

CommandHit levelDamageStartupBlockHitCounter hitNotes
2+3m12 (12)i16+1+2c
* Heat Burst
Power crush
H.df+2+3sm20i15~16+5+39 (+29)
* Partially uses remaining heat time
* H.f,n,d,df+2 to power up
H.df+2+3*sm26i25~26+9+45 (+35)
* Partially uses remaining heat time
* H.f,n,d,df+2* to power up
* Cannot absorb with power crush
H.f,f,F+1+2m30i20~24+3+35d (-23)
* Balcony Break
* Heat Engager
* Chip damage
* Transition to HBS with input D or 3+4 (does not shift when using Heat Dash)
Low crush 21F
H.2+3m51i13~15+10+33 (+23)
* Heat Smash
* Rage Art
* Removes Recoverable Health
* Reversal Break
* Damage increases with lower health, maximum 82
* Freezes match timer on activation and on hit
* Restores recoverable health on hit
* Transition to attack throw on hit
* Consumes Rage
Power crush 8~
1,1h, m5, 8i10, i22~23-15-4c
* Combo from 1st hit CH
1,1,1h, m, m5, 8, 14i10, ,i22~23-16+69a (+23)
* Tornado
* Combo from 2nd hit
* Combo from 1st CH
1,2h, h5, 25i10, i22~24-5+11 (+2)
* Balcony Break
* chip damage on block
* Jail from 1st hit
* Combo from 1st CH
2,1h, m10, 11i10, i16-3+2
* Combo from 1st hit
2,1,2h, m, m10, 11, 22i10, ,i33~34-14+31a (+21)
2,1,3h, m, l10, 11, 13i10, ,i18-13-2
* Combo from 1st CH
1+2m25i13~14-13+18g / HE
* Balcony Break
* Heat Engager
* Alternate input: FDFA.3+4
* Can low parry in HBS with HBS.F
* Transition to HBS
* Transition to standing with input ub or u or uf
* Alternate input: FDFA.3+4
* Transition to HBS
f+2,1h, h11, 20i12, i20-5+36a (+10)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st hit
f+1+2,1+2m, m16, 20i18, i30~31-14+65a (+49)
* Tornado
* Combo from 1st hit
High crush
f+3+4,1+2l, m20i28~30, i50~i60-16-13a
High crush
df+1,2m, m6, 9i15~16, i22~23-11-2
* Combo from 1st CH
df+1,2,1+2m, m, m6, 9, 20i15~16, ,i25~26-14c+17d
* Combo from 2nd hit
* Combo from 1st CH
* Can be delayed 10F
* Combo can be delayed 10F from hit
df+2,1m, m10, 12i15~16, i20~21-16+35a (+25)
* Combo from 1st hit
df+3,2m, h13, 24i16, i27~28-5+22a
* Combo from 1st hit
* chip damage on block
d+1+2m28i14~15-15+20d (+10)
* Balcony Break
* Transition to SIT
* Transition to ROL with input f
* Alternative input: db+3+4
* Transition to ROL with input SIT.F
* Transition to California Roll with input SIT.B
db+1,2h, m11, 20i14~15, i17~18-13+4+13c
* Combo from 1st hit
* Hold 2 to power up, up to 2 charge levels
* Transition to HBS with input D or 3+4
db+1,2*h, m11, 20i14~15, i34~35-12+13c+42a
* chip damage on block
* Heat skips to Level 2 charge
* Transition to HBS with input D or 3+4
db+1,2**h, m11, 30i14~15, i47~48+3+42a
* chip damage on block
* Cannot absorb with power crush
* Heat reduces charge length (consumes partial Heat time)
* Transition to HBS with input D or 3+4
db+2l10i18-15 / -17 HBS-1 / -3 HBS
* Transition to HBS with input D or 3+4
db+4l20i21~22-23+6+74a (+38)
* Tornado
High crush 6~
db+1+2,1+2mm, mm4,4, 4,4i14~15, i15~16-110
db+1+2,1+2,2mm, mm, m4,4, 4,4, 18i14~15, ,i20~21-15+22a (+12)
