
raven Tekken 8 Guide

Written by
Last updated Mar 01, 2025, Game version 1.13


Raven is a tricky char, that excels in the midrange with keep-out moves like qcf+4, a high-evading launcher, that is hard to punish on whiff, or mid range pokes such as 3,3 and f+2,3.

His strength lies in his midrange poking, but where he differs from most of the cast is his stances. Raven spends a lot of time in his backturn stance (BT), which adds another layer to his already tricky moveset. Many of Raven's punishes and pokes transition into his stances, like 4,1 a 12f move that goes into backturn, which allows him to snowball from pokes and punishes into heavier mixups and mindgames from stances.

Raven has both a normal wavedash qcf and a crouch dash d,df which allows him to close the gap to his opponent, and apply pressure. Specifically, the crouch dash can be tricky to deal with, since Raven avoids highs, while gaining access to his full crouch moves, like FC df+3+4 a hellsweep, or WS 2 a 13f safe mid ch launcher.

Raven is a medium/advanced character. His difficulty does not lie in his execution, but in having to navigate through multiple stances and a large movelist. Raven can be played in a multitude of different ways, all depending on the player. If you like to play creative and unorthodox with stances and parries, Raven has got it. Do you prefer poking and controlling the midgame? Raven got it. Or do you want to make the opponent guess with 50/50s? Raven got it.

However, while being a jack of all trades, he is a master of none. Raven takes huge risks in opening up his opponents, and when doing 50/50s. His mids, while safe and long range, do not hit too hard, and his ability to apply pressure with + frames on block is extremely limited, even in heat.


  • Strong mid range pokes in moves like d+4 and db+2
  • Good combo versatility, with lots of wallcarry
  • High chip damage output while he has heat active
  • Mulitple mixups
  • Evasive moves like qcf+4
  • Can be played in many different ways


  • Opening up the opponent, taking big risks
  • Lack of + frames
  • Bad sidestep
  • Bugs with jabs, combos and etc
  • Gives up his turn after most moves

Heat System

  • In heat Raven has access to gold clones instead of the usual purple ones, transforming all of his clone moves (WS 3,2, df+1,4, b+2,4,2, SZN 1,4, SZN 3,2) from -14 without heat to -3 in heat (b+1+2 is an exception, as it stays -15). In addition to changing the frames on the clone moves, heat also adds a lot of chip damage to these moves specifically. This makes Raven's full crouch mix super scary, as he can do a safe mid launcher with WS 3,2 or his sweep.
  • Most of ravens heat engagers becomes launchers in heat (if you choose to heatdash), at the expense of not having many hard hitting moves without heat.

Top 10 Moves

WS 2

A safe mid 13f ch launcher, coming from crouch. This is Raven's main counter hit tool, as he can wavedash while being in a crouched state. This is a great fast ch, but also a threatening option to go under the opponent's highs. It being an elbow is a nice additional bonus since it can't be parried by most parries.
m, i13~14, -8~-7 oB, +8~+9 oH, +37a (+27) oCH


A high ch launcher coming out at 16-17 frames that high crushes. Extremely good when the opponent is doing many fast highs like jabs.
h, i16~17, -9~-8 oB, +12a oH, +46a (+36) oCH


Ravens df1 is 14f, but has amazing tracking to both sides. it is only -2 on block and with a followup in df+1,4, it makes the opponent hesitant to press. One of Raven's best mids.
m, i14~15, -2~-1 oB, +8~+9 oH


Ravens db+2 is a 13f mid that goes into back turn. It has long range and tracking, making it his main way of going into his BT, in both close and mid range. Additionally, it has a high follow-up, in case they wanna press after you transition into BT.
m, h, i13~14, -1~+0 oB, +8~+9 oH


14f safe mid heat engager, becomes a launcher in heat.
m, i14, -9 oB, +15a oH


Raven's f+1+2 is a jailing mid, high power-crush heat engager. It is a great way to stop the opponent's pressure and start your own. It has amazing range, almost hitting from range 4, making it good as a whiff punish as well.
h,m, i18~19, -14 oB, +30a (+4) oH

