

CommandHit levelDamageStartupBlockHitCounter hitNotes
Recovers 2f faster on hit or block (t27 r17)
1,1h, m5, 19i10, i23-9+4c+6a
* Spike
* Weapon
* Combo from 1st hit with 1f delay
* Input can be delayed 3f
* Interrupt with i4 from 1st block
* 3 chip damage on block
* Power up in NSS or Heat
1,NSS.1h, m5, 22i10, i23-9+16a+52a
* Balcony Break
* Spike
* Weapon
* Combo from 1st hit with 1f delay
* Input can be delayed 3f
* Interrupt with i4 from 1st block
* 11 chip damage on block
* Recovers 4 base health on hit
* Can recover to r17 FC with D
* Strong Attack Reversal: parries all highs or mids, except throws, unblockables and charge moves
Parry state 3~9
1+2,PM,M10,12i15~18 i3~6+1c~+4c+14a
<div class="plainlist">
* is1~20
* Low crush 11~42
* fs43~45</div>
* Weapon
* Can hit grounded when up-close and off-axis
* Can't block for 5 seconds
* CH state for 5 seconds
* Homing
* Throw break 1 or 2
* Weapon
* 70% proration on standing hit
* Knockdown against BT opponent +11a (FDFT)
* Power up in NSS or Heat
2,1h, m10, 23i11, i26~27-9+12a
* Balcony Break
* Weapon
* Combo from 1st CH with 2f delay
* Cancel to r15 with b
* Interrupt with i8 from 1st block
* Becomes a different move in NSS
2,2h, h10, 18i11, i24-1+15g
* Tornado
* Balcony break on airborne hit
* Combo from 1st hit with 1f delay
* Enter KIN with 1+2
* Transition to NSS on hit or block only
2,3h, h10, 24i11, i26~27-10+16a (+7)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st CH with 2f delay
* Input can be delayed 5f
2,d+3h, L10, 11i11, i22-12-1
* Combo from 1st hit with 2f delay
High crush 12~
2,NSS.1h, h10, 5,15i11, i23~24 i18-5+19a
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st hit
* Jail from 2nd attack
* Heat Burst
* Cancel to r45 with b,b
* 3 chip damage on block
* 12 chip damage on hit
* Only deals recoverable damage
* Cannot cause a K.O.
<div class="plainlist">
* Power crush 7~62
* On cancel: fs12~20 Low crush 21~29 fs30~32</div>
* Homing
* Floor Break
* Throw break 1 or 2
* Side switch on hit
3,1m, h12, 22i15~16, i22~24+7+18g
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +5g, +62a (+42)
* Balcony Break
* Weapon
* Combo from 1st hit
* 4 chip damage on block
* Does not transition to DGF during Heat activation or Heat Dash
* Power up in NSS or Heat
* Recovers in 1SS
,Low crush 26~
3,2m, m12, 12i15~16, i22-12+1
Interrupt with i1 from 1st block
3,2,1+2m, m, M12, 12, 29i15~16, ,i26~27-14c+20a (+10)
* Balcony Break
* Weapon
* Combo from 2nd hit with 4f delay
* Input can be delayed 10f
* Move can be delayed 9f
* Interrupt with i7 from 2nd block
* 5 chip damage on block
* Power up in NSS or Heat
3,2,NSS.1+2m, m, M12, 12, 30i15~16, ,i26~27-14c+20a (+10)
* Balcony Break
* Weapon
* Combo from 2nd hit with 4f delay
* Input can be delayed 10f
* Move can be delayed 9f
* 15 chip damage on block
* Clean hit 39 damage
* Recovers 4 base health on hit
3,NSS.1m, h12, 25i15~16, i22~24+7+18g
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +5g, +62a (+42)
* Balcony Break
* Weapon
* Combo from 1st hit
* 7 chip damage on block
* Recovers 4 base health on hit
* Does not transition to DGF during Heat Dash
* Recovers in 1SS
,Low crush 26~
Yoshimitsu recovers in BT
3~4m,m6,22i17~18 i28~29-6+3
* Enter DGF +5 +14 r18 with 1SS.U
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 12-37
* fs38-40</div>
4h12i12~13-11+0+20a (+10)
Balcony break on airborne hit
4,4h, h12, 12i12~13, i24~25-4-2
* Combo from 1st hit with 4f delay
4,4,2h, h, m12, 12, 5i12~13, ,i30~31-22-12
Yoshimitsu recovers sideturned on block
4,4,2,2h, h, m, h12, 12, 5, 6i12~13, ,i22~23-24-13
* Combo from 3rd hit
* Opponent recovers BT on hit
4,4,2,2,1h, h, m, h, m!12, 12, 5, 6, 30i12~13, ,i67-18
* Weapon
4,4,2,2,1~1h, h, m, h, m!, m!12, 12, 5, 6, 30, 22i12~13, ,i28~113-58
* Weapon
* Cancel early to r26 with B (earliest cancel -12a)
* Possible to double-hit
4,4,2,2,NSS.1h, h, m, h, m12, 12, 5, 6, 30i12~13, ,i67-54-17a
4,4,2,2,NSS.1~1h, h, m, h, m, h!12, 12, 5, 6, 30, 40i12~13, ,i20~105-49a (-75)
* Balcony Break
* Cancel early to r30 with B
4,4,4h, h, h12, 12, 20i12~13, ,i24~25-4+18a (+9)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 2nd CH with 4f delay
