
lidia Tekken 8 Guide

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The general game plan is to use one move and try to hit confirm it and see how the opponent reacts.

Lidia is a stance-heavy character with a total of 4 stances. From nutural, she has moves that transition into Horse Stance (HRS) and Cat Stance (CAT). From these stances, she can transition further into Stalking Wolf Stance (WLF). In heat she gets access to Heaven and Earth (HAE).

Lidia has different levels of heat. The more levels you have, the better the character is.


  • Good mix-ups in heat
  • Good damage in heat
  • Good punishment


  • Weak tracking
  • Risky frames

Heat System

  • In heat f.f+2 and WR+1 can not be countered with power crush or parries.
  • Can go into HAE (Heaven and earth) stance when you are in other stances by pressing up

Top 10 Moves


18 frame mid, +2 on block. Heat engager with no tracking. This move wallsplats and is good in okizeme situations.
m, i18, +2 oB, +48d (-10) oH


13 frame mid with follow-ups. It's important because it is the move with TRACKING TO THE LEFT. df+1,2 is mid, high natural combo, and the second hit of df+1,3 is a counter hit launcher.
m, i13, -5 oB, +2 oH


15 frame mid that automatically goes into stance. It is important because it is the move with TRACKING TO THE RIGHT. Most of the time it is better to spam df+2 and hold back, then you react if the move hits on ch and hit confirm with CAT.3
m, i15, +0 oB, +11 oH, +14 (+24g) oCH


14 frame mid with follow-ups. Has one follow-up with df+3,4 which is mid, mid and a natural combo on counter hit. The second part guarantees f,f+1+2 or d+2 on hit.
m, i14~15, -8 oB, +5 oH

f,f+2 | WR+2

13 frame mid, +5 on block. Auto transitions to stance. Counter hit follow-up combo with HRS.1 or HRS.2. It's IMPORTANT to use both opinions and learn the differences. In heat f,f+2/WR+2 on hit gives a natural combo with HRS.1 or HRS.2
m, i13, +5 oB, +15g oH, +17 oCH


16 frames low homing. Hits grounded. It can be launch-punished on block. +7 on hit and forces crouch. On counter hit it knocks down for a mix-up with db+3+4 or block.
L, i16~17, -11 oB, +7 oH


22 frames mid, -3 on block. Auto low parry for combo with f,f+1+2. Good for okizeme
m, i22, -3 oB, +5 oH


13 frames high, +6 wallsplats and knocks down. In heat it auto transitions to stance with combo. Do WR+1 on hit with heat and combo with HAE.1 into d+1+2. On block it is a mix-up. You can cancel the stance if you hold back and do combo with f,f+1+2
h, i13~15, +6 oB, +24a (+19) oH


18 frame low. It high-crushes and hits grounded. -14 on block. On counter hit you can combo with FC.df+2. Use this for a safer low than db+3
L, i18, -14 oB, -4 oH, +12 oCH


14 frame high with follow-ups. Good to whiff punish and to activate heat. Amazing heat dash combo with f,f+1+2 or d+1+2
h,m, i14, -10 oB, +1 oH


10f 1,2,2 (10 punish with stance)
11f 2,2 (wallsplat and super plus on hit)
12f f+2,4 (good range and wallsplats)
13f df+1,2
14f f+1+2,3,1+2 (great range and heat engager)
15f 3,2 (high, high, great damage )
15f uf+4 ( hopkick ) (mid launcher)
10f FC.d+1
11f ws4,2 (auto stance)
12f FC.df+2 (heat engager, wallsplats, great range)
13f ws1,4 (wallsplat)
14f ws3 (combo with "f,f+1+2" or "d+2")
15f ws2 (launcher and great range)
Whiff punishers
1,2,2 (Fast punisher)
f+2,4 (Range)
f+1+2,3,1+2 (best whiff punisher)
3,2 (max damage)


hold b to cancel stance → f,f+2 → HRS.2 → qcf+2,2,1+2
WS 2
f,f+2 → HRS.2 → db+2, qcf+1+2,2 T! → cancel stance holding b → b+3,4, qcf+1+2 or qcf+2,2,1+2
f+3+4 → hold f → WLF.2 → f,f+2 → 2 → qcf+1+2,2 T! → b+3,4, qcf+1+2

Beginner Combos

f+2 → 2 → b+3,4 → qcf+1+2
WS 2
df+2 → 4 → WLF.2 → df+4,2 T! → b+3,4, qcf+1+2
Low Parry
ff+2 → 2 → 1 → b+3,4 → qcf+1+2 or df+2 → 4 → 2 → 1,2,3
f,f+2 → 2 → df+4,2 T! → b+3,4,qcf+1+2