FC df+3

FC df+3, also called Aqua Spider, is a 20-22f low that transitions into his BT. It is a great low poke that allows him to go into BT. On ch it also gives a guaranteed BT f+3+4. On block it is -9 but leaves Raven in BT, allowing for some mind games as to how the opponent wants to punish. It takes Raven 5f to go from BT to blocking if you turn around manually with b3+4. If the opponent goes for anything 15f and above, you can turn around and block manually with b+3+4, but if he goes for a faster punish, you can parry with either BT f+1+2 or BT b+2+4. Furthermore, there are options like BT db or BT 1+2 depending on what you read from the opponent.
L, i20~22, -9~-7 oB, +2~+4 oH, +30d oCH

BT 1,4

An 8f jab with a ch launching follow-up. Raven's fastest move from BT makes it great for discouraging the opponent from pressing when Raven is in BT.
h, h, i8, -8~-7 oB, +40a (-18) oH, +67a (+51) oCH

BT f+3

Safe 13f mid from BT that on ch gives +14f, which in heat, allows him to launch with 1+2,f. Ravens fastest mid from BT, making it the main mid check. Additionally, you can input b after the move to stay in BT.
m, i13~14, -5~-4 oB, +6 oH, +38a (+30) oCH

FC df+3+4

Ravens hellsweep from crouch, leaving him in soulzone after hitting the opponent for further mixups. Launch on block, but gives full combo on floorbreak/floorblast stages.
L,sm, i18~20 i34~36, -23~-21 oB, -5a oH


10f 2,4 (high damage and goes into wavedash automatically (can cancel with b))
10f 1,2,3+4 (Transitions to soulzone by pressing.)
12f 4,1 (Goes into BT)
13f db+2,1 (28 damage and plus 8)
14f 1+2 (Heat engager and launcher in heat)
14f df+1,4 (Damage and wallsplat)
14f b+4,4 (Goes into BT)
15f f+4 (Launcher)
15f f+2,3 (For when f4 wont connect )
16f df+2 (Mid launcher)
10f FC d+1
11f WS 4
14f WS 1 (launcher)
Whiff punishers
1,2 (Fast punisher)
db+2,1 (Fast long range punish)
f+1+2 (Long range heat engager)
f,f+3 (Go to whiffpunish launcher from long range)
f+4 (15 long range launcher)


ws1 | CH ws+2
f,f+3 → f,f+4 → db+2,1, 3+4 → SZN 3,2 T! → b+2,4,2
BT b+3 → BT f+3 → db+2,1, 3+4 → SZN 3,2 T! → b+2,4,2
ws+3,2 | CH qcf+1,2
SZN 1+2 → deep dash f,f+4 → 4,1 → BT b+2,4
uf+3+4,4 | uf+3 | BT f,f+3+4 (if not sideswitch)
db+2,1 → db+2,1, 3+4 → SZN 3,2 T! → b+2,4,2
bt f,f+3+4 (if sideswitch)
BT f+2,4,2 T! → b3+4 → BT 2,1, f → 1,2.
BT b+2,3 → f,f+3 → qcf+1,2 T! → b+2,4,2
f,f+3 → db+2 → bt2 → BT f+2,4,2 T! → b+2,4,2

Beginner Combos

WS 1 | CH WS 2
b+2,4,2 T! → db+1,2,1
BT f+2,4,2 → db+1,2,1
ws+3,2 | CH qcf+1,2
4,1 → BT 2,1,f → 3
uf+3+4,4 | uf+3 | BT f,f+3+4 (if not sideswitch)
db+2 → BT f+4,1 T! → db+1,2,1
BT f,f+3+4 (if sideswitch)
BT f+4,1 T! → b+2,4,2
BT b+2,3 → b+2,4,2 T! → df+1,4