* Hold 2+3 to power up, up to 2 charge levels and deal more chip damage on block
* chip damage on block
* chip damage on block
* Balcony Break
* Heat Engager
* Transition to HBS with input D or 3+4 (does not shift when using Heat Dash)
Power crush
b+2,1m, h12, 14i15, i23-3 / - 4 HBS / -14 ROL+8 / +7 HBS / -3 ROL
* Transition to HBS with input D or 3+4
* Transition to ROL with input F
b+2,1,1+2m, h, m12, 14, 20i15, ,i26-11+15a (+6)
* Balcony Break
b+2,2m, m12, 15i15, i25-10+6
b+2,2,1m, m, m12, 15, 25i15, ,i35~39-15+25a (+15)
* Tornado
* Does not tornado on wall hit
b+1+2h,m10,20i18~19 i12~13-8+13d / HE
* Balcony Break
* Heat Engager
* Homing
* chip damage
* Transition to HBS with input D or 3+4 (does not shift when using Heat Dash)
b+1+4ub(m)25i60~62+16a/+21a HBS
* Transition to HBS with input D or 3+4
* Hold F to extend attack
* Recovers in FUFT on hit or block
* If attack is extended to where you roll past the opponent, recovers in FUFA
* Alternate input: ws3+4
* Tornado
* Cancel into HBS with input D or 3+4
u+1+2m24i18~23-4 / -3 HBS+3 / +4 HBS
* Transition to HBS with input D or 3+4
* Transition to SIT (cannot cancel)
* Alternate input: ub+1 or u+1
* chip damage on block
uf+2m27i28~30-6+30a+65a (+45)
* Balcony Break
* Homing
* Tailspin
* Alternate input: ub+2 or u+2
uf+3m13i16~17-13+30a (+20)
Low crush
uf+3,4m, m13, 13i16~17, i10~12-11+30a (+20) / +21a (+14)
Less frame advantage occurs after Combo from last hit
Low crush
uf+3,4,1+2m, m, m13, 13, 22i16~17, ,i18~19-15+16a / -2a
* Spike
* Transition to HBS with input D or 3+4
* Less frame advantage occurs after Combo from last hit
uf+4m20i29~30-6-10a (-20)
* Balcony Break
Low crush
uf+4,3m, m20, 25i29~30, i20~21+7+21a (+14)
* Balcony Break
* Only connects on hit or block
* Recovers in FUFT
Low crush
b,f+2h26i15~17-5+17a (+8)+62a (+42)
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block
d,df,f+2,1m, m15, 25i18~19, i27-14+29a (+3)
* Balcony Break
d,df,f+2,2m, l15, 22i18~19, i33~34-18+40a
* Chip damage on block
f,F+2m23i19~21-19+45a (+35)
f,F+1+2m30i37~38+8 HBS / +5 ROL52a HBS / +49a ROL
* Chip damage
* Transition to HBS (cannot cancel into standing)
* Transition to ROL with input F
f,f,F+3m30i22~23+6+13a (+3)
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage on block
f,f,F+1+2m30i20~24+3+35d (-23)
* Balcony Break
* Heat Engager
* Chip damage
* Transition to HBS with input D or 3+4 (does not shift when using Heat Dash)
Low crush 21F
ws1,2m, m13, 20i13~15, i18~19-13+6 (+20g)+18
* Hold 2 to power up, up to 2 charge levels
* Transition to HBS with input D or 3+4
* Tornado
* Wall Crush +20g on hit
* Wallsplat on CH
ws1,2*m, m13, 28i13~15, i35-12+18c+33a (-2)
* Heat skips to Level 2 charge
* Transition to HBS with input D or 3+4
* Balcony Break
* Tornado
ws1,2**m, m13, 38i13~15, i44+3+27a (-9)
* Transition to HBS with input D or 3+4
* Balcony Break
* Tornado
* chip damage on block
* Cannot absorb with power crush
* Heat reduces charge length (consumes partial Heat time)