4~3m25i25~26-13+52a (+42)
* Tornado
<div class="plainlist">
* High crush 4~22
* fs10~50</div>
* Weapon
* Cannot be buffered
* Poor hitbox, will go over crouching opponents sometimes
* Weapon
* 70% proration on standing hit
* Knockdown against BT opponent +11a (FDFT)
* Power up in NSS or Heat
Can transition to Spinning Evade with b+3 or b+4
B+1,1h, h8, 9i17, i11~12+4+5+10
Can transition to Spinning Evade with b+3 or b+4
B+1,1,1h, h, h8, 9, 10i17, ,i11~12+4+5+10
Can transition to Spinning Evade with b+3 or b+4
B+1,1,1,1h, h, h, h8, 9, 10, 12i17, ,i11~12+4+5+10
Can transition to Spinning Evade with b+3 or b+4
B+1,1,1,1,1h, h, h, h, h8, 9, 10, 12, 14i17, ,i11~12+4+5+10
Can transition to Spinning Evade with b+3 or b+4
B+1,1,1,1,1,1h, h, h, h, h, h8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16i17, ,i11~12-73-71-67
B+1,1,DB+3h, h, l8, 9, 7i17, ,i13~14-20-9
* Combo from 1st hit
* Links to db+3 extensions
* Can be performed from a single B+1
,High crush 10~
B+1,1,DB+3,3h, h, l, l8, 9, 7, 5i17, ,i15~17-19-7
* Combo from 3rd CH
* Links to db+3 extensions
* Enter IND r20 with d+3+4
* Can be performed from a single B+1
,High crush 1~
High crush 8~50
Enter KIN r27 with n,1+2
b+2,1m, M12, 20i14~15, i27~28-17+28a (+18)
* Weapon
* Combo from 1st CH with 2f delay
* Enter KIN r30 with 1+2
* Input can be delayed 14f
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 28~49
* fs50~52</div>
b+2,2m, h12, 21i14~15, i22~23-13+2a
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +5g, +36a (+26)
* Weapon
* Combo from 1st with 1f delay
* Combo from 1st CH with 7f delay
* Input can be delayed 14f
b+2,NSS.1m, m12, 17i14~15, i27~28-17+28a (+18)
* Enter KIN r30 with 1+2
* Combo from 1st CH with 2f delay
* Input can be delayed 14f
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 28~49
* fs50~52</div>
b+2,NSS.2m, h12, 18i14~15, i22~23-10+0
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +5g, +36a (+26)
* Combo from 1st with 1f delay
* Combo from 1st CH with 7f delay
* Input can be delayed 14f
* 8 self-damage
* 10 self-damage
* 18 self-damage in total
* 5 self-damage
* 23 self-damage in total
* 5 self-damage
* 28 self-damage in total
* 5 self-damage
* 33 self-damage in total
* 5 self-damage
* 38 self-damage in total
Back Throwt50+1d
* Floor Break
* Unbreakable
Can hit from the front of the opponent attacks into it
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 14~27
* fs28~30</div>
BT.1,2h, m16, 18i15, i25-5+5+63a
* Balcony break on airborne hit
* Elbow
* Combo from 1st CH
BT.1,3h, h16, 25i15, i25~26-7+27a (+17)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st CH
* Balcony Break
* Links to f+2 extensions
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 6~29
* fs30~32</div>
High crush 6~
* Spike
* Weapon
* 4 chip damage on block
* Power up in NSS or Heat
* Spike
* Weapon
* Slowly realigns while charging
* Can be canceled with b*
* Spike
* Weapon
* Slowly realigns while charging
* Can be canceled with b*
* Spike
* Weapon
* Slowly realigns while charging
* Can be canceled with b*
* Spike
* Weapon
* Slowly realigns while charging
* Can be canceled with b*
* Spike
* Weapon
* Slowly realigns while charging
* Can be canceled with b*
* Spike
* Weapon
* Slowly realigns while charging
* Can be canceled with b*
* Unavailable in NSS
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 8~17
* fs18~20</div>
* Weapon
* 60 self damage during 1st recovery frame
* Can connect from the front if the opponent attacks into it
d+1+4,B+1m!, m!60, 18i29~30, i1~39-29a
* Weapon
* 6 self damage
d+1+4,B+1,1m!, m!, m!60, 18, 20i29~30, ,i1~18-29a
* Weapon
* 6 self damage
d+1+4,B+1,1,1m!, m!, m!, m!60, 18, 20, 21i29~30, ,i1~18-29a
* Weapon
* 10 self damage
d+1+4,B+1,1,1,1m!, m!, m!, m!, m!60, 18, 20, 21, 28i29~30, ,i1~18-29a
* Weapon
* 12 self damage
d+1+4,B+1,1,1,1,1m!, m!, m!, m!, m!, m!60, 18, 20, 21, 28, 30i29~30, ,i1~35-30a
* Weapon
* 17 self-damage
* The entire string deals 111 self damage
d+2,1M, h12, 23i16~17, i27~28-9+17a (+8)
* Balcony Break
* Weapon
* Combo from 1st hit with 8f delay
* Input can be delayed 16f
* Move can be delayed 10f