Combo Enders

Wall Combos

With tornado
qcf+1,2 T! db+2,1,1
bt f+2,4,2 T! df1,4

Small Combos

CH db+4 | CH db+3
BT 1+2
CH BT f+3
f+3,2 last hit ch
BT b+3
BT f+3+4
BT f+3+4 | f,f,f+3
BT 1+2

Notable Moves

BT 1+2

Raven's BT power crush is essential to prevent the opponent from disrespecting your BT. On hit it allows for a followup with either f,f+4 (better oki) or f,f+2 (more damage). It is worth keeping in mind that Ravens BT power crush is slower in its pc (armor) startup than normal power crushes. That means it will lose to faster moves like jabs when you enter BT on block.
m, i15~16, -13 oB, +30a (+22) oH

BT f+1+2

Raven's attack parry. it parries after 1f, making it a great tool for when the opponent wants to mash into your BT. Two commonly used setups with the parry are FC df+3 on block into parry, or b+4,4 into parry. Beware that the parry does not parry knees, elbows, grabs, and jumping attacks

b+1+3 (or b+2+4)

Ravens escape parry is unique in the way that it is an 1f parry that parries EVERYTHING except for rage arts. You can use it in neutral, or from BT (input is BT b+2+4). His parry teleports him away from the opponent, at the cost of some health. When landing a parry, you land in a crouched state. The parry's effectiveness depends entirely on which move you parry. Some strings will have enough momentum to clip you, even after a successful parry, and others you can punish with WS 1. Do note that it is not recommended to parry with your back to the wall, as you will get hit and wallsplatted by most follow-ups.

BT f+4,1

Low high string that can go into soulzone by inputting 3+4 after. This is Raven's main low in backturn. You can do both hits for decent damage and frames, or you can choose to only do the first hit, and stay in BT at +4. BT f+4 by itself is only -9 on block, giving you the same mind game as FC df+3 on block. A good frametrap is to do BT f+4, into BT f+3
L, h, i16, -9~-8 oB, +5~+6 oH

BT 2,2,1

Raven's jab string from BT. The first hit is 0f on block. You can choose to do 2,2 into soulzone for more mind games.
h, m, sm, i10, -14~-13 oB, +2a (-7) oH

BT 3,4

10f mid high string with 2 followups (BT 3,4,4 and BT 3,4,3). This is a great tool if the opponent wants to step, or interrupt your BT, and it being 0 or better on block with followups means you don't give up your turn. If the second hit counter hits, you get a guaranteed 2,4.
h, m, i10, +0~+2 oB, +1~+3 oH, +11g~+13g oCH


Its Raven's main low poke in neutral. It has long range, high crushes, and is only -13 on block. Even if it is - on hit, Raven can still threaten with his WS 2 after, or his sweep due to them crushing and being so fast. On counter hit it is plus 13g and allows you to do a real mix with your FC lows or mids.
L, i21, -13 oB, -2 oH, +13g oCH

WS 3+4

Homing mid heat engager, that is a launcher in heat.
m, i16~18, -12~-10 oB, +7~+9 oH


14f long range jailing mid, high. To discourage the opponent from mashing you also have a ch launching extension with 3,3,4. beware this is a non-jailing high. For even more mental frames, you can cancel the last hit with 3,3,4b to go into backturn. This is a great mid check in neutral. A possible flowchart you can do is doing 3 by itself into df+3.
m, h, -8~-7 oB, +5~+6 oH


Raven's 15f launcher.
h, i15~16, -12 oB, +67a (+51) oH


15f long range safe mid mid, that can go into soulzone.
m, M, i15~16, -9~-8 oB, +6c~+7c oH


Safe mid heat engager that becomes a launcher in heat. Also wallsplats.
m,sm, i18, -9 oB, +7a (-2) oH

SZN 3,2

Mid, mid that also wallsplats. Can choose to do the first hit only, and go into BT.
m, sm, i16~17, -14~-13 oB, +24a (+9) oH


