

CommandHit levelDamageStartupBlockHitCounter hitNotes
f,F+2,2m, L14, 21i15~17, i36~38-19c+27a
* Cancel to -28 -18 FC with B
* Alternate input FC.df+2,2
High crush 33~83
2,d+3h, L10, 11i10, i22-12c-1
* Combo from 1st CH
High crush 21~
qcf+3+4m22i19~20-9+35a (+27)+74a (+58)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* High Evasion (brief)
Low crush 19~39
DPD.df+3+4m,M32,10i18~23,i51~61-49d-9d (-24)
* Effective minimum startup 28f
* t112 on hit
* Deals recoverable damage to self
Low crush 16~35 fs36~62 FDFA 63~92
1,4h, L5, 8i10, i23-11c+1
* Combo from 1st CH
High crush 14~
* Chip damage (8)
Low crush 14~31 fs32~34
f,F+3m17i15~16-17+24a (+14)
Low crush 10~31 fs32~34
f,F+3,4m, m17, 10i15~16, i13~14-16+30a (+20)
* Combo from 1st hit +27a (+10)
Low crush 10~24 fs25~27
f,F+3,4,4m, m, h17, 10, 25i15~16, ,i23~25-5+62a (+42)
* Balcony Break
Low crush 10~24 fs25~27
f,F+3,4,d+4m, m, L17, 10, 15i15~16, ,i27~28-17c-6
Low crush 10~24 fs25~27 High crush 58~101
f,F+3,4,f+4m, m, m17, 10, 18i15~16, ,i27~29-14+12d (+3)
* Balcony Break
Low crush 10~24 fs25~27
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +5, +62a (+42)
* Homing
Low crush 9~22
uf+2h26i22~23+5+17d FDFA
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +5, +67a (+50)
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage (6)
Low crush 9~24
* Rage Art
* Removes Recoverable Health
* Reversal Break
* Damage increases with lower health, maximum 82
* Restores recoverable health on hit
* Transition to attack throw on hit
* Consumes Rage
* 114f cinematic freeze on frame 8
* t193 r56 on block
* t134 on whiff
Power crush 8~
uf+3m15i15~16-16+25a (+15)
Low crush 8~29 fs30~32
uf+3,4m, m15, 10i15~16, i13~14-13+32a (+22)
* Combo from 1st hit +28a (+21)
Low crush 8~29 fs30~32
uf+4m13i15~17-13+33a (+23)
Low crush 8~29 fs30~32
uf,n,4m20i23~25-13+32a (+22)
* Can be delayed 12f after jump
* Additional range with delay
Low crush 8~29 fs30~32
* Heat Burst
* Consumes Heat
* t92 on whiff
* Cinematic freeze on frame 15
* Cancel to t42 r26 standing with b,b
Power crush 7~
db+1+2M21i20~21-14+30a (+22)
* Chip damage (11) if attack is absorbed
Power crush 7~19
b+1+2h28i24-9+21d (+16)
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage (11) if attack is absorbed
Power crush 7~23
* Clean hit range 2.0
* 17 damage on hit without Clean Hit
* +7 on CH without Clean Hit
High crush 7~40
* Cannot be buffered
* Moves backward up to 1.04
* Less movement against distant opponent
* cs1~10 against distant opponent
* Less movement from attack transition
* No crouching state from attack transition
* High evasion from attack transition
* Transition to r9 DPD from 2f with df
High crush 1~14
* Cannot be buffered
* 1.12 movement over 20f
* Transition to CS from 2f with f
* Transition to r9 DPD from 3~19f with df
* Cancel to r1 block from 2f with b
* Cancel to r1 sidestep from 2f with u
High crush 1~21
* Buffer window 2~9f (3~9f from SWA)
* Sidestep can be buffered with u
* DPD attacks can be buffered
* While standing attacks can be buffered
* Cancel to r1 block from 10f with b
High crush 1~30
qcf+1+2L20i32~33-12c+71a (+55)
* Cancel to t41 FC with B
High crush 1~33
* Effective minimum startup 27f
High crush 1~
High crush 1~
H.1+2m35i28-9+30d (-6) FDFA
* Balcony Break
* Consumes Heat unless canceled