ws2m20i15~16-12+29a (+19)
ws3m21i18~20-9+17 (+8)
* Balcony Break
* Homing
FC.1+2spN/A / i26~i31 Heat+1~+6 / -6~-1 HBS+7~+12 / 0~+5 HBS
* Transition to ROL
* becomes special mid attack during Heat (partially uses remaining Heat time)
* Transition to HBS
FUFA.1+2m15i17~19-2 (-2)+6 (+6)+6 (+6)
* Transition to HBS (Cannot cancel)
* Transition to SIT (Cannot cancel)
HBS.1,2m, m10, 20i12~13, i24~25-13+4+13c
*Hold 2 to power up, up to 2 charge levels
HBS.1,2*m, m10, 20i12~13, i33~34-12+13c+49a
* chip damage on block
* Heat skips to Level 2 charge
HBS.1,2**m, m10, 30i12~13, i44~45+3+49a
* chip damage on block
* Cannot absorb with power crush
* Heat reduces charge length (consumes partial Heat time)
* Transition to HBS
* Transition to FUFA
* Alternative input: HBS.4 (HBS.3 is into background, HBS.4 is into foreground)
* Tornado
HBS.3+4m21i25~30-12-2a (-11)
* Balcony Break
Power crush 8~
* Alternate input: SIT.B
* Transition to HBS with input D or 3+4
* Transition to HBS with input D or 3+4
HBS.b+1+2,1+2l, l16, 33i26~29, i22~24-29c+8a / -3a (-10)
* Balcony Break
* Less frame advantage occurs after Combo from last hit
HBS.df+2m20i15~16-17+35a (+25)
* Tornado
HBS.d+1+2m22i16~20-90 / HE
* Heat Engager
* Transition to HBS (does not shift when using Heat Dash)
* Transition to FDFA
HBS.f,fspN/A / i26~i31 Heat+1~+6 / -6~-1 HBS+7~+12 / 0~+5 HBS
* Transition to ROL
* Becomes Special Mid attack during Heat (partially uses remaining Heat time)
* Alternate input: HBS.b+3+4
* Transition to SIT
OTG.d+1+4l,ub(l)16 (11),48 (33)i55~110,i25~38N/A8 (0) / +14
* Cancel into BT with input OTG.d+1+4,3+4
* More frame advantage when hitting standing opponent
ROL.1h31i15~16+4+35d (+27)
* Balcony Break
* Tornado
* Power up during Heat (partially uses remaining Heat time)
ROL.2m21i17~19-17+28a (+18)
Recovers in FUFT
Recovers in FUFT
* Recovers in FUFT on hit
* Recovers in off axis FUFT on block
SIT.1,1l, l15, 13i21~22, i25~26-12+6
Combo from 1st CH
SIT.2m18i19~21-12+73a (+57)
* Tornado
SIT.3+4m20i25-12 / -10 ROL-4a / -2a ROL
* Transition to ROL with input SIT.F
SIT.fspN/A / i26~i31 Heat+1~+6 / -6~-1 HBS+7~+12 / 0~+5 HBS
* Alternative input: FC.3+4 or FDFA.f
* Transition to ROL
* Transition to HBS with input ROL.D or ROL.3+4
* Becomes special mid attack during Heat (partially uses remaining Heat time)
* Throw break: 1 or 2
* Opponent status on hit: FUFT
* Throw break: 1 or 2
* Opponent status on hit: FUFT
* Side switch on hit
Back throwth(h)70i12~14+1
* Throw break: none
* Opponent status on hit: FUFA
* Removes Recoverable Health
* Spike
* Throw break: none
* Opponent status on hit: FUFA
Left throwth(h)50i12~14-3+1
* Throw break: 1
* Spike
* Opponent status on hit: FUFT
Right throwth(h)40i12~14-3+1
* Throw break: 2
* Opponent status on hit: FUFT off axis
* Throw break: 1+2
* Opponent status on hit: FUFA
* Side switch on hit
uf+1+2th(h)35i12~140+26d (+7)
* Throw break: 1+2
* Balcony Break
* Opponent status on hit: FUFT