

CommandHit levelDamageStartupBlockHitCounter hitNotes
* Heat Burst
* Cancel to r45 with b,b
* 3 chip damage on block
* 12 chip damage on hit
* Only deals recoverable damage
* Cannot cause a K.O.
Power crush 7~16
H.LIB.1,2,F+7+54a (+34)
* Strong Aerial Tailspin
* Chip damage on block
H.LIB.P (High)m25i17~18+32a
* Regenerates heat
* Restores recoverable health
* Opponent recovers FUFA
H.LIB.P (Low)m20i16~18+58a (+42)
* Tornado
* Regenerates heat
* Restores recoverable health
is1 fs2~48
H.LIB.d+3+4M27i16~18-9~-7+58a (+42)
* Tornado
* Uses heat gauge
* Restores recoverable health
H.b+1,1,2,F+7+54a (+34)
* Strong Aerial Tailspin
* Chip damage on block
H.b+2,F+7+54a (+34)
* Strong Aerial Tailspin
* Balcony Break
* Homing
* Chip damage on block
<div class="plainlist">
* ,Low crush 15~30
* fs31~33</div>
* Parries all high or low attacks
* Cancel to r20 with DB
<div class="plainlist">
* High crush 4~20
* Parry state 17~</div>
* Heat Smash
* Reversal Break
* Balcony Break
* 17 chip damage on block
* Transition to attack throw on hit
* Enter LIB +6 automatically on block/whiff
* +15a if only the last hit connects
* +30a (+20) if only the last two hits connect
* 2nd hit damage 9 > 15 if 1st hit whiffs
* 3rd hit damage 29 > 30 if 1st hit whiffs
* Hit level becomes m,h,m on block/whiff
* Spike on the last hit if the first two whiff
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 18~57
* fs58~60
* Rage Art
* Removes Recoverable Health
* Reversal Break
* Damage increases with lower health, maximum 82
* Freezes match timer on activation and on hit
* Restores recoverable health on hit
* Transition to attack throw on hit
* Consumes Rage
Power crush 8~
Recovers 2f faster on hit or block (t27 r17)
1,1h, m5, 15i10, i24~25-10+8+18a
* Combo from 1st hit
* Transition to LIB on standing hit only
(Ver.1.04.00) - Changed from -9F on block.
(Ver.1.05.00) - On counterhit, now applies knockdown for follow up.
1,2h, h5, 23i10, i20~21-14+8
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st hit with 4f delay
* Can transition to BT with B
* Regenerates heat
* Heat meter won't disappear, even if it fully depletes
2,1h, m9, 11i10, i17~18-7+3
* Combo from 1st hit with 4f delay
* Jail from 1st attack with 2f delay
2,1,2h, m, h9, 11, 21i10, ,i24~25-5+20a (+3)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 2nd CH with 5f delay
* Input can be delayed 10f
3,2m, m11, 18i14, i23~24-12+6+33d (+25)
* Combo from 1st hit with 5f delay
* Input can be delayed 10f delay
3,2~Fm11i14, -18-7
Listed parry state is at earliest cancel
<div class="plainlist">
* ,Parry state 36~ on whiff
* Parry state 17~ on block
* Parry state 6~ on hit
3,3m, h11, 23i14, i24~25-1+43d (-15)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st hit with 6f delay
4,1h, h15, 14i12~13, i21~22-2+4+6~+7
Combo from 1st hit
(Ver.1.05.00) - Damage changed from 15,11.
4,3h, M15, 17i12~13, i26~27-11+19g+37a
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st CH with 8f delay
* Input can be delayed 12f
* Opponent recovers crouching on hit
Balcony Break
(Ver.1.05.00) - Damage changed from 20.