Counter hit launching low, high crushes, and hits grounded opponents. Becomes safer the longer it travels.
L, i17~24, -16~-9 oB, +2~+9 oH, +26a oCH


16f mid launcher, with 2 follow-ups in df+2,3 (mid, high) and df+2,4 (mid, mid).
m, i16~18, -13~-11 oB, +30a (+20) oH

BT 4

BT mid heat engager. Nn heat it becomes a launcher. Great for calling out opponents doing lows while you are in BT since you are airborne. Being only -5 in BT, it allows you to parry, manually cancel BT, press db, or threaten with moves like BT 1,4 or power crush. Raven's most threatening mid when in heat.
m, i19~20, -5~-4 oB, +44a (-14) oH

BT f,f+3+4

Backturn low launcher, becomes safer the longer it travels.
L, i23~30, -18~-11 oB, +24a oH


Raven's homing move from neutral. Has a followup in f+3,2. Can go into backturn by doing f+3,b
m, i17, -9 oB, +3 oH

BT f+2,4,2

Primarily used as a combo filler, but BT f+2,4 is a good option if the opponent wants to step while you are BT. You also have BT f+2,3 which is a safe mid, mid that gives +14 on ch.
m, h, sm, i17~18, -14~-13 oB, +24a (+9) oH

BT b+2

Safe mid with some high evasion. Has 2 followups in BT b+2,4 and BT b+2,3.
m, i16~17, -2~-1 oB, +6~+7 oH


Raven's orbital with 2 followups in uf+3+4, 3+4, or uf+3+4, 4. A very risky choice as all mid options are launch on block, and the low can be parried. To get a combo from this, you have to use uf+3+4,4
m, i23~25, -16~-14 oB, +14a oH


15f long range safe mid mid, that can go into soulzone.
m, M, i15~16, -9~-8 oB, +6c~+7c oH


g-cliff that knocks down, or wallsplats. All hits are guaranteed if the first hits is a counter hit.
h, h, m, i10, -14~-12 oB, +15a (-2) oH

WS 1

14f launcher from while standing. Great tool to mix with your lows from crouch.
m, i14~15, -14~-13 oB, +35a (+25) oH


Slow running move that is plus 4 on block, but in heat becomes a launcher and +7 (f,f,f+3,4). Can be used after a heat engager to chip, and go into BT in heavy plus.
m, i26~28, +4~+6 oB, +6a oH


Backsway that wallsplats
m, i28~30, -15~-13 oB, +20a (+10) oH


High, mid with 2 extensions. A mid ch (b+2,2,3) or a low knockdown (b+2,2,1+2). Beware, both options are launch on block. One of your main ways to go backturn other than db+2.
h, m, i15~17, -3 oB, +6 oH, +8 oCH


plus on block mid
M, i27~29, +4~+6 oB, +15a oH


Tracking wallsplatting sabaki.
m,h, i17~18 i30~31, -10~-9 oB, +5~+6 oH


Soulzone (SZN)

Soulzone is Raven's new stance, introduced in Tekken 8. Soulzone can be entered manually by pressing 3+4, or with moves such as: f+2,3, 3+4, db+2,1,3+4 etc. Raven can not block in Soulzone. However, Raven can transition from soulzone to crouch (SZN d), standing (SZN u), or BT (SZN b) by using teleports. Note that each teleport is punishable. Below are the most important moves in this stance.

SZN 1,4

14f high and Raven's fastest move from Soulzone. Can be done by itself and transition into wavedash by holding f, or do a followup with soulzone 1,4
h, sm, i14~15, -14~-5 oB, +32a (-26) oH


Safe mid heat engager.
m,sm, i18, -9 oB, +7a (-2) oH

SZN 3,2

Raven's fastest mid from Soulzone. Soulzone 3 can be done by itself leaving you in BT.
m, sm, i16~17, -14~-13 oB, +24a (+9) oH

SZN 1+2

Homing high
h, i15~16, +0~+1 oB, +23a oH

Backturn (BT)

Raven's main stance. Used primarily to poke, or enforce mix-ups. Raven can not block in BT, but can cancel BT manually (b+3+4) which takes 5 frames before he can block.

