

CommandHit levelDamageStartupBlockHitCounter hitNotes
* Heat Smash
* Balcony Break
* Transition to r31 HAE on block
* Cancel HAE transition with B
* Transition to attack throw on hit
Low crush 77~105
f,F+4,3m, m12, 16,i24~25-27+17a (+2)
* Combo from 1st hit
* Transition to attack throw on airborne hit
Low crush 27~46 fs47~49
CAT.4,3+4L, M10, 25,i38~39-14+5a
* Spike
* Combo from 1st CH
,Low crush 21~25 fs26~39
4,3h, m14, 20,i29~30-14+27a
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st CH
,Low crush 20~36 fs37~45
1,2,3h, h, h5, 8, 27,i26~27-6+20a (+11)
* Balcony Break
* Input can be delayed 3f
,Low crush 16~31
3+4m,m6,20i20~21, i18+0+23g
* Jail from 1st attack
* Balcony break on airborne hit
* Transition to CAT on hit or block only
Low crush 16~40
f+3,4m, h12, 21,i21~23+1+10
* Combo from 1st CH with 10f delay
* Move can be delayed 7f
* Can be ducked on hit
* Interrupt with i5 from 1st block
* Power up with input qcf+4, adds 2 damage
* Balcony break on airborne hit
* 6 chip damage on block
,Low crush 15~27 fs28~30
ws3m20i14~15-12+32a (+24)+71a (+55)
* Balcony Break
* Tornado
Low crush 14~22 fs23~25
f,f,F+3m30i23~25+6+37d (-21)
* Balcony Break
* 9 Chip damage on block
Low crush 12~33 34~36
uf+3M28i25~27-9+41a (-17)
* Balcony Break
* Spike
Low crush 11~24 fs25~27
f,F+3M21i19~20-14+30a (+20)
Low crush 11~19
* Transition to WLF on hit or block only
* Crouching state ends early on frame 20 when transitioning to WLF
* WLF transition is -14
High crush 11~31
Low crush 11~25 fs26~28
Low crush 11~25 fs26~28
Low crush 11~25 fs26~28
* Homing
* 8 Chip damage on block
Low crush 10~22 fs23~25
uf+4m,h10,16i15~16,i13-5+69a (+53)
* Balcony Break
* Tornado
* Transition to CAT on hit or block only
* 2nd hit available only as combo from 1st hit
* CAT transition is -13
Low crush 9~30 fs31~33
uf,n,4m20i23~25-13+32a (+22)
Low crush 9~30 fs31~33
HRS.3m21i22~24-4+34a (+26)
* Strong Aerial Tailspin
* Balcony Break
* Homing
Low crush 9~27 fs28~30
Rage Art
* Removes Recoverable Health
Power crush 8~
HRS.1+2L17i20~21-18-1c+67a (+51)
High crush 8~
* Heat Burst
* Cancel to r45 with b,b
* 3 chip damage on block
* Partially uses Heat
Power crush 7~62
b+1+2m25i20-13+11a (+2)
* Balcony Break
* Frame advantage -8 on successful attack absorption
Power crush 7~19
HAE.1m21i18~19-11+80a (+60)
* Spike
* Power up based on Heaven and Earth level
* Chip damage on block
* Guarantees grounded hit vs airborne opponent
Power crush 7~17
* Balcony Break
* Homing
Power crush 7~16
Low crush 6~15
High crush 6~
f+4,3m, m8, 10,i13~14-10+0
Jail from 1st attack with 1f delay
,Low crush 5~17 fs18~20
High crush 4~
* [[Lidia_combos#Mini-combos|+12a]] on clean hit, 4 extra damage
High crush 1~
* Transition to r25? with f
* Transition input can be delayed 16f
High crush 1~
High crush 1~
High crush 1~
High crush 1~
H.1+2m25i31+1+37a (+29)
* Reversal Break
* Cancel with b,b or f,f
* Transition to HAE on hit or block only
* Cancel HAE transition with B
* Partially uses remaining Heat time
* Hold for 20~30 frames
H.1+2*m30i42~64+10g+37a (+29)
* Reversal Break
* Cancel with b,b or f,f
* Transition to HAE on hit or block only
* Cancel HAE transition with B
* Partially uses remaining Heat time