High crush 8~15
f+2,1h, m14, 17i17~18, i22~23-10+5
* Combo from 1st hit with 7f delay
* Input can be delayed 8f
f+2,1,4h, m, m14, 17, 23i17~18, ,i24~25-14+19a (+9)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 2nd CH with 10f delay
<div class="plainlist">
* ,Low crush 18~38
* fs39~41</div>
f+3,2m, h15, 20i18, i22~23-4+22a
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st hit with 8f delay
f+4,4m, h16, 21i17~18, i24~25-7+19a (+10)
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +5, +62a (+42)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st hit
* Cancel 2nd hit into BT -19 -10 r20 with B
<div class="plainlist">
* ,Low crush 15~23
* fs24~26</div>
f+4,4~2m, h16, 23i17~18, i23~24+1+52a
* 6 chip damage on block
* 9 chip damage on block during heat
* Interrupt with i21 from 1st block
f+4,4~3m, m16, 24i17~18, i21~22-9~-8+15a (+6)+70a (+54)
* Balcony Break
* Tornado on CH
* Interrupt with i19 from 1st block
<div class="plainlist">
* ,Low crush 1~6
* fs7~9</div>
f+1+2h25i16~17-9+41a (+17)
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +5, +43a (+35)
* Balcony Break
* +0 on block if an attack is absorbed
Power crush 7~15
* Parries all high/low attacks
* Cancel to r20 with DB
Parry state 18~
* Regenerates heat
* Heat meter won't disappear, even if it fully depletes
,Parry state 1~
df+1,4m, h11, 13i13~14, i17~18-7+4
* Jail from 1st attack with 1f delay
* Enter BT -5 +6 r23 with B
(Ver.1.04.00) - Damage changed from 11,17
df+1,4,1m, h, h11, 13, 20i13~14, ,i22~23-5+44d (-14)+56a
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 2nd CH with 7f delay
* Input can be delayed 8f delay
* Enter LIB -17 -6 r20 with F
df+1,4,1~2m, h, M11, 13, 23i13~14, ,i18~19-10+23d
df+2m12i15~16-13+28a (+18)
Launches crouching opponent
df+4,1m, h15, 23i16~17, i23~24-5+20a (+3)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st hit with 6f delay
* Input can be delayed 10f
* Spike
* Elbow
d+2,3m, h15, 20i17~18, i24~25+1+16g
* Strong Aerial Tailspin
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st hit with 7f delay
d+3,3L, m10, 14i15, i23-13+1
* Combo from 1st CH with 7f delay
* Input can be delayed 10f
d+3,3,4L, m, m10, 14, 21i15, ,i25~26-14+15a (-2)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 2nd CH with 10f delay
d+4,1L, h13, 5i15~16, i27~28-1+3
* Combo from 1st CH with 2f delay
* Input can be delayed 10f
* Cancel to LIB -20 -9 r18 with F
* (Ver.1.05.00) - New Cancel.
d+4,1~2L, m13, 20i15~16, i17~18-8+10g +22w+59a
* Wall Crush +22g on hit
* Transition to throw on front standing hit only
* 18 damage to Azucena when hitting crouching opponent (block)
* Damage on hit and block is recoverable health
* Cannot KO Azucena when blocked
* r41 FC on whiff
<div class="plainlist">
* High crush 8~
* fs25~</div>
Can recover standing with F
High crush 4~
High crush 4~
(Ver.1.04.00) - Damage changed from 12.
db+3,4L, h14, 20i16~17, i24~25-13+66a (+50)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* Jails from first hit
* Combo from 1st CH
(Ver.1.04.00) - Damage changed from 17.