Combo Enders

Floor break
Wall break

Wall Combos

f+1+2,3, qcf+1+2
qcf+2,2 delay 1+2
With tornado
f+4,3,4 T! → f1+2,3,qcf+1+2
df+4,2 T! → qcf+2,2, 1+2

Small Combos

CH b+4

Notable Moves


11 frames high, mid. Combo on hit and SAFE on block
h, m, i11, -8 oB, +4 oH


HRS (Horse)

This is her most important stance since ff+2 and db+3 transition into this stance.


High power crush wall splat. REALLY plus on hit and +1 and auto transitions to stance. 99% off the time you need to hit confirm before pressing afterward. If it gets blocked, don't press.
h, i17, +1 oB, +16g oH


Mid heat engager, -10 on block. Can go to auto HAE or cancel if you hold back.
m,t, i16, -10 oB, +8 oH


Mid, homing and safe. This is your anti low jab option. Combo with f,f+1+2.
m, i22~24, -4 oB, +34a (+26) oH


Mid +8, auto transition to stance WLF. Best option after HRS.4 is WLF.2.
m, i28, +8 oB, +22d oH, +44a oCH

HRS 1+2

Low, -18, high crush and counter hit launcher. Your low option
L, i20~21, -18 oB, -1c oH, +67a (+51) oCH

CAT (cat)

Another stance to mix up the opponent. df+2 and 1,2,2 transitions into this stance.


Your mid safe option. Counter hit combo with ff+1+2. If you hit f,f+1+2 on clean hit it does more damage.
m, i17, -8 oB, +18a (+9) oH, +38a (+30) oCH


High with extension. You can do CAT 2,3 / CAT 2,3,1. The second and third hits can be delayed.
h, i14~15, -10 oB, +1 oH


High heat engager, safe on block. Your fastest option.
h, i13~14, -4 oB, +11g oH


Low, -14 on block. CH launcher, high crush. With heat you can go into HAE and make the move safe on block.
L, i19~20, -6 oB, +8c oH, +33a oCH

CAT 1+2

Mid with TRACKING, -10 on block If your opponent side steps, this is your safest option.
m, i16, -3 oB, +27g oH, +37 (+29) oCH

WLF ( stalking wolf stance )

This is the stance for opponents who respect Lidia. You can use this stance from horse or cat.


Mid, + on block. You can hold the button for a launcher on hit and more + on block.
m, i22~36, +2 oB, +30a (+22) oH


Mid, fast wallsplat, safe option. Best move from this stance.
M, i15~16, -7 oB, +22a (+5) oH, +22a (+5) oCH


Mid with extension. You can do WLF.3,1, both mids are safe and combo on ch.
m, i17, -6 oB, +4 oH


Low option. Launch punishable on block.
L,M, i20, -16 oB, -7a oH

HAE ( heaven and earth)

Heat stance. You can enter this stance when you press up in another stance during heat.


Mid launcher on hit with power crush property.
m, i18~19, -11 oB, +80a (+60) oH


Mid, +6 on block. Good cheap damage and your best move.
m,m, i13, +6 oB, +14a oH

HAE 1+2

High unblockable and homing. Mix-up with HAE.2.
h!, i16, +0a oH

Panic Moves


Power crush, mid -13
m, i20, -13 oB, +11a (+2) oH


hopkick, low crushes, launches on hit
m,h, i15~16, -5 oB, +69a (+53) oH

b+2+4 | b+1+3


Frame Traps

b+1 2,4
db+3 HRS.2

Knowledge Checks

df+2 > CAT.4

high crushes

f,f+2 > HRS.1+2

high curshes

b+4 > d+2

high crushes

Defensive tips

Hold back and react

This character needs good defense to react to the rival and hit confirm all the time.

Side step

You can sidestep to both sides vs this character. The most important is to check if the Lidia player uses more df+1 or df+2. df+1 has tracking to the left and df+2 has tracking to the right.

Defensive Move Handling

H.WR+1 (Heat into HAE stance)

If you side step right and duck you option select the mixup of HAE.2 and HAE.1+2.
h, i13~15, +5 oB, +31a (+23) oH

f,f+2 (on block)

Mid jab wins vs most of Lidia moves, but it loses vs HRS.3.
m, i13, +5 oB, +15g oH, +17 oCH

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