* Hold for 31~54 frames
* Reversal Break
* Cancel with b,b or f,f
* Transition to HAE on hit or block only
* Cancel HAE transition with B
* Partially uses remaining Heat time
* Hold for 55 frames
* Increases Heaven and Earth level
* Parries all highs or mids
Parry state 5~39
* Increases Heaven and Earth level
* Parries all highs or mids
Parry state 5~39
H.WLF.1m24i22+10g+38a (+30)
* Balcony Break
* Tornado
* Cancel with b,b or f,f on frames 10~18
* Transition to HAE on hit or block only
* Cancel HAE transition with B
* Tornado
* Cancel with b,b or f,f on frames 10~18
* Transition to HAE on hit or block only
* Cancel HAE transition with B
* Balcony break on airborne hit
* Increases Heaven and Earth level
* Parries all highs or mids
Parry state 5~39
* Reversal Break
* Transition to HRS on hit or block only
* Partially uses remaining Heat time
* Input H.f,f,F+2 to power up
H.f,f,F+1h37i13~15+5+31a (+23)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* Transition to HAE on hit or block only
* Cancel HAE transition with B
* Partially uses remaining Heat time
Recovers 2f faster on hit or block (t27 r17)
1,2h, h5, 8,i10-3+4
Jail from 1st attack with 4f delay
1,2,2h, h, m5, 8, 10,i22-8+8
* Combo from 1st hit
* Combo from 2nd hit with 3f delay
* Transition to CAT on hit or block only
* CAT transition is -16
1,2,4h, h, l5, 8, 15,i26-13+3+26a
* Input can be delayed 8f
* Interrupt with i7 from 2nd block
* Can be low parried on hit
* Can hit grounded while off-axis
1,4h, h5, 17,i19-8+1
* Combo from 1st hit with 4f delay
* Balcony break on airborne hit
2,1h, h8, 10,i20~21+1
2,1,4h, h, h8, 10, 15,i22+2
2,1,4,4h, h, h, l8, 10, 15, 5,i24~25
High crush
2,1,4,4,1h, h, h, l, m8, 10, 15, 5, 5,i23~24
2,1,4,4,1,2h, h, h, l, m, h8, 10, 15, 5, 5, 8,i22
2,1,4,4,1,2,1h, h, h, l, m, h, h8, 10, 15, 5, 5, 8, 8,i18~19
2,1,4,4,1,2,1,3h, h, h, l, m, h, h, m8, 10, 15, 5, 5, 8, 8, 5,i22
2,1,4,4,1,2,1,3,2h, h, h, l, m, h, h, m, m8, 10, 15, 5, 5, 8, 8, 5, 4,i14
2,1,4,4,1,2,1,3,2,1h, h, h, l, m, h, h, m, m, m8, 10, 15, 5, 5, 8, 8, 5, 4, 27,22+11a (+6)
2,2h, h8, 20,i20-4+11g
* Strong Aerial Tailspin
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st hit with 4f delay
* Transition to CAT on hit or block only
* CAT transition is -12
2,4h, m8, 13,i21-8+4
Combo from 1st hit with 4f delay
3,2h, h9, 10,i22-4+58a
* Tornado
* Combo from 1st hit with 3f delay
* Just frame input within a 3f window (14~16) adds 2 damage
* Balcony break on airborne hit
* Hitstop 20f on hit
* Balcony Break
* Cancel with b,b or f,f
* Opponent recovers crouching on hit
* Hold for 20~30 frames
1+2*m25i42~64-5+32a (+24)
* Balcony Break
* Cancel with input b,b or f,f
* Hold for 31~54 frames
* 5 chip damage on block
* 9 chip damage on block
* Hold for 55 frames
f+2,4h, h10, 23,i18-13+16a (+7)
* Balcony Break
* Jail from 1st attack
f+4,3,1m, m, m8, 10, 24,i21~22-12+17a
* Balcony Break
* Spike
* Combo from 2nd CH
f+4,3,4m, m, m8, 10, 23,i27~28-10+19a (+12)+28a (+22)
* Tornado
* Combo from 2nd CH
f+1+2h,m5,4i14, i9~10-10+1
Jail from 1st attack
f+1+2,3h,m, m5,4, 5,i16-13-2
* Knee
* Jail from 1st attack
f+1+2,3,1+2h,m, m, m,m5,4, 5, 4,20,i14,i22-15+20d (+15)
