
dragunov Tekken 8 Guide

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Dragunov is a relentless pressure and rushdown character who excels at immobilizing his opponents with powerful, plus-on-block mids (f,f,F+2, b+1+2, SNK 4). He then dismantles them with hard-hitting mixups (d+2, db+3+4), and a complete throw game (f+1+4, f+2+3).His strong poking, above-average movement, and effective whiff punishment make his small Tekken game challenging to counter. In Heat mode, Dragunov's pressure becomes even more formidable due to constant chip damage, which, combined with his pokes, punishes opponents even for blocking.

Dragunov is straightforward to use, and success with him is directly tied to player skill. He is ideal for players who want to embrace Tekken 8's aggressive playstyle and force their opponents to constantly defend against his powerful attacks.

However, Dragunov's pressure moves can be quite linear and require skill to land against opponents with good movement. Their slower startup also makes Dragunov vulnerable to interruptions, and he lacks the best tools to counterhit opponents who try to mash against him.


  • Excellent pressure mids (f,f,f+2, b+1+2 etc.) that punish opponents whether they get hit or block
  • High damage output
  • Long range on pokes
  • Access to a complete throw game, including unbreakable tackles in Heat mode


  • Linear pressure moves that require skill to land, weak to sidestep right
  • Vulnerable to interruptions due to slower startup
  • Lacks effective tools to counterhit mashing opponents

Heat System

  • Ambush tackle becomes unbreakable (f,f+2,1+2, 1,3,2~1+2, b+4,2,1+2)
  • Ambush tackle can be used from more moves (f,f,F+2,H.1+2, FC.df+1,H.1+2)

Top 10 Moves


Standard quick jab. The entire string 1,2,1 is guaranteed if the first hit counter hits. Another usefull extension is 1,1,3 which ends with a safe mid
h, i10, +1 oB, +8 oH


Quick mid check. If you think the opponent will attack after blocking this move, you can do df+1,4 and get a wall splat
m, i13, -2 oB, +7 oH


A low that high crushes and has good tracking
L, i18~19, -13 oB, -1c oH, +13g oCH


Advantage on block. Knocks down on hit and gives combo on counter hit
m, i15~17, +4 oB, +32d (-26) oH, +44a oCH


Presusre tool
M, i19~21, +7 oB, +8c oH


Good low from crouching
L, m, i16~17, +7 oH


High damage low
L, i20~21, -31 oB, +3 oH, +20a oCH


+6 on block. On hit you get a guaranteed d+3+4
m, i22~23, +6 oB, +26d oH


Fast mid heat engager. The second hit can be ducked, but you can mix it up with b+4,2,1
m, h, i14, -9 oB, +21a (+12) oH


long range fast mid
m, i12, -9 oB, +2 oH


10f 1,3
12f 4,1
14f b+4,3 (heat)
14f f+4,3
15f df+2
15f uf+1 (range)
17f f+1+2 (range)
10f FC d+1
11f ws4
12f ws1,3
12f ws1+2 (range)
15f ws2
Whiff punishers
4,1 (Fast punisher)
qcf+1 (Range)


df+2 | ws+2
4,4 ▶ FC df+1,4 ▶ SNK 2 T! ▶ df+3+4 ▶ 2,1~DF ▶ SNK 2
CH f,f,f+2 | CH (df+1),4
qcf+3+4 ▶ 4,4 ▶ FC df+1,4 ▶ SNK 2 T! ▶ 2,1~DF ▶ SNK2
qcb+2 | db+3 | Low parry
df+3+4 ▶ qcf+3+4 ▶ 4,4 ▶ FC df+1,4 ▶ SNK 2

Beginner Combos

df+2 | ws+2
4,1 ▶ 1 ▶ f+4,3 T! ▶ f,f+3
CH f,f,f+2 | CH (df+1),4
d+2 ▶ ws4 ▶ b+1,2 ▶ 3,1,2
qcb+2 | db+3 | Low parry
df+3+4 ▶ 4,4 ▶ FC df+1,4 ▶ SNK 2

Combo Enders

Floor break
Wall break

Wall Combos

4,4, ▶ ws1+4
With tornado
f,f,f+4 T! ▶ d+3,2,1+2
qcf+2 T! ▶ 4,4 ▶ ws+1,4

Small Combos

uf+4 | b+3+4
b+1+2 | CH d+1 | CH df+3+4 | CH db+3+4
uf+1 | CH f,f+2
CH (b+4,2),1

Notable Moves

f+2+3 | f+1+4

Dragnov has command throws that has to be broken with either 1 or 2
t, i11, -2 oB, -1d oH


Can go into SNK by holding down-forward
h, h, i10, -3 oB, +8 oH


Main wiiff punisher and block punisher for -15
m, i15~16, -12 oB, +28a (+18) oH


Dragunov lacks a traditional hopkick. But his uf+4 is a safe mid that curshes lows. Gives a mini combo on hit
m, i22~23, -9 oB, +19a oH


Safe wall splatting mid
m, i16~17, -9 oB, +15a (+6) oH, +36a (+0) oCH


launcher, whiff punisher. Done out of his qcf so 1 can be delayed for extra range. Only -3 on block, allowing for SS shenanigans on block.


mid launcher, you can mix this up if they start to duck qcf+1 out of snakedash. -14, so use with caution.


Long range low, but launch punishable on block

Panic Moves


Power crush
m, i21~22, -14 oB, +19a oH


Sway back
m, i26~27, -15 oB, +68a (+52) oH

Frame Traps

b+4,2,1 1,2,1
b+1+2 df+2
f,f,F+2 df+1,4

Knowledge Checks


A low that gives a full combo on hit. Good players will block this move on reaction
l, i27~29, -26 oB, -2c oH, +67a (+51) oCH


Pluss 1 on block. The last hit can be ducked
m, m, h, i14, +1 oB, +5 oH, +14c oCH


This string i +5 on block. You can interupt the last hit with a jab
h, m, i12, +5 oB, +29a (+20) oH, +46a oCH

H.2+3,db+1+2 (etc)

His tackle becomes unbreakable in heat. Good players will react to it and interupt with a hopkick
m,m,m, t, i15~16, -2d oH

Defensive tips

Don't duck

His mids are very strong : f,f,F+2, SNK 4, df+2, b+1+2 and uf+4. d+2 does not do that much damage, and db+3+4 is risky as it's launch punishable on block

Side step right

Some moves that are weak to sidestep right are SNK 4, df+2, f,f,F+2, b+4,3

Be patienced

You will have to block a lot. Try to get a read on when you can attack

Defensive Move Handling


Duck the second hit. The second hit is guaranteed if the first hits on counter hit. So look out for this move when your back is against the wall
m, h, i13, -6 oB, +22a (+13) oH, +58a oCH


Duck the last hit. But be aware, ha can cancel the last hit into SNK stance
m, m, h, i14, +1 oB, +5 oH, +14c oCH


Duck the second hit sometime. He can mix it up with b+4,2 which is a mid
m, h, i14, -9 oB, +21a (+12) oH


Launches crouchers. -12, block punish
m, i15~16, -12 oB, +28a (+18) oH


Unbreakable throw. Duck on reaction
t, i38~42, -12d oH


-15, block punish. Common setups are 1,1,3 and uf+3 on block
m, i26~27, -15 oB, +68a (+52) oH


-1 on hit, so take your turn sometimes. -13 on block
L, i18~19, -13 oB, -1c oH, +13g oCH

External Resources

Contributors : and Sources: WavuWiki, SephiBlack guide, TheMainMan guide