d+2,2M, m12, 17i16~17, i22~23-12+7g+28a (+22)
* Weapon
* Combo from 1st hit with 13f delay
* Input can be delayed 16f
* Move can be delayed 10f
* In 1SS Enter NSS r31 with B
d+2,2,1M, m, h12, 17, 20i16~17, ,i19~20-9+8a (-1)
* Balcony Break
* Weapon
* Input can be delayed 10f
* Move can be delayed 9f
d+2,2,2M, m, M12, 17, 19i16~17, ,i25~27-13+16a (+9)
* Tornado
* Weapon
* Input can be delayed 10f
* Move can be delayed 9f
d+2,2,d+1M, m, m12, 17, 17i16~17, ,i29~30-12+2c+42a
* Spike
* Weapon
* Input can be delayed 10f
* Move can be delayed 9f
* Last hit has shorter range and no Weapon property in NSS
d+2,2,NSS.1M, m, h12, 17, 20i16~17, ,i19~20-9+8a (-1)
* Balcony Break
* Input can be delayed 10f
* Move can be delayed 9f
d+2,2,NSS.d+1M, m, m12, 17, 17i16~17, ,i29~30-12+2c+42a
* Spike
* Input can be delayed 10f
* Move can be delayed 9f
d+2,NSS.1M, h12, 18i16~17, i27~28-9+10g
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st hit with 8f delay
* Input can be delayed 16f
* Move can be delayed 10f
Most commonly impacts on frame 16, except when tracking right
High crush 4~
* All stance moves are bufferable
<div class="plainlist">
* High crush 6~
* fs6~</div>
High crush 4~
Unavailable in NSS
High crush 8~
db+1,2L, m12, 20i26~28, i25~26-13~12+0~+1+6g~+7g
* Balcony break on airborne or CH
* Combo from 1st with 1f delay
* Combo from 1st CH with 8f delay
* Input can be delayed 8f
* Continues as long as DB is held
* Transition to r25 releasing db
High crush 11~
db+2,2m, m8, 7i15, i10~14-9~-5+2~+6
Combo from 1st hit
db+2,2,2m, m, m8, 7, 6i15, ,i10~14-9~-5+2~+6
Combo from 1st hit
db+2,2,2,2m, m, m, m8, 7, 6, 5i15, ,i10~14-9~-5+2~+6
Combo from 3rd CH
db+2,2,2,2,2m, m, m, m, m8, 7, 6, 5, 4i15, ,i10~14-9~-5+2~+6
* Combo from 4th hit
* Combo from 3rd CH
db+2,2,2,2,2,2m, m, m, m, m, m8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3i15, ,i10~14-49-37
Combo from 5th CH
High crush 6~
db+3,3l, l8, 7i18~19, i15~17-19-7
* Combo from 1st hit
* Enter IND r20 with d+3+4
,High crush 1~
db+3,3,3l, l, l8, 7, 7i18~19, ,i15~17-19~-17-7~-5
* Combo from 2nd CH
* Enter IND r20 with d+3+4
,High crush 1~
db+3,3,3,3l, l, l, l8, 7, 7, 5i18~19, ,i15~17-19-7
* Combo from 3rd CH
* Enter IND r20 with d+3+4
,High crush 1~
db+3,3,3,3,3l, l, l, l, l8, 7, 7, 5, 5i18~19, ,i15~17-19-7
* Combo from 4th CH
* Enter IND r20 with d+3+4
,High crush 1~
db+3,3,3,3,3,3l, l, l, l, l, l8, 7, 7, 5, 5, 5i18~19, ,i9~11-26-15
* Combo from 5th CH
,High crush 1~
db+3,3,3,3,3,4l, l, l, l, l, m8, 7, 7, 5, 5, 15i18~19, ,i12~13-8+23a (+13)
* Balcony Break
* Enter KIN -6 +25a (+15) r21 with 1+2
* Enter NSS -6 +25a (+15) r24 with B
* Same animation as ws4
* Can be performed following any number of db+3 lows except the first one
df+1,2m, h14, 16i13, i25~26-4+14g+39a
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st CH with 2f delay
df+1,2,1m, h, M14, 16, 19i13, ,i26~27-12+17a (+10)
* Tornado
* Weapon
* Combo from 2nd CH with 1f delay
df+1,2,db+2m, h, m14, 16, 7i13, ,i15-5+6
* Links to db+2 extensions
df+1,2,NSS.1m, h, M14, 16, 19i13, ,i26~27-12+17a (+10)
* Tornado
* Combo from 2nd CH
df+1,4m, m14, 17i13, i17-12+4
* Jail from 1st attack with 2f delay
* 2nd hit can whiff at certain ranges, -20 on whiff
df+1+4M20i20~21-17+35a (+25)
* Weapon
* Enter KIN r30 with 1+2
* Can be buffered
* Can be performed in FC
* Power up input f,n,d,df+1
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 20~42
* fs43~45</div>
df+2m13i15~16-7+34a (+24)
* +4s against crouching
* Launches crouching on CH
df+2+3m18i17~18-13+6g+58a (+38)
* Balcony Break
* Can be buffered
* Can be performed in FC
* Power up input f,n,d,df+2
High crush 9~17
df+3,1m, M10, 20i17~18, i23~24-9+4c+6a
* Spike
* Weapon
* Combo from 1st hit
* 4 chip damage on block
* Power up in NSS or Heat
* Input can be held to transition to d+1*
df+3,NSS.1m, M10, 24i17~18, i23~24-9+16a+52a
* Spike
* Weapon
* Combo from 1st hit
* Recovers 4 base health on hit
* 12 chip damage on block
* Input can be held to transition to d+1*
* Spike
* Weapon
* 11 chip damage on block
* Power up in Heat
* Partially uses remaining Heat time
Low crush 1~27