* Chip damage (10)
* Move can be delayed 11f (i39)
* Charge begins on frame 1
* Requires 1~27f charge
* Delayed startup from 17~27f charge
* Cancel to t27~35 r1 CS from 17~35f with f
** Sidestep u can be buffered 2f after cancel
** CS attacks can be buffered from 26f
** Decaying 13f delay on CS attacks
*** Decays to 0 delay 24f after cancel
* Cancel to t41~49 r12 SWA from 17~35f with b
** Sidestep u can be buffered from 27f
** SWA attacks can be buffered from 26f
* H.1+2* from 28~55f charge
* Burning Fist at 56f charge
H.1+2*m40i46+10+30d (-6) FDFA
* Balcony Break
Wall Crush +17g
* Consumes Heat unless canceled
* Chip damage (16)
* Move can be delayed 21f (i67)
* Charge begins on frame 1
* Requires 28~55f charge
* Delayed startup from 35~55f charge
* Cancel to t27~35 r1 CS from 17~35f with f
** Sidestep u can be buffered 2f after cancel
** CS attacks can be buffered from 26f
** Decaying 13f delay on CS attacks
*** Decays to 0 delay 24f after cancel
* Cancel to t41~49 r12 SWA from 17~35f with b
** Sidestep u can be buffered from 27f
** SWA attacks can be buffered from 26f
* H.1+2 from 1~27f charge
* Burning Fist at 56f charge
H.1+2**m!50i71+30d (-6) FDFA
* Balcony Break
* Consumes Heat
* Charge begins on frame 1
* Requires 56f charge
* H.1+2 from 1~27f charge
* H.1+2* from 28~55f charge
H.qcf+2m51i13~14-13+26a (-10) FDFA
* Heat Dash +5, +36a (+26)
* Balcony Break
* Consumes Heat
* Chip damage (11)
* Clean Hit range 2.3
* Heat Dash disables Clean Hit
* 34 damage without Clean Hit
* Balcony Break
* Consumes Heat
* Chip damage (13)
* Requires 24f charge
* f+1+2 from 0~23f charge
* Heat Smash
* Balcony Break
* Fully consumes Heat
* Chip damage (2,6,7)
* Transition to throw on 1st hit only
* 40 damage with throw transition
* 53 damage on 2nd + 3rd hit
* t134 r49 on block
* t124 on whiff
1,2h, h5, 12i10, i10-3+8
* Move can be delayed 3f
* Input can be delayed 3f
* Combo from 1st hit with 3f delay
* Jail from 1st hit with 3f delay
1,2,3h, h, m5, 12, 7i10, ,i16~17-25-14
* Combo from 1st hit
* Jail from 1st hit
* Cancel to 10 strings
2,3h, h10, 21i10, i22~23-9+22d (+13)+51a
Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st CH
3,2m, h14, 17i15~16, i23-3+7+50a
* Move can be delayed 4f
* Input can be delayed 4f
* Combo from 1st hit with 4f delay
* Transition to t60 r19 SWA +4 +14g +57a at 43f with b
3,2~bm, h14, 17i15~16, ,+4+14g+57a
* Sidestep u can be buffered from 45f
* SWA attacks can be buffered from 54f
* Transition to cs1~ r9 -13 +4 +47a DPD from 61f with df
* Balcony Break (CH only)
1+2m30i28-13+20d (+10)
* Balcony Break
* H.1+2 with Heat
* Move can be delayed 11f (i39)
* Charge begins on frame 1
* Requires 1~27f charge
* Delayed startup from 17~27f charge
* Cancel to t27 r1 CS from 17~35f with f
** Cancel can be delayed 8f
** Sidestep u can be buffered 2f after cancel
** CS attacks can be buffered from 26f
** Decaying 13f delay on CS attacks
*** Decays to 0 delay 24f after cancel
* Cancel to t41 r12 SWA from 17~35f with b
* Cancel can be delayed 8f
** Sidestep u can be buffered from 27f
** SWA attacks can be buffered from 26f
* 1+2* from 28~55f charge
* Burning Fist at 56f charge
1+2*m35i46+0+20d (+10)
* Balcony Break
* H.1+2* with Heat
* Chip damage (10)
* Move can be delayed 21f (i67)
