


Quick overview

Small poking and movement, turns into a pressure monster in
chainsaw stance (DES). She has to put away the chainsaws
if she blocks something. It takes 1f to cancel to db block, i.e if she
is -12, she can't block i13 lows, but she can block i14 lows.
SWL against chainsaws (d1, f2,1, ... requires SWL). DES b2


Heat powers: More chip dmg on chainsaw attacks.
Has a new transition to Dual Boot, f1+4 (Dual boot without
needing to go DES first).
Alisa ends in DES after 3,2 / f2,1 / uf2 heat engagers.
Heat engagers: 3,2 | 1+2 | f2,1 | uf2 | DES f2,1,2
Heat smash: i20 mid(+8 / +10 BOT / +10 DBT)


Destructive form (DES). Chainsaws does not change frames.
Transitions: 1,1 | 3,2 | 3,f2 | f2 | f2,1 | f2,3 | f3,2 | f3,1+2 | f4 |
df1,1,2 | d2,4 | d3+4 | db2,2 | b4,3 | b1+2 | uf2 | ff3,4 | ff3,4,4 | wr2
ws1,2 | ws1,2,3 | FC1+2 | BOT1,2,1,3+4 | BOT2 | BOT1+2 | 2+4

Standing block punishment

−15 pushbackb1,1+2(-16) | b4,4(-37 range 3 / -19 BOT/DBT) | uf3(-52 range 2.5) | DES f1+2,1+2(-53) | BOT1,2,1,3+4(-15, -9,-20,-18)
−15 pushbackBOT4 / DBT4(-27) | DBT2,1(-28? second hit whiff) |
−15b2,3(-15) | b3+4(-17) | uf4(small blockstun) | ff2(-18) | DBT (f2),2 (-33) |
−14ub3+4,1+2/BT3+4,1+2 | uf3,2(-14~9) | DBT2 |
−132,2 | f3,1+2 | b2,1 | b4 | b1+2 | uf1 | uf4,4 | ff2,3 | ws2(or -5 BOT/DBT) | DES f2,1,2 | DES "ss1" |
−123,f2 | f4,1,4 | f1+2 | uf3,2 | DES f2,1 | DES b2 |
-11 / -102,3(-10) | 2,3,3(-11) | f2,1(-10) | f2,3,3(-10) | df1,4(-11) | b4,3(-11) | ff3,4(-10) |
-11 / -10ff3,4,4(-10) | ws1,2,3(-10) | ss4,1+2(-10) | Grounded 1+2,3(-10~9) | DBT f1(-11) |

While standing block punishment

−15d3(-20~11. Slower moves trade with backup1_2) | d3+4(-37) | db4(-17) | DBT f2(-16, and 16f gap before followup)
−14DES d2 | BOT3 / DBT3(-14~10) | Opponent grounded db1+2(-14~12) |
−132,3,4 | db3 |
−12df3,3 | d4 | Clockwork d3(i30, reactable) | ss4 | DES d1 |
−11 / -101,2,d2(-11) | FC 1+2(-11) |

String handling

2,3,3_4: 22f fuzzy between hits. i10 punish after 2 hits beats everything except undelayed 2,3,3.
db2,2: You can SSL delayed last hit, but it's safe mid,mid so why would they. Only if they're really trying to trick you.
b3+4, 3+4: A move that punishes -17 and floats the followup is OS.
uf3,2: i14 interrupt, or sidewalk second hit. Maybe small sidewalk into long range punish to OS for uf3 only.
10-hit: Low at #7.
d4,1+2: Jails on hit (lol)

Other notes

Can go DES from ki-charge. Maybe relevant for chip setups?
7f fuzzy on backup moves (highs are i11, mids are i18 at the fastest).

Duckable highs

1,1 | 1,2,2 | 2,2 | 3,2(mix) | f3,2(mix) | df1,1(mix, but 4f fuzzy or reaction?) | df1,1,1(mhh) |
b2,4(mix, 7f fuzzy undelayed, high first) | ws1,2 | BOT 1+2(i27 high UNB, duck on reaction)

Plus on block

Low minus

Low hit advantage