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 1~27
* fs28~30</div>
Low crush 1~
DGF.2,4h, M15, 22i16~18, i26~28-14+15a (+8)
* Tornado
* Combo from 1st hit
* Enter NSS r33 with B
<div class="plainlist">
* ,Low crush 1~46
* fs47~49</div>
Airborne attack, can't be low parried
Low crush 1~18
* Floor Break
* Transitions to attack throw on front hit (air hit OK)
* Attack throw recovers standing
Low crush 1~
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +5g, +62a (+42)
* Balcony Break
Low crush 1~19
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 1~27
* fs28~
* High crush 31~</div>
realigns with opponent, creates distance
Low crush 1~
DGF.f+1+2h,h,h10,10,20i16~17 i11~12 i11~12-2+18a (+9)
* Homing
* Balcony Break
* Weapon
* Jail from 1st attack
* 12 chip damage on block
* Power up in Heat
Low crush 1~65
DGF.f+2h23i20~21+7+19a (+10)+64a (+44)
* Homing
* Balcony Break
* Weapon
Low crush 1~
f,f,F+3M30i22~23+5g+13a (+3)
* Balcony Break
* 9 chip damage on block
* Enter DGF +7 +15a (+5) r34 with 1SS.U
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 3~33
* fs34~36</div>
* Spike
* Cannot be buffered
* Visually similar to f,F+3+4
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 10~21
* fs22~24
* Low crush 25~29
* fs30~32</div>
* Weapon
* Cannot be buffered
* 60 self-damage during 1st recovery frame
* NSS.f,F+1+4 will always cancel into Confusion
* Dealing lethal damage will award the victory to Yoshimitsu
* Holding any direction will trigger the attack, not just forward
f,F+1+4,Fm!, m!60, 185i45, i35~37-60a
* Weapon
* 185 self-damage during 1st recovery frame
* Dealing lethal damage will award the victory to Yoshimitsu
* Elbow
* Cannot be buffered
* Increased pushback on CH
f,F+2:2m, t15, 20i15, +8d
* Transitions to attack throw only on front hit (air hit OK)
* 3f input window for the transition (frames 13~15)
* After hit, enter IND r20 with d+3+4
* Enter KIN r25 +3 +12 with 1+2
* Cannot be buffered
* Spike
* Cannot be buffered
* Visually similar to f,F+1+2
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 10~27
* fs28~30</div>
f,F+3+4,1+2m, m15, 15i22~24, i12~18-31-2a (-12)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st CH
* Tremendous forward travel
* Automatically recovers to r55 IND on self-wallsplat
<div class="plainlist">
* ,Low crush 24~46
* fs47~90</div>
f,F+3+4,1+2,3+4m, m, m15, 15, 20i22~24, ,i27-13+52a (+42)
* Tornado
* Combo from 2nd hit
* Combo from 1st CH
* Tremendous forward travel
<div class="plainlist">
* ,Low crush 1~13
* fs14~54</div>
f,F+4m20i15~16-6+37a (+23)
* Balcony Break
* Knee
* Cannot be buffered
* -12 if Yoshimitsu holds back to turn around and block
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 13-21
* fs22-24</div>
f,n,d,df+1M22i17~18-17+35a (+25a)
* Weapon
* Can be buffered
* Enter KIN r30 with 1+2
* Can be performed from FC
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 17~39
* fs40~42</div>
f,n,d,df+2m20i14~15-13+6g+58a (+38)
* Balcony Break
* Weapon
* Can be buffered
* Can be performed in FC
High crush 6~14
f+1+2M23i20-12+8a (-1)
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +5g, +62a (+42)
* Balcony Break
* Weapon
* 4 chip damage on block
* 29 damage and extended range in NSS or Heat
Balcony Break
f+2,1h, M18, 21i17~18, i26~27-12+17a (+10)
* Tornado
* Weapon
* Combo from 1st CH with 1f delay
f+2,db+2h, m18, 8i17~18, i15-5+6
Link to db+2 extensions
f+2,NSS.1h, m18, 21i17~18, i26~27-12+17a (+10)
* Tornado
* Combo from 1st CH
f+3h24i16~17-9+17a (+8)
* Homing
* Balcony Break
f+3,4h, m24, 20i16~17, i23~24-6+37a (+23)
* Knee
* 18f delay after 1st attack
* Interrupt with i17 from 1st block
<div class="plainlist">
* ,Low crush 22~29
* fs30~32</div>
f+3+4m,M,M,M20,3,3,3i21~25-13~-9-8a (-15)
* Balcony Break
* Head
* Floor break 3rd hit
* Transition to FLE on hit only
* Attacks after 1st only come out on hit
* Combo from 1st hit does 2,1,1 damage
* Combo does 2 extra damage from FLE.n
* Cancel to r65 BT earliest on frame 10 with b
* Automatically recovers to r55 IND on self-wallsplat
f+4m20i18-13+21a (+11)
* Balcony Break
* -9 on block after absorbing an attack
* 8 chip damage on attack absorbtion