Panic Moves


Powercrush heat engager
h,m, i18~19, -14 oB, +30a (+4) oH


Evasive backsway
m, i28~30, -15~-13 oB, +20a (+10) oH


High crushing ch launcher
h, i16~17, -9~-8 oB, +12a oH, +46a (+36) oCH


Escape parry




10f g-cliff
h, h, m, i10, -14~-12 oB, +15a (-2) oH

Frame Traps

BT b+3 | f,f,f+3 BT f+3
b+1 SZN 3,2
FC df+3 BT 2,2,1

Knowledge Checks


Slow jumping low. Looks deceiving for players who don't know the match up.
L, i28~29, -12~-11 oB, +5~+6 oH, +39d oCH

df+1 into ws+2 (or df+3)

Being -2, Raven goes into crouch to avoid the opponent from taking back his turn with fast highs, like a jab, and beats them with WS 2.


Mid mid that is plus on block, with a low mixup in b+4,B+4~3,3+4. Both are interruptable with a move up til 15f. b+4,B+4 itself is jailing so can't be mixed with the extension.
m, M, i14~15, +1c~+6c oB, +2c~+7c oH, +12a oCH


Got a mid followup that is -25 ob (uf+3+4, 3+4), and a low string followup (uf+3+4,4,2) low parry the low, or launch the mid.
m, i23~25, -16~-14 oB, +14a oH

BT f+4 | FC df+3

Both lows are -9 on block, and leave Raven in BT. A common flowchart is for the Raven player is to do either escape parry or attack parry after the blocked low.
L, i16, -9 oB, +4 oH

Defensive tips

Dont step too much in neutral

Raven tracks very well in the neutral with db+2, and df+1. Instead, wait for Raven to do a move that gives up his turn.

Dont be too passive

Raven does not have a lot of + on block moves. Don't let the Raven get too comfortable with enabling his mixups. Doing a hopkick once in a while when he is in stance/wavedashing forces him to think twice about his offense.

Know your punishes

Raven has a lof of punishable moves. recognising and punishing them correctly helps a lot.

Interrupt soulzone (ob)

You can interrupt all of Raven's strings (except b+1) that go into soulzone on block with a 14f or faster mid.

Dont step too little

Raven's BT is weak to side step right and side step right -> duck.

Defensive Move Handling

WS 2

Raven players will throw this move out often as it is a fast ch launching mid. It is -8 on block, so take your turn after blocking this move.
m, i13~14, -8~-7 oB, +8~+9 oH, +37a (+27) oCH


A lot of Ravens will approach using this move. It is steppable to both sides.
m, i26~28, +4~+6 oB, +6a oH

Any clone move

When raven isnt in heat, every clone move is -14 on block (purple clones). When he is in heat they are all -3 on block (gold clones). Make sure to punish his clones when they are purple, and know they aren't plus when they are gold.


A 28f jumping low. It is only -12 on block, so try to low parry on reaction.
L, i28~29, -12~-11 oB, +5~+6 oH, +39d oCH


Commonly used mid poke. The second hit is a high that can be ducked and launched.
m, h, i13~14, -1~+0 oB, +8~+9 oH

FC df+3+4

Raven's hellsweep. Holding f after getting hit, avoids every immediate soulzone mix-up
L,sm, i18~20 i34~36, -23~-21 oB, -5a oH


His powercrush heat engager. it is -14, so punish it when you can.
h,m, i18~19, -14 oB, +30a (+4) oH


Raven's d+4 is -2 on hit. If the raven player wants to enforce a crouch mix after hitting d+4, a df+1 will beat all options except for a dickjab
L, i21, -13 oB, -2 oH, +13g oCH

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