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash [[Lidia_combos#Mini-combos|+43d (+35)]] on hit, +5 on block
* Power up with input qcf+1+2 (adds 5 dmg to last hit)
* Jail from any attack
Actionable after 20f
df+1,2m, h13, 10,i16~17-4+4
Combo from 1st hit with 1f delay
df+1,3m, m13, 17,i23-13+10a (+1)+55a
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st CH with 3f delay
* Input can be delayed 6f
* Move can be delayed 5f
df+2m17i15+0+11+14 (+24g)
* Strong Aerial Tailspin
* Elbow
* Transition to CAT on hit or block only
df+3,4m, m15, 20,i22-12+31a (+23)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st CH with 2f delay
df+4,2m, h12, 20,i26-8+11d
* Tornado
* Elbow
* Combo from 1st hit with 1f delay
* Balcony break on airborne hit
* Strong Aerial Tailspin
* 7 chip damage on block
* Homing
* Balcony Break
Can hit grounded off-axis
d+3,1l, h9, 8,i18-3+4
* Combo from 1st CH with 1f delay
* Jail from 1st hit
d+3,1,2l, h, h9, 8, 20,i17-6+43d (-15)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 2nd hit
* Combo from 1st CH
Transition to r24? with f
* Homing
* Clean hit adds 3 damage
* Transition to HRS on hit or block only
* Transition to attack throw on CH
* HRS transition is -19
Can hit grounded off-axis
* Has low parry effect
* Does not parry weapon lows
Parry state 5~13
db+3+4,P.1m, h21, 21,i16+33a (+25)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st hit
* Just frame input within a 2f window (21~22) adds 2 damage
b+1m24i18+2+48d (-10)
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash [[Lidia_combos#Staples|+36a (+26)]] on hit, +5 on block
* Balcony Break
* 4 chip damage on block
Parries high or mid punches
Parry state 5~12
b+2,3h, m14, 14,i22-10+6+63a
* Knee
* Combo from 1st hit with 7f delay
* Input 3 on frames 12~14 to add 3 damage
b+3,1m, m16, 10,i23~24-11~-10+5+14
Combo from 1st hit
b+3,4m, h16, 16,i20-11+0s
Combo from 1st hit
b+3,4,1+2m, h, m16, 16, 19,i20-15+21a (+11)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st or 2nd hit
* Input qcf+1+2 to add 2 damage
* Homing
* Balcony break on airborne or CH
Balcony Break
Actionable after 20f
* Elbow
* Parries high punches or kicks
* Hitstop on successful parry
* Forced 2nd hit on successful parry
Parry state 5~17
uf+1,Pm, h18, 20,i16+11g
* Balcony Break
* Input P:2 to deal 23 damage
* Can't block for 5 seconds
* CH state for 5 seconds
* Transition to HRS on hit or block only
* Input f,f,F+2 to power up
f,F+1+2m26i15~16-13+13a (+4)
* Balcony Break
* Clean hit adds 7 damage
Input qcf,qcf+2 to power up, adds 4 damage
qcf+2,2m, m14, 17,i20-14-1
Combo from 1st CH
qcf+2,2,1+2m, m, m14, 17, 25,i20~21-17+18a (+13)
* Combo from 2nd hit
* Combo from 1st CH
* Input qcf,qcf+2,2,b,f,F+1+2 to power up, adds 5 damage
* Full string deals 47 damage with power up input, 42 damage without
qcf+1+2,2m, m18, 22,i24~25-6+24g+59a
* Tornado
* Combo from 1st hit
* Combo from 1st CH with 12f delay
* Transition to WLF on hit or block only
* Balcony break on airborne hit
* WLF transition is -14
f,f,F+1h24i13~15+6+24a (+19)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* 7 Chip damage on block
ws1,2m, h12, 18,i21~22+0+11
* Combo from 1st hit with 1f delay
* Transition to CAT on hit or block only