Power crush 7~17
* Transition to r25? with f
* Transition input can be delayed 16f
High crush 1~
High crush 1~
High crush 1~
High crush 1~
Links to db+3 extensions
High crush 1~
FC.DF+1l!12i26+70a (+54)
* Weapon
High crush 1~34
* Homing
* Enter IND -26 +8c +35a r24 with d+3+4
* Can be done from Crouch Level 2
High crush 1~
<div class="plainlist">
* fs1~25
* High crush 26~</div>
FLE.1+2h20i18~19-8+31a (+21)
* Tornado
* Head
High crush 6~17
* Side switches on close hit
* Can combo to ws4 on no side switch
<div class="plainlist">
* fs1~
* High crush 6~</div>
* Evades like a sidestep
Low crush 1~
FLE.3+4m25i25~26-13+52a (+42)
* Tornado
<div class="plainlist">
* fs1~26
* High crush 6~22</div>
* Evades jabs from frames 4-14
* Evades mids from frames 7-12
* Can be canceled into other FLE moves (except FLE.n)
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 1~4
* fs5~15
* Low crush 16~</div>
FLE.dM0i10+31a (+24)
* Evades jabs from frames 4-14
* Evades mids from frames 7-12
* Can be cancelled into other FLE moves (except FLE.n)
* Only accessible after hitting with FLE.n
Low crush 1~
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 1~16
* High crush 16~30
* fs17~</div>
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 1~12
* fs13~15</div>
* In WFL from frames 20-50
* Cancel into FLE.f,f with f within 19 frames
Low crush 1~
FLE.f,fM,M,M,M,M3,3,3,3,3i17~19 i6~8 i5~7 i6~8 i6~8-10+1
* Combos from any hit
* Floor break on all hits
* Sometimes combos into FLE.n
Low crush 1~
FLE.nm7i2~60-18~+48a (+38a)
* Balcony Break
* Weapon
* Hitlines exist on the sword and directly behind Yoshimitsu
* Can be canceled at any time into another FLE move
* After hitting with this attack, FLE.n has no hitbox until another FLE action (other than FLE.d) is taken
Low crush 1~
Low crush 1~
FLE.u+3+4m30i38~40+4~+6+21a (+12)
* Balcony Break
* Tech roll to r33 FC on frames 41-42
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 1~37
* fs38~40</div>
FLE.ufm!21i30~45+30a (+20)
* Balcony Break
Low crush 1~
* Heat Smash
* Reversal Break
* Balcony Break
* Recovers 4 base health on hit
* Enter DGF +10 r29 with U on block
* Transition to attack throw after 1st hit
* 14 chip damage on block
* Jail from 1st attack
* Ends Heat
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 68~89
* fs90~92</div>
* Spike
* Weapon
* 18 chip damage on block
* Recovers 4 base health on hit
Low crush 1~27
H.DGF.f+1+2h,h,h10,10,20i16~17 i11~12 i11~12+4+18a (+9)
* Homing
* Balcony Break
* Weapon
* 17 chip damage on block
* Recovers 4 base health on hit
Low crush 1~65
* Spike
* Weapon
* Same animation as the ending of qcf+1
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 30~52
* fs53~55</div>
Unavailable in NSS
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 1~27
* fs28~30</div>
* Links to db+2 extensions
* Greater forward momentum than a standing db+2
High crush 1~ fs1~
IND.3m15i32~38-31-2a (-12)
* Balcony Break
* Automatically recovers to r55 IND on self-wallsplat
* Tremendous forward travel
<div class="plainlist">
* ,Low crush 12~34
* fs35~90</div>
IND.3,3+4m, m15, 20i32~38, i27-13+52a (+42)
* Tornado
* Combo from 1st hit
* Tremendous forward travel
<div class="plainlist">
* ,Low crush 1~13
* fs14~54</div>
IND.3+4m,m6,22i17~18 i10~11-6+3
* Homing
* Enter DGF r18 with 1SS.U
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 12-37
* fs38-40</div>
* Homing
* Enter IND -26 +8 +35a r24 with d+3+4
High crush 1~
* Allows 8-way directional movement in IND
* Continues as long as 3+4 is held
* Holding a directional input and pressing 1, 2 or 1+2 will play different voicelines
* Yoshimitsu must rest his arms before he can move, this animation takes 30 frames, this animation does not occur when using NSS.d+1+2
High crush 1~ fs1~
* If closer than 1.75 units, recovers r49, 1 unit behind the opponent
* If in BT.IND closer than 1.75 units, recovers r49, 4.2 units away from the opponent
* If farther than 1.75 units, recovers r49 BT in the same location
* Evasive, can go under some attacks
<div class="plainlist">
* fs1~50</div>
* Recovers 3 recoverable health with each pulse
* Can be cancelled into other IND moves