High crush 6~20
db+1+2M23i20~21-21+33a (+23)
Steel pedal
High crush 6~21
db+3+4m30i26~30-16~-12+15a (+5)
* Balcony Break
* Backswing blow
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 20~35
* fs36~38</div>
b+1,1h, h14, 16i14~15, i23+3+8
* Combo from 1st hit with 6f delay
* 4 chip damage on block
* 6 chip damage on block during heat
b+1,1,2h, h, h14, 16, 20i14~15, ,i24~25-5+17a (+8)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 2nd CH with 6f delay
* Input can be delayed 9f
* 6 chip damage on block
* 8 chip damage on block during heat
* Cancel to BT -15 -10 r18 with F
b+2h21i18~19+2+22a (+13)
* Balcony Break
* Homing
* 6 chip damage on block
* 8 chip damage on block during heat
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +5, +67a (+50)
* Spike
* 6 chip damage on block
* 8 chip damage on block during heat
b+4,3m, m10, 10i15~16, i23~24-10+4
* Knee
* Combo from 1st hit with 6f delay
b+4,3,4m, m, m10, 10, 16i15~16, ,i23~24-10-2
* Knee
* Combo from 2nd CH with 10f delay
b+4,3,4,3m, m, m, h10, 10, 16, 23i15~16, ,i27~28-7+39d (-19)
* Knee
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 2nd CH with 6f delay
* Combo from 3rd hit with 2f delay
* Input can be delayed 6f
(Ver.1.05.00) - Recovery changed from 28F.
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 8~19
* fs20~22</div>
Regenerates heat
uf+1h18i18~19-9+7 +15w
* Wall Crush +15g on hit
* Balcony break on airborne hit
* Punch Sabaki, parries high or mid punches
Parry state 3~10
uf+1,Ph, t18, 25i18~19, -4d
Opponent recovers FUFA
uf+2h23i17~18-7+15a (+6)+51a
* Balcony Break
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 10~30
* fs31~65</div>
uf+3,4h, m20, 17i21~22, i20~21-14+15a (+6)+55a
* Strong Aerial Tailspin
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st hit with 11f delay
* Spike
*20 damage when u+4 or ub+4 input is used
Low crush 9~26
* Cannot block for 5 seconds
* CH state for 5 seconds
Base damage is 45
Transition to r24 LIB with F
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 18~37
* fs38~40</div>
f,F+3M20i15~17-14~-12+35a (+25)
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 17~37
* fs38~40</div>
* Spike
* 8 chip damage on block
* 11 chip damage on block during heat
f,F+3+4m,M10,18i21~22 i10~12+4~+6+5d
* Spike
* Enter BT with B
* Chip damage on block
* (Ver.1.05.00) - On normal hit, now applies knockdown for follow up.
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 16~36
* fs37~39</div>
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 9~36
* fs37~39</div>
f,f,F+3,2m, h10, 20i15~16, i10~12+2+28a (+2)
* Balcony Break
* Elbow
* Jail from 1st attack
* 8 chip damage on block
* (3)+9 chip damage on block during heat
* Available only as combo from 1st hit
<div class="plainlist">
* ,Low crush 1~24
* fs25~27</div>
ws1m17i13~14-8+6+32a (+26)
Only hits grounded up-close and off-axis
ws2m14i15~16-13+32a (+22)
* Balcony Break
* 6 chip damage on block
* 9 chip damage on block during heat
* Opponent recovers crouching
ws4,1m, h13, 10i11~12, i21~22-2+6
Combo from 1st hit with 6f delay
ws4,1,3m, h, m13, 10, 23i11~12, ,i22~23-14+10a (+1)+27a
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 2nd CH with 7f delay
* Input can be delayed 10f
* Cancel to BT -16 -8 r20 with B
High crush 1~
Can recover standing with F
High crush 1~
High crush 1~
High crush 1~
High crush 1~
(Back to wall).b,b,UBm25i27~33+1~+7+7a (-3)
Balcony Break
<div class="plainlist">
* fs5~13
* Low crush 14~26
* fs27~54</div>
BT.1,2h, h9, 23i10~11, i22~23-7+19a (+10)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st hit with 2f delay
* Combo from 1st CH with 4f delay
* Input can be delayed 10f
* 6 chip damage on block
* 9 chip damage on block during heat
* Cancel to LIB -19 -13 r20 with F
* (Ver.1.05.00) - Chip Damage added.