ws1,4m, m12, 20,i21~22-13+21a (+16)
* Balcony Break
* Knee
* Combo from 1st hit with 1f delay
ws2m15i15~16-12+29a (+19)
ws4,2m, h13, 12,i18+0+8
* Combo from 1st hit with 2f delay
* Transition to CAT on hit or block only
* Spike
* Elbow
Balcony Break
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +43a (+35) on hit, +5 on block
* Balcony Break
* Elbow
* Balcony Break
* Power up based on Heaven and Earth level
* Regain recoverable health
CAT.1m26i17-8+18a (+9)+38a (+30)
Balcony Break
CAT.2,2h, m12, 18,i26~27-10+19a (+12)+73a (+57)
* Tornado
* Combo from 1st CH
* Just frame input within a 3f window (13~15) adds 2 damage
CAT.2,3h, m12, 13,i18~19-10+1
Combo from 1st CH
CAT.2,3,1h, m, m12, 13, 22,i18-10+12a (+3)
* Balcony Break
* Elbow
* Combo from 2nd hit with 10f delay
* Combo from 1st CH
* Move can be delayed 9f
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash [[Lidia_combos#Staples|+62a (+42)]] on hit, +5 on block
* Balcony Break
CAT.1+2m25i16-3+27g+37 (+29)
* Tornado
* Transition to WLF on hit or block only
Actionable after 20f
* After recovery, limited to blocking for 13 frames
* Takes 8f to cancel into block
HAE.2m,m10,26i13, i20~21+6+14a
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block
* Power up based on Heaven and Earth level
* +35a (-1) on hit with HAE level 3
* 2nd hit available on hit or block only
* Tornado
* Power up based on Heaven and Earth level
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash [[Lidia_combos#Staples|+67a (+50)]] on hit, +5 on block
* Transitions to attack throw on front hit
* Does not transition to throw when using Heat Dash
* Activates Heat when throw is completed
* Transition to r33 HAE on hit only
* Cancel HAE transition with B
* Spike
* 6 chip damage on block
* Transition to WLF on hit or block only
Actionable after 20f
* After recovery, limited to blocking for 13 frames
* Takes 8f to cancel into block
* Spike
* Power up based on Heaven and Earth level
* Regain recoverable health
* Transition to HAE
* Partially restore remaining Heat time
P.b+1+3h,h,h5,5,20i16, i16, i16+23a (+18)
Input 2 within a 2f window (15~16) on the second punch, adds 2 damage
15 16
WLF.1m24i22~36+2+30a (+22)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* Cancel with b,b or f,f on frames 10~18
* 4 Chip damage on block
* Tornado
* 13 Chip damage on block
WLF.2M21i15~16-7+22a (+5)+22a (+5)
* Balcony Break
* Steel pedal
WLF.3,1m, m10, 21,i26-6+37a (+29)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st CH
* Spike
* Second hit available on hit or block only
* After recovery, limited to blocking for 13 frames
* Takes 8f to cancel into block
* Homing
* Throw break: 1 or 2
* Opponent on break: standing
* Homing
* Floor Break
* Throw break: 1 or 2
* Opponent on hit: FUFA
* Side switch on hit
Back throwt50+0d
* Homing
* Throw break: none
* Opponent on hit: FDFT
* Power up based on Heaven and Earth level
* Restores recoverable health
Left throwt40-3+4
* Throw break: 1
* Opponent on break: standing
Right throwt40-3+0d
* Floor Break
* Throw break: 2
* Opponent on hit: FUFA
* Side switch on hit
* Throw break: 1+2
* Opponent on hit: FUFA
* Power up based on Heaven and Earth level
* Regain recoverable health