24 damage
* Partially consumes remaining Heat Time
ninaf+4,2m,h15,22,i18-9+39d (-19)
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +36a (+26) on hit, +5 on block
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st hit with 14f delay
* Input can be delayed 15f
* Move can be delayed 9f
* Hold 2+3 to power up, up to 2 charge levels and deal more chip damage on block
* chip damage on block
paulqcb+2m27i15-9+39d (-19)
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +5, [[Paul_combos#Starter|+36a (+26)]]
* Clean Hit range 2.45
* Heat Dash disables Clean Hit
* 21 damage without Clean Hit
raven3,3,4m,h,h10,16,20,i26~27-9+39a (-19)+66a (+50)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 2nd CH
reinadb+4,1+2L,m7,20,i15-12+39d (-19)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st CH even with delay
* Can be delayed
* CH-confirmable from 1st CH
reinadb+4,1+2L,m7,20,i15-12+39 (+19)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st CH even with delay
* Can be delayed
* Chip on block [9]
Low crush
xiaoyuBT.f,F+3+4m (t)15 (43)i39+4+39d
* Unbreakable throw when connecting at close range
* Chip on block [9]
Low crush
alisaf+3,2h,h10,20,i25-4+38d (+30)
* Balcony Break
* Weapon
* Combo from 1st hit
* 6 chip damage on block
alisaub+2h23i16~20-9+38a (-20)
* Balcony Break
* 9 chip damage on block, +0 block advantage on attack absorption
Power crush 7~15 fs20~30
alisaub+2h23i16~20-9+38a (-20)
* Balcony Break
* 9 chip damage on block, +0 block advantage on attack absorption
<div class="plainlist">
* Power crush 7~15
* fs20~30</div>
azucenaLIB.1+2M23i18~19-14+38a (+28)
* Tornado
* Cancel to r20 BT with B
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 20~30
* fs31~33</div>
* Shift to RLX
* Combos from 1st hit
hwoarangBT.3m20i14~16-13+38 (+28)
jinH.db+1+2,2m,s0,23i11~12+4+38a (28)+38a (28)
*9 Recoverable Damage on block
jundf+2,1+2m,M14,12i25~26-9~-8+38a (+28)
* Combo from 1st hit
* Chip damage (4) on block
* Deals 24 damage to self (16 recoverable)
* Available only on hit or block
junws3+4m23i18~19-21~-20+38a (+28)
kazuyab+2,2,1+2m,m,h12,14,20i28~32-8+38d (-20)
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage when guarded
larsb+2,3m,h12,21,i18-8+38d (-20)
* Balcony Break
* Tornado
larsws1m16i15~16-12+38a / +36a SEN
* Tornado
* Transition to SEN with F on hit
leodb+3h23i31~32-8~-9+38a (+28)
No crouching state
lidiaH.WLF.1m24i22+10g+38a (+30)
* Balcony Break
* Tornado
* Cancel with b,b or f,f on frames 10~18
* Transition to HAE on hit or block only
* Cancel HAE transition with B
xiaoyuws2*m20i22-3+38a (+28)
* Recover facing forward with F (-5, +36a (+26))
alisab,B+1+4h!50i63~84+37a (-18)
* Balcony Break
* Weapon
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 12~79
* fs80~82</div>
alisaDES.2M,M,m5,5,5i20~21 i1~2 i1~2-8+37a (+27)
* Weapon
* 2 chip damage on block
asukaws1,4m,h12,20,i20-4+37a (+29)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st hit with 7f delay
* Move can be delayed 6f
* Tornado
* Strong Aerial Tailspin
* Can hit grounded while off-axis
bryan3,3,4m,h,m14,13,25,i28-12+37d (-21)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 2nd CH
* Tornado
* Alternate input:
** 1,4,2,4
** qcf+4,1,4
* Tornado
* Alternate input:
** 1,4,2,1,4
** b+2,1,4
devil-jindb+1+2**m42i61~63[[Devil Jin combos#Mini-combos|+10]]+37d
* Balcony Break
* Guard Break
* Cancel to r27 MCR with F (js27~)
* 16 Chip Damage on block
* 19 Chip Damage on block while in heat
dragunovuf+1h20i15-9+37d (+29)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* Alternate input:
** ub+1
** u+1
* Tornado
* Shift to HSP
jinb,f+2,1,df+2m,h,m15,14,22i15-14+37a (+27)
* Tornado
* Transition to SIT (Cannot cancel)
lawf,F+2,3m,h12,20i16-14+37a (-21)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* Combos from 1st hit
* Delayable
leouf+1,2h,m8,25i20~21-14~-13+37d (-21)
Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st hit
* Gain LTG +22g on hit with 1+2
lidiaH.1+2m25i31+1+37a (+29)
* Reversal Break
* Cancel with b,b or f,f
* Transition to HAE on hit or block only
* Cancel HAE transition with B
* Partially uses remaining Heat time
* Hold for 20~30 frames
lidiaH.1+2*m30i42~64+10g+37a (+29)
* Reversal Break
* Cancel with b,b or f,f
* Transition to HAE on hit or block only
* Cancel HAE transition with B
* Partially uses remaining Heat time
* Hold for 31~54 frames
lidiaf,f,F+3m30i23~25+6+37d (-21)
* Balcony Break
* 9 Chip damage on block
Low crush 12~33 34~36
lidiaWLF.3,1m,m10,21,i26-6+37a (+29)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st CH
ninaSS.4,2L,h14,22i22-7+37a (-21)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st CH
* Transition to SIT (Cannot cancel)
paulf,F+2:1m,h14,24,i15-4+37d (+11)
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage (7)
* Combo from 1st hit
* Alternate input FC.df+2:1
paulqcb+1+2m22i16~17-14+37a (+27)
* Tornado
* High evasion
victorb+1+4m24i26~27-21+37 (+6)+37 (+6)
yoshimitsuf+3,4h,m24,20,i23~24-6~-5+37a (+23a)
* Knee
* 18f delay after 1st attack
* Interrupt with i17 from 1st block
,Low crush 30~38 fs39~41
Showing 400 of 5296 moves