* Charge begins on frame 1
* Requires 28~55f charge
* Delayed startup from 35~55f charge
* Cancel to t27 r1 CS from 17~35f with f
** Cancel can be delayed 8f
** Sidestep u can be buffered 2f after cancel
** CS attacks can be buffered from 26f
** Decaying 13f delay on CS attacks
*** Decays to 0 delay 24f after cancel
* Cancel to t41 r12 SWA from 17~35f with b
** Cancel can be delayed 8f
** Sidestep u can be buffered from 27f
** SWA attacks can be buffered from 26f
* 1+2 from 1~27f charge
* Burning Fist at 56f charge
1+2**m!40i71+20d (+10)
* Balcony Break
* H.1+2** with Heat
* Charge begins on frame 1
* Requires 56f charge
* 1+2 from 1~27f charge
* 1+2* from 28~55f charge
* Heat Engager +9
* Heat Dash +5, +62a (+42)
* Transition to throw on front hit
* +32a without throw transition
* Homing
f+3,1h, m11, 21i16~17, i17-10+12d (+3)
* Homing
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st hit
f+1+2m22i20~21+3c+8c+35d (+27)
* Balcony Break (CH only)
* Chip damage (4)
* Move can be delayed 9f (i29~30)
* Delayed startup from 5~23f charge
* f+1+2* at 24f charge
* H.f+1+2* at 24f charge
f+1+2*m26i29~30+5c+20d FDFA+55a
* Balcony Break
* H.f+1+2* with Heat
* Chip damage (10)
* Requires 24f charge
* f+1+2 from 0~23f charge
f+1+4m25i21~23-14+41d (-17)
* Balcony Break
* Sharp leftward movement on startup
* Transition to r15 SWA +3 +9 from 2~14f, 16f with b
df+1,1m, h11, 9i14, i20~21-5+5+8
* Combo from 1st hit with 4f delay
* Move can be delayed 10f
* Input can be delayed 10f
df+1,1,2m, h, m11, 9, 22i14, ,i22~23-9+32a (+24)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 2nd CH
df+1~bm11i14, +3+9
* Sidestep u can be buffered from 16f
* SWA attacks can be buffered from 24f
* Transition to cs1~ r9 -1 -12 DPD from 32f with df
df+2m13i15~16-8+33a (+23)
* High evasion
df+3,4m, m14, 17i16, i21~22-10+6+59a
* Move can be delayed 14f
* Input can be delayed 14f
* Combo from 1st hit with 10f delay
* Knee
* Spike
* Transition to r27 FC with d
d+1,2M, m16, 26i14~15, i29-17+20d (+10)
* Balcony Break
* H.d+1,2 with Heat
* Move can be delayed 14f (i43)
* Charge begins on frame 16
* Requires 0~26f charge
* Delayed startup from 1~26f charge
* Combo from 1st CH with 0~6f charge
* d+1,2* at 27f charge
d+1,2*M16, 39i14~15, i43+9+20d (+10)
* Balcony Break
* Wall Crush +16g
* H.d+1,2* with Heat
* Chip damage (11)
* Charge begins on frame 16
* Requires 27f charge
* d+1,2 from 0~26f charge
d+1,4M, L16, 15i14~15, i19-31c-17+14a FUFA
* Move can be delayed 5f
* Input can be delayed 5f
* Combo from 1st CH with 5f delay
d+1,4,2M, L, m16, 15, 21i14~15, ,i21-14+3d (-6)+35a (-12)
* Balcony Break
* Elbow
* Combo from 2nd CH +11d (+4)
H.d+1,2M, m16, 32i14~15, i29-13+29d (-7) FDFA
* Balcony Break
* Consumes Heat
* Move can be delayed 14f (i43)
* Charge begins on frame 16
* Requires 0~26f charge
* Delayed startup from 1~26f charge
* Combo from 1st CH with 0~6f charge
* H.d+1,2* at 27f charge
H.d+1,2*M, m16, 45i14~15, i43[[Paul combos#Mini-combos|+12]]+30d (-6) FDFA
* Balcony Break
* Guard Break
* Consumes Heat
* Chip damage (13)
* Charge begins on frame 16
* Requires 27f charge
* H.d+1,2 from 0~26f charge
* cs1~ from 6f d/db/df input hold
* OTG.d+2 when opponent is downed
High crush
d+4L9i15-31c+14a FUFA+14a
* Clean Hit range 1.59