BT.1,4h, m9, 21i10~11, i24~25-11+8+53a
* Combo from 1st hit
* Combo from 1st CH with 2f delay
* Input can be delayed 10f
* Will not combo if the kick impacts on i25
Transition to attack throw on front standing hit by inputting 2 on frames 10~16
BT.2:2m, t15, 23i17~18, +0d
BT.3L23i19~20-13+4 LIB+14c
* Strong Aerial Tailspin
* Balcony break on airborne hit
* Transition to LIB on hit
* (Ver.1.05.00) - Changed the opponent's behavior on aerial hit to "Strong Aerial Tailspin".
BT.4,3m, m15, 21i15~16, i23~24-14+16a (-1)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st hit with 6f delay
* Input can be delayed 10f
* Only hits grounded when up-close and off-axis
Low crush 9~29
Parries all mids
Parry state 2~8
High crush 6~20
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 9~21
* fs22~24</div>
* 4 chip damage on block
* 5 chip damage on block during heat
LIB.1,2h, h14, 20i13, i24~25-5+17a (+8)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st hit with 6f delay
* Input can be delayed 9f
* 6 chip damage on block
* 8 chip damage on block during heat
* Cancel to BT -15 -10 r18 with B
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +5, +36a (+26)
* Balcony Break
* Wall splat on hit
* Opponent recovers crouching on hit
(Ver.1.05.00) - Damage changed from 18. On hit changed from +11F.
LIB.3,1L, m15, 20i16~17, i22~23-10+21d
* Spike
* Combo from 1st CH with 7f delay
* Input can be delayed 8f
* (Ver.1.05.00) - Behavoir on normal hit has been changed to match counter hit. On hit, changed from +8.
(Ver.1.05.00) - Recovery time has decreased by 3F.
LIB.4,1m, h14, 10i15~16, i23~24-1+5+10
* Combo from 1st hit with 9f delay
* (Ver.1.05.00) - Recovery time has decreased by 1F.
LIB.4,1,2m, h, m14, 10, 23i15~16, ,i28~29-10+67a (+51)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 2nd CH with 1f delay
* Input can be delayed 10f
LIB.4,2m, M14, 21i15~16, i25~26-13+16a
* Balcony Break
* Spike
* Combo from 1st hit with 5f delay
LIB.1+2M23i18~19-14+38a (+28)
* Tornado
* Cancel to r20 BT with B
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 20~30
* fs31~33</div>
* Homing
* Balcony Break
* 7 chip damage on block
* 10 chip damge on block during heat
* Frame advantage is +0 if an attack is absorbed
Power crush 8~20
Parries all high or low attacks
Parry state 1~
* Parries all high or low attacks
* Regenerates heat with each step
Parry state 1~
LIB.P (High)0depends on the high that gets parried. Which can lead into guaranteed followups, or nothing at all.
Restores recoverable health
LIB.P (Low)m,m15,20i7~8 i19~20+8 on standing lows, will cause a juggle on lows with float properties
Restores recoverable health
<div class="plainlist">
* is1~6
* fs7
* Low crush 8~19
* fs20~22</div>
* Parries all high or low attacks
* Regenerates heat with each step
Parry state 1~
* Can be canceled at r20 with 1, performs the same attack as uf+1
* (Ver.1.05.00) - Recovery for attacks changed from 45F. Movement remains unchanged.
LIB.d+4,4L, h14, 27i19~20, i30~31-7+14a (+5)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st hit
* Throw break 1 or 2
* Throw break 1 or 2
* Side switch on hit and break
Back throwt50+0d
* Unbreakable
* Side switch
* Throw break 1+2 in a 4f window, frames 1~4
* Reverse tackle with 1+2 in a 2f window, frames 18~19
* Works on standing and crouching opponent
Left throwt40-3+0d
* Throw break 1
Right throwt40-3-3d
* Throw break 2
* Throw break 1 for right punches
* Throw break 2 for left punches
* Only 1st and 4th hits can be blocked
* Inputs are reversed for tackle from behind
* Can cancel the last punch to Arm Breaker with 1+2
* Throw break 1+2
* Heat Engager
* Crouch throw
* Unbreakable
* Can't Heat Dash cancel
* Throw break 1+2
* side switch on hit