* Inputting anything other than IND.3+4 or IND.u will put Yoshimitsu in a spinning animation that takes 29 frames to complete before any move comes out
<div class="plainlist">
* High crush 1~
* fs1~</div>
* Evasive, can go under some attacks if timed
Unavailable in NSS
Low crush 1~
* Spike
* Weapon
* Deals 2 chip damage in NSS
KIN.1,1m, m,m10, 5,15i17, i23~24 i14~15-9+7c
* Spike
* Weapon
* Combo from 1st hit with 2f delay
* Power up in NSS or Heat
KIN.1,NSS.1m, m,m10, 5,20i17, i23~24 i14~15-1+37a (+29)
* Balcony Break
* Spike
* Weapon
* Combo from 1st hit with 2f delay
* 4 chip damage on block
* Recovers 4 base health on hit
KIN.1+2m,m,m,m4,4,4,24i12~13 i6~7 i7~8 i11~13-6+11a
* Spike
* Weapon
* Combos from any hit
* Despite being i12, it always connects on i13 after f,F+3,1+2 on hit
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 25~39
* fs40~42</div>
* Weapon
* 70% proration on standing hit
* Knockdown against BT opponent +11a (FDFT)
* Power up in NSS or Heat
KIN.2m15i21~22-14+26a (+16a)
KIN.2,1+2m, M15, 30i21~22, i32~34-15~-13+2a
* Balcony Break
* Spike
* Weapon
* 6 chip damage on block
* Power in NSS or Heat
KIN.2,1+2*m, M15, 30i21~22, i47~49+2~+4+2a
* Balcony Break
* Spike
* Weapon
* 9 chip damage on block
* Power in NSS or Heat
KIN.2,NSS.1+2m, M15, 30i21~22, i32~34-3+15a
* Balcony Break
* Spike
* Weapon
* 9 chip damage on block
* Recovers 7 base health on hit
KIN.2,NSS.1+2*m, M15, 30i21~22, i47~49+14+69a (+49)
* Balcony Break
* Spike
* Weapon
* Guard Break
* 12 chip damage on block
* Recovers 2 base health on hit
* +26d (+26) on airborne hit
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 10~20
* fs21~23
* High crush 24~</div>
KIN.4h23i16~17+0+20a (+11)+49a
* Homing
* Balcony Break
* Enter KIN +3 +23a (+14) r26 with 1+2
* Enter MED -1 +19a (+10) r28 with 3+4
* Weapon
* Backswing blow
* Unavailable in NSS
* Move is delayed by 5f
KIN.b+2,1m, M15, 19i15~16, i23~24-12+30a (+20)
* Tornado
* Weapon
* Combo from 1st hit
* Weapon
* Cancel to r34 FC with DB on frame 16
High crush 22~
High crush 5~25
KIN.f+1M,M,M6,6,10i19~20 i6~7 i7~8-5-2
* Weapon
* Combos from any hit
* 8 chip damage on block
* Powers in NSS or Heat
KIN.f+1*M,M,M,M,M,M6,6,6,6,6,10i19~20 i6~7 i7~8 i6~7 i7~8 i7~8-12+29a (+14)
* Weapon
* Combos from any hit
* 14 chip damage on block
* Powers in NSS or Heat
KIN.f+2h25i12~13-1 +11w+9a (+0)
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +5g, +34a (+27)
* Homing
* Balcony Break
* Weapon
* Wall Crush on block, +11g minimum
Can be counterhit
Low crush 14~
Left Throwt45-3+0d
* Throw break 1
* Side switch on hit
Recovers 12 base health
* Weapon
* 70% proration on standing hit
* Knockdown against BT opponent +11a (FDFT)
* Power up in NSS or Heat
MED.3m,M15,15i17~28 i28~39+2~+13+43a
* Spike
* BT.d+3 is guaranteed on meaty block
* 1st hit only connects if the opponent is close enough
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 14~41
* fs42~44</div>
Transitions into sidewalk with held input
* Can be cancelled into a backturned attack
* Can be cancelled into instant while standing
* Closes distance with the opponent
* May be canceled into another MED move
* at 26-28 frames into the animation:
* Restores recoverable health successively
** +1 health (1st pulse)
** +2 health (2nd pulse)
** +3 health (3rd onward)
NSS.1+2+3h25i22~40-18~+0+26d (-32)
Balcony Break
NSS.1+4m20i8~11-15+14 +64a
* Strong Aerial Tailspin
* Weapon
* Knockdown against BT opponent, +19a (+9)
* 4 chip damage on block
* Recovers 2 base health on hit
NSS.b,B+1+4m!40i65~70-3a (-12)+29a (-18)
Balcony Break
NSS.b,B+1+4,Bm20,i22~25-15+14 +64a
* Strong Aerial Tailspin
* Weapon
* Knockdown against BT opponent, +19a (+9)
* 4 chip damage on block
* Recovers 2 base health on hit
High crush 8~50
Yoshimitsu remains in NSS
* Spike
* Weapon
* Recovers health on hit
* 12 chip damage on block
* Input can be held to transition to d+1*
<div class="plainlist">
* High crush 7~
* fs7~</div>
Yoshimitsu is invisible on frames 50~64, but can still be hit
* Transition to r24 with f
High crush 4~
NSS.df+1+4m19i20~21-17+35a (+25)
* Enter KIN r37 with 1+2
* Can be buffered
