Tekkendocs features

Frame data

The site contains frame data for all tekken 7 characters. We are in the process of adding frame data for Tekken 8

Data in google sheets

The data is stored in google sheets. This acts as the "source of truth" for both tekkendocs and rbnorway.org. This makes it easy to work together on the data. Everyone can view and comment on the sheets. If you want to contribute, it is also possible to get edit access. To view the sheets, click on the "edit" icon in the top right on the site.

Command pages and deep linking

Each command has it's own page. You just add the character and the command to the url, e.g https://tekkendocs.com/bryan/b1. This also generates a preview link with the data for the move. If you paste this link in discord, you will see the data similar to how you see it from a tekken-bot. This also means moves can be "googled". If you google "tekkendocs nina df1", you should see the frame data in the google preview even without accessing the site. This will hopefully work for most moves when the site gets more traffic.

Open for sharing

Sharing is caring. If you have an awesome idea for how to use the data, you can do so. All we hope for is that you give credits to the site the same place where the data is shown. You can copy data from the google sheets. But even better, you can also get the data in json format which makes it easier to work with. Data is exposed at their own url, e.g. https://tekkendocs.com/api/t7/jin/framedata

Cheat Sheets

Thanks to the datagathering done by Applay, each character has a page with a quick overview. This page contains key moves, punishers, comboes and so on. E.g. http://localhost:3000/t7/asuka/meta


There is a discord server for the site. Click the discord logo in the header to join. The source code of the site is available at github and we are open for contributions. Click the github logo in the header.


The site is built from scratch. So the only limitations for new features are imagination and effort.


There are no ads or tracking cookies. The goal is not to make money, but to create a useful site for the community.

I know there are other sites out there which will provide tekken 8 frame data. Wavu wiki and geppopotamus looks very nice. But all sites have their strengths and weaknesses. I hope to build an awesome site that will complement what is already out there. Please get in touch if you want to contribute :)