* 8 damage, -17 on hit without Clean Hit
* Stagger state on block
d+4,2L, m9, 23i15, i21-18-9
* Move can be delayed 3f
* Input can be delayed 4f
* Combo from 1st CL with 3f delay +5d (-2)
* Combo from 1st CH with 3f delay +5d (-2)
d+4,2,1+2L, m, m9, 23, 26i15, ,i26~27-17+3d (-6)+35a (-12)
* Balcony Break
* Move can be delayed 4f
* Input can be delayed 4f
* Combo from 1st CL with 4f delay +13d (+6)
* Combo from 1st CH with 4f delay +13d (+6)
* Combo from 2nd hit with 4f delay +13d (+6)
* Perfect input window 21~22f after 2 input
d+4,2:1+2L, m, m9, 23, 30i15, ,i26~27-17+3d (-6)+35a (-12)
* Balcony Break
* Move can be delayed 1f
* Input can be delayed 1f
* Combo from 1st CL with 1f delay +13d (+6)
* Combo from 1st CH with 1f delay +13d (+6)
* Combo from 2nd hit with 1f delay +13d (+6)
* Perfect input window 21~22f after 2 input
* Perfect input increases damage, wall carry
d+1+2m30i12~13-16+16d (+11)
* Balcony Break
* Transition to r24 standing with f
High crush
db+2M21i19~20-11+14d (-3) FDFA+28a (+18)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
High crush
High crush
b+1,2h, M12, 21i12~13, i20~21-14+16d (-1) FDFA
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* Move can be delayed 5f
* Input can be delayed 5f
* Combo from 1st hit with 5f delay
b+1+325+1d FUFA
* Parry
Parry state 5~12
* Spike
b+2,1m, m22, 22i18, i36-120c+48a
* Move can be delayed 20f (i56)
* Charge begins on frame 18
* Requires 0~41f charge
* Delayed startup from 22~41f charge
* Combo from 1st CH with 0~23f charge
* b+2,1* / H.b+2,1* at 42f charge
b+2,1*m, m22, 35i18, i60~61+8+20d+56a
* Balcony Break
* H.b+2,1* with Heat
* Chip damage (7)
* Charge begins on frame 18
* Requires 42f charge
* b+2,1 from 0~41f charge
H.b+2,1*m, m22, 35i18, i60~61[[Paul combos#Mini-combos|+12]]+56a
* Balcony Break
* Guard Break
* Consumes Heat
* Chip damage (13)
* Charge begins on frame 18
* Requires 42f charge
* b+2,1 from 0~41f charge
b+3h16i14~15-6+31a (+25)
* Balcony Break
* +21d (+14) on airborne opponent
b,n,f+1h22i28~31-6+34a (+25)
* Balcony Break
* High Evasion
* .73 backward movement over first 14f
* Cannot be buffered
* t35 from 1+2~f
* Exits crouching state on frame 1
* 1.63 movement over 25f (includes CD)
* 1.98 movement over 35f from 1+2 cancel
* Transition to r9 DPD from 2f with df
* Cancel to r1 sidestep from 2f with u
* Cancel to r1 block from 24f with b
* Elbow
* Alternate input FC.df+2
f,F+2,1m, m14, 20i15~17, i26-12+14d
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st hit
* Cancel to -21 -11 standing with B
* Alternate input FC.df+2,1
f,F+2:1m, h14, 24i15~17, i15-4+37d (+11)
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage (7)
* Combo from 1st hit
* Alternate input FC.df+2:1
f,f,F+2m,t21,34i18~19-9+0d FDFA+35a
* Spike on 2nd hit
* Transition to throw on airborne hit
* +17d FDFA without throw transition
ws1,2m, m16, 17i15~16, i20-11+2+3
* Move can be delayed 10f
* Input can be delayed 10f
* Combo from 1st CH with 10f delay
* Transition to t59 r19 SWA +1 +14g +15 from 39~44f with b
ws1,2~bm, m16, 17i15~16, ,+1+14g+15
* Sidestep u can be buffered from 44f
* SWA attacks can be buffered from 51f
* Transition to cs1~ r9 -10 +4 +5 DPD from 60f with df
ws2m20i15~16-14+27a (+17)
ws3,2M, h16, 21i13~14, i21~22-9+17d (+8)+46a
* Balcony Break