* Can be performed in FC
* Power up input NSS.f,n,d,df+1
* Replaced by 1SS.df+1+4 when performed in BT
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 20~42
* fs43~45</div>
NSS.f,n,d,df+1m19i17~18-17+35a (+25a)
* Weapon
* Can be buffered
* Enter KIN r30 with 1+2
* Can be performed from FC
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 17~39
* fs40~42</div>
NSS.f+1+2M29i20-12+8a (-1)
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +5g, +62a (+42)
* Balcony Break
* Weapon
* 8 chip damage on block
* Recovers 4 base health on hit
* Extended range
NSS.f+3+4m20i21~25-13~-9+20a (+11)
* Balcony Break
* Head
* Cancel to r55 BT with b
* Enter IND +12a (+3) r29 with d+3+4 on hit
* Automatically recovers to r55 IND on self-wallsplat
* Recovers 12f faster on hit
* +20a on side hit
High crush 1~34
NSS.FC.DF+1,2l, L12, 20i25~26, i25~26-14+14
* Spike
* Combo from 1st hit
* Interrupt with i7 from 1st block
,High crush 1~45
NSS.FC.df+3L12i20~21-26+67a (+51)
High crush 1~
* Spike
* Same animation as the ending of NSS.qcf+1
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 30~52
* fs53~55</div>
NSS.KIN.1+4m20i12~15-15+14 +64a
* Strong Aerial Tailspin
* Weapon
* Knockdown against BT opponent, +19a (+9)
* 4 chip damage on block
* Recovers 2 base health on hit
Cancel to r34 FC with DB on frame 16
High crush 22~
NSS.KIN.f+1M,M,M6,6,12i19~20 i6~7 i7~8-5+18a (+11)
* Weapon
* Combos from any hit
* 12 chip damage on block
* Recovers 4 base health on hit
NSS.KIN.f+1*M,M,M,M,M,M6,6,6,6,6,12i19~20 i6~7 i7~8 i6~7 i7~8 i7~8-9+29a (+14)
* Weapon
* Combos from any hit
* 21 chip damage on block
* Recovers 8 base health on hit
* Spike
* Can be buffered
* Can be performed in FC
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 10~55
* fs56~58</div>
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 9~27
* fs28~30</div>
* Spike
* Can't be low parried
* Opponent recovers crouching
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 9~24
* fs25~</div>
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 9~27
* fs28~30</div>
NSS.ub+1+2M30i24~25-8c+16a (+6)
* Balcony Break
* Weapon
* 15 chip damage on block
* Clean hit 39 damage
* Recovers 4 base health on hit
* -12c if blocked at tip range
* Punishable on close hit with FUFT.3
NSS.ub+1+3,1+2m!, h50, 15i51~65, i18~19-15-4+45a
NSS.ub+1+3,n+1m!, h!50, 40i51~65, i20~105-49a (-75)
* Balcony Break
* Cancel to r94 with B on frame 64
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 9~27
* fs28~30</div>
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 9~35
* fs36~38</div>
* Spike
* Weapon
* 16 damage -16a against airborne opponent
* 19 damage -13a (-23) against a grounded opponent
* Unavailable in NSS
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 8~23
* fs24~26</div>
* Unbreakable
* Opponent recovers 26 health
* Yoshimitsu loses 35 health
qcf+1h,h,M24,15,35i28~34 i37 i58~60+0~+2+30a
* Spike 2nd and 3rd
* Weapon
* 17 chip damage on block
* Can be buffered
* Can be performed in FC
* 1st and 2nd hits connect only vs airborne opponent
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 10~55
* fs56~58</div>
* Throw break 1+2
* 35 damage as a backthrow
* Yoshimitsu recovers 16 health
* On break:
** -Opponent recovers 22 health (35 on backthrow)
** -Yoshimitsu loses 16 health
* Rage Art
* Removes Recoverable Health
* Reversal Break
* Damage increases with lower health, maximum 82
* Freezes match timer on activation and on hit
* Restores recoverable health on hit
* Transition to attack throw on hit
* Consumes Rage
Power crush 8~
Right Throwt40-3-3d
Throw break 2
SS.1m21i17~18-9+2+27a (+17)
Sidestep adds minimum 9f, effective startup i26~27
SS.2m20i18~19-13+30a (+20)
* Tornado
* Sidestep adds minimum 9f, effective startup i27~28
* Spike
* Weapon
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 9~27
* fs28~30</div>
* Cancel to r12 with db_d_df (js1~10)
* Unavailable in NSS
* Actionable after 15 frames, except when using DGF.2 which can be performed after 10 frames
Low crush 8~
u+3+4M,M10,12i39~42 i3~6+1c~+4c+24a
* Spike
* Floor break occurs on 2nd hit
* Evades some mid attacks from frames ?-?
