Claudio is a simple character that controls the mid range perfectly with his tools such as b+1 a homing safe mid knockdown or fast approaches like f,F+4 and f,f,F+2. His strengths are his strong mid attacks and his unique Starburst (STB) mechanic which gives additional properties to some of his moves for example getting access to a safe mid launcher with db1+2. He can control the opponent's movement very well with his long range attacks. He is arguably one of the strongest characters at the wall since his mixup with SS.4, b+1 and df3,1 is a very low risk high reward mixup.
Claudio is a beginner-friendly character having the smallest movelist in the game and not having execution heavy moves. He fits players who like to play with big strong moves and control the range game, but still want to be able to start good offense. His panic buttons like his hopkick uf+4 and db1+2 can evade a lot of attacks from the opponent and come with a comparable low risk.
However, Claudios great mid attacks come with the drawback of his lows being relatively weak. They all have either high risk or are locked behind sidestep. Opening up very defensive players requires him to take more risks which he doesn't necessarily want to do
Top 10 Moves
A safe mid homing knockdown move that is only -5 on block and has pushback. Very hard to whiffpunish as he moves back in the animation so has little to no risk to throw out. It goes under a lot of jabs forcing the opponent to either hesitate or use slower moves which is what Claudio wants. Wallsplats for chunky damage and has pushback setups like b+1 into hopkick uf+4m, i18~19, -5 oB, +12a oH
Arguably his best move. A -2 on block pushback mid launcher that goes under jabs and has decent tracking. In neutral you can mix it up by doing a sidestep before to fake a SS.4 and then do SS STB.db1+2 to make them duck and force it. On block its safe and only consumes STB so no risk at all.M, i17~18, -2 oB, +62a (+46) oH
Another one of his best tools. It's a fairly fast (14f) mid that is hitconfirmable meaning you don't need to throw it out completely. You can press df+3 and visually confirm if it hits to do the second hit. The first hit is -7 on block, though people tend to hesitate because of the extension giving you a fake frame advantage to either do it again or disrespect the situation. It wallsplats from very far away and has a mixup with df+3,2.m, m, i14, -12 oB, +29a (+14) oH
His basic 13f mid poke which is equivalent to other characters df+1. It has worse framedata than generic df+1's but comes with the perk of being a knee so regular parries don't work on that move and it has an extension that gives a knockdown into a guaranteed db+3 followup. Same thing as df+3 applies here having an extension can give you a mental frame advantage against opponents that wait for the second hit and are very patient. m, i13, -4 oB, +7 oH
Your offense starter. It is one of the fastes while running moves in the game and gives you a huge frame advantage on block with being +6. However, it is a high attack so learning to do it from range 0 is key in not getting ducked. Possible to mix it up from mid range with his f,f+4h, i13~16, +6 oB, +24a (+19) oH
Mid approach tool complementary to his f,f,f+2. It is only -1 on block allowing you to do moves freely afterwards and guarantees you f+2,2 on counterhit granting access to Starburstm, i15~17, -1~+1 oB, +6~+8 oH, +13~+15 oCH
Your best low poke. Locked behind sidestep makes it slow but it does a good chunk of damage and is heavily plus on hit. Best used at the wall.L, i20~21, -12 oB, +6c oH, +27d oCH
Probably top 2 low heatsmashes in the game as it has good range good tracking and is only -14 on block. Fits perfectly into his moveset having safe mid launchers to mix it up.L,M, i18~19, -14 oB, +11d oH
One of the best hopkicks in the game. Great panic button as it can evade highs and your go to whiffpunisher to launch the opponent. Also has great rangem, i15~17, -13 oB, +33a (+23) oH
Fast high mid string that has an extension again leading to mental frame advantage. Tracks his weak side.h, m, i12, -6 oB, +5 oH
Notable Moves
An axe kick that gives you a frame advantage on block. Can be used after a sidestep to mix it up with SS.4 as well to maintain pressure afterwards and grants a guaranteed db+3 on counterhitm, i22~23, +4c oB, +4c oH, +28d oCH
His second best low being very fast but not doing the most amount of damage and being launch punishable on block. Use it against heavily defensive players to open them up.L, h, i15, -11 oB, +0 oH
Fast mid counterhit tool. Unsafe but launches on counterhit and tracks pretty wellm, i14, -13 oB, +5 oH, +59a oCH
A mid mid plus on block wallsplat string. It consumes starburst but you have a frame advantage on block and knockdown on hit. It can be sidestepped in between to counter it but not a lot of people will do thatm, M, i17~18, +6 oB, +28a (+13) oH
Another safe mid launcher of Claudio. Much bigger range than STB.db1+2, but comes with the drawback of being -9 on block so you are stuck in a mixup situation afterwardm, m, i16, -9 oB, +64a oH
Quick panic button. downjab extension string which is natural combo on counterhit and safe on blocksl, m, i11, -9 oB, +3 oH
Defensive Move Handling
Regular hopkick. Claudio players will use it a lot though so be ready to punish it with your go to 12f or 13f punisherm, i15~17, -13 oB, +33a (+23) oH
A lot of Claudios will approach using this move. On mid range when you see him running towards you duck and launch ith, i13~16, +6 oB, +24a (+19) oH
Very abusable mid if not dealt with. The second hit can be stepped to the left or powercrushed in between. This applies for both variations with or without STBA slow chunky low. It is -15 on block so the majority of the cast can launch it on blockL, i24~25, -15 oB, +3c oH, +27a oCH
A popular round starter for Claudios. -13 so punish itm, i14, -13 oB, +5 oH, +59a oCH
His go to low especially close to the wall. It's only -12 keep that in mind.L, i20~21, -12 oB, +6c oH, +27d oCH
His 14f heat engager. Second hit is a high so duck and punish itm, h, i14, -6 oB, +25a (+16) oH