* Move can be delayed 12f
* Input can be delayed 12f
* Combo from 1st hit with 12f delay
SS.1h21i20+8+35a (+27)
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage (6)
* Effective minimum startup 30f
* Effective minimum startup 28f
FC.D,U+4m40i13~18-49d-9d (-24)
* Deals recoverable damage to self
qcf+1h21i16~17-4+33a (+26)
* Chip damage (4)
qcf+2m45i13~14-17+26a (-10) FDFA
Heat Engager
Balcony Break
* H.CS.2 with Heat
* Clean Hit range 2.3
* 30 damage without Clean Hit
* Balcony Break
* Elbow
* Effective minimum startup 24f
DPD.df+2,1m, h10, 30i14, i18~19-5+23d
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* Wall Crush +7g
* Move can be delayed 10f
* Input can be delayed 17f
* Combo from 1st hit with 10f delay
DPD.df+2,3m, M10, 22i14, i25~26-13c+10d FDFA+46a
* Spike
* Move can be delayed 10f
* Input can be delayed 17f
* Combo from 1st hit with 6f delay
OTG.d+2L16i18-12c-1d (-9)
* Spike
* +4 on hit against standing opponent
qcb+1M24i21~22+0c+21d FDFA+53a
* Chip damage (7)
qcb+2m27i15-9+39d (-19)
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +5, +36a (+26)
* Clean Hit range 2.45
* Heat Dash disables Clean Hit
* 21 damage without Clean Hit
qcb+3,2L, m14, 20i18~19, i27~28-10+6
* Combo from 1st CH +20d (+13)
qcb+3,2,1L, m, h14, 20, 25i18~19, ,i18~19-5+21d (-5)
* Tornado
Wall Crush +7g
* Combo from 1st CH +63a (+47) T!
qcb+3,2,3L, m, M14, 20, 22i18~19, ,i25~26-13c+10d FDFA+46a
* Spike
* Combo from 1st CH +15d (-20) FDFA
* Move can be delayed 10f
* Input can be delayed 17f
qcb+4h20i15~16+1+23d (+14)+59a
* Homing
* Chip damage (6)
qcb+1+2m22i16~17-14+37a (+27)
* Tornado
* High evasion
1+3t35i12~14-6+1d FUFA
* Homing
* Throw break 1 or 2
* Side switch
2+4t35i12~14-3+1d FUFA
* Homing
* Throw break 1 or 2
* Side switch
* Homing
* Throw break 2
Back Throw.1+3t50i12~14-14d FUFA
* Throw cannot be broken
Back Throw.2+4t50i12~14+1d FDFA
* Spike
* Throw cannot be broken
FC.1+2t0i26-5 BT+3d
* Throw break 1+2
* Transition to Takedown on hit
* Throw break 1 or 2
* Alternate input 1,2,1,2
FC.1+2,2,d+1,1,1+2t50,i26+0d FDFA
* Throw break 1
* Transition to Arm Breaker with 1+2 after third hit
* Throw break 1+2
Left Throwt45i12~14-6+1d FUFA
* Throw break 1
Right Throwt40i12~14-3-2d FUFA
* Throw break 2
* Side switch
b+1+4t40i11-2+6d FUFA
* Throw break 1
* Side switch
* Throw break 1
H.df+1+3,qcf+2t, m22, 21i12~13, i13~14+16d (-20) FDFA
* Balcony Break
* Consumes Heat
* Strict qcf input required (d,f does not work)
* Perfect input window 55-56f
df+1+3,qcf+2t, m22, 15i12~13, i13~14+16d (-20) FDFA
* Balcony Break
* H.df+1+3,qcf+2 with Heat
* Strict qcf input required (d,f does not work)
* Perfect input window 55-56f
* Perfect input increases damage, wall carry
df+1+3:H.qcf+2t, m22, 26i12~13, i13~14+16d (-20) FDFA
* Balcony Break
* Consumes Heat
* Strict qcf input required (d,f does not work)
* Perfect input window 55-56f
* Perfect input increases damage, wall carry
df+1+3:qcf+2t, m22, 20i12~13, i13~14+16d (-20) FDFA
* Balcony Break
* H.df+1+3:qcf+2 with Heat
* Strict qcf input required (d,f does not work)
* Perfect input window 55-56f
* Perfect input increases damage, wall carry
f,F+1+2t38i12+0 BT/+0 FUFA+20d
* Balcony Break
* Throw break 1+2
* Side switch if broken
* +0 FUFA if broken at wall
* Spike
* Throw break 1+2