* Yoshimitsu becomes invisible on frames 15~30 but can still be floated
* -1 if the 2nd hit whiffs
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 11~42
* fs43~45</div>
* Spike
* Weapon
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 9~27
* fs28~30</div>
ub+1+2M25i24~25-8c+27a (+17)
* Balcony Break
* Weapon
* 5 chip damage on block
* Power up in NSS or Heat
* Weapon
* Punishable on close hit with FUFT.3
ub+1+3,1+2m!, h!40, 18i50~52, i18~19+1~+2+45a
* Spike
* Weapon
ub+1+3,n+1m!, m!40, 22i50~52, i28~113-57a
* Weapon
* Cancel early to r21 with B (earliest cancel -12a)
* Possible to double-hit during cancel
ub+4m17i20~22-19+12a (+2)
* Balcony Break
* Spike
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 9~32
* fs33~35</div>
* Spike
* Weapon
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 9~27
* fs28~30</div>
* Floor Break
* Throw break 1+2
* Side switch on break
* Spike
* Weapon
* Cancel to r34 DGF with 1+2 on frames 1~34
* Cancel to r30 DGF with 1+2 on frame 35. delayable up to frame 92
* Becomes a different move in NSS
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 9~110
* fs111~113</div>
* Spike
* Weapon
* Cancel to r27 DGF with 1+2
* Input during frames 1-31 of uf+1+2
* Yoshimitsu will recover BT if the opponent is far
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 9~90
* fs91~93</div>
* Spike
* Weapon
* 10 chip damage on block
* Input during frames 1-31 of uf+1+2
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 9~52
* fs53~55</div>
* Spike
* Weapon
* 12 chip damage on block
* Input during frames 35-60 of uf+1+2
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 9~80
* fs81~83</div>
* Weapon
* Cancel to r20 FC with D
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 10~29
* fs30~32</div>
uf+3m15i15-13+32a (+22)
* Knee
* Can evade jabs at frames 5-7
* Recovers 1f faster on hit or block
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 9~33
* fs34~36</div>
* Spike
* In 1SS cancel to DGF r18 with 1+2
* In 1SS enter FLE r28 with d+1+2
* In 1SS enter IND r28 with d+1+2 (or NSS.d+1+2)
* On hit, transitions to -4a r49 backward jump automatically
* Landing on opponent's head, transitions to -48a (-58) r75 hop automatically, hitting Yoshimitsu during this animation forces him into BT
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 10~32
* fs33~35</div>
uf+3+4,1M, h20, 8i31~35, i16~18-1-43
* On hit, transitions to r49 backward jump automatically
* Combo from 1st hit vs grounded
* Combo from 1st hit
uf+3+4,1,3+4M, h, M20, 8, 21i31~35, ,i31~35+0c~+4c-14a
* Spike
* On hit, transitions to r49 backward jump automatically
<div class="plainlist">
* ,Low crush 10~32
* fs33~35</div>
uf+3+4,1,4M, h, m20, 8, 15i31~35, ,i17~28 i28~39-14~+13g+27a (+17a)
Combos from 1st (requires wall)
<div class="plainlist">
* ,Low crush 14~41
* fs42~44</div>
uf+3+4,1,4,1M, h, m, M20, 8, 15, 15i31~35, ,i24~25-9+1c+6a
* Spike
* Weapon
* 4 chip damage on block
* Power up in NSS or Heat
uf+3+4,1,4,NSS.1M, h, m, M20, 8, 15, 24i31~35, ,i24~25-9+16a+52a
* Balcony Break
* Spike
* Weapon
* Can transition to d+1*,n
* 12 chip damage on block
* Recovers 4 base health on hit
uf+3+4,3M, M,M20, 10,10i31~35, i39~42 i3~6-4c~-1c+27a
* Spike
* Floor break occurs on 3rd hit
* Evades mid attacks from frames ?-?
<div class="plainlist">
* ,Low crush 11~42
* fs43~45</div>
uf+3+4,3+4M, m20, 25i31~35, i25~26-13+52a (+42)
* Tornado
* Combo from 1st hit
<div class="plainlist">
* ,High crush 4~22
* fs10~50</div>
* Homing
* Balcony Break
* Spike
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 9~32
* fs33~35</div>
WFL.3m25i17-16+2a (-7)
* Balcony Break
* FLE step takes 19 frames, effective startup i36
* Clean hit, 1st hit 25 > 37 damage
* Transition to attack throw on close standing hit, +15a r43 FLE and 20 extra damage
* Can side switch on throw hit
Low crush 1~
FLE step takes 19 frames, effective startup i42~43
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 1~12
* High crush 12~
* fs13~</div>
ws1,1m, h12, 12i14~15, i18-11+0
* Spike
* Combo from 1st hit with 11f delay
* Combo from 1st CH with 13f delay
* Input can be delayed 13f
* Move can be delayed 8f
* Cancel to Spinning Evade -5 -16 r25 with b+3_b+4
ws1,1,1m, h, h12, 12, 12i14~15, ,i18-11+0
* Spike
* Combo from 1st CH with 13f delay
* Input can be delayed 12f
ws1,1,1,1m, h, h, m12, 12, 12, 25i14~15, ,i25~26+0c+6c
* Spike
* Combos from 3rd CH with 5f delay
* Input can be delayed 12f
ws1,2m, h12, 18i14~15, i25~26-4+14g+39a
* Balcony Break
* Combos from 1st hit with 4f delay
* Combos from 1st CH with 9f delay
* Input can be delayed 15f
* Move can be delayed 13f
ws1,2,1m, h, M12, 18, 21i14~15, ,i26~27-12+17a (+10)
* Tornado
* Weapon
* Combo from 2nd CH
ws1,2,db+2m, h, m12, 18, 8i14~15, ,i15-5+6
Links to db+2 extensions
Balcony break or airborne hit
ws2,1m, m13, 14i15~16, i27~28-3a+36a (+26)
* Weapon
* Combo from 1st hit with 1f delay
ws2,NSS.1m, h13, 16i15~16, i23-6+5
* Elbow
* Combo from 1st hit
ws2,NSS.1,2m, h13, 16i15~16, ,
* Balcony break on airborne hit
* Elbow
* Combo from 2nd CH
ws2,NSS.1,3m, h13, 16i15~16, ,
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 2nd CH
ws3,2m, m12, 20i16, i32-12c+0a
* Spike
* Weapon
* Combo from 1st hit
* Enter KIN r24 with 1+2
* Enter NSS r24 with B