

CommandHit levelDamageStartupBlockHitCounter hitNotes
* Rage Art
* Removes Recoverable Health
* Reversal Break
* Damage increases with lower health, maximum 82
* Freezes match timer on activation and on hit
* Restores recoverable health on hit
* Transition to attack throw on hit
* Consumes Rage
Power crush 8~
b+1+4ub(m)50i64+20d (-1)+20d (-1)
* Balcony Break
* Can cancel with input b,b
Back throwth(h)50i12~14+0
* Break: none
* Opponent recovery on hit: FDFA
Left throwth(h)40i12~14-3+0
* Throw break: 1
* Opponent recovery on hit: FUFA off-axis to the left
Right throwth(h)40i12~14-3+0
* Throw break 2
* Opponent recovery on hit: FUFA
* Balcony Break
* Throw break: 2
* Opponent recovery on hit: FUFT
* Throw break 1 or 2
* Spike
* Opponent recovery on hit: FUFA off-axis to the left
* Throw break: 1 or 2
* Opponent recovery on hit: FUFA
* Side switch on Hit or Throw break
uf+1+2th(h)35i12-6+25 (+8)
* Balcony Break
* Throw break: 1+2
* Side switch on Throw break
* Cancel to r24 FC at earliest with input DB/D/DF
High crush 6~57
UNS.4m30i18~19-8+43a (-15)
* Balcony Break
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +5, +62a (+42)
* Deals chip damage on block
* Can be cancelled into crouch with DB/D/DF
WRA.2m30i15~16-9+11a (+2)
* Balcony Break
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +5, +36a (+26)
* Deals chip damage on block
* Balcony Break
Power crush 6~14
H.3,4,4h, m, m12, 20, 28i18~19, ,i27-8+23a (+3)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 2nd hit
H.3+4,4,4m,m, m, m5,10, 20, 28i18 i26, ,i27-8+23a (+3)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 2nd hit
H.f+3+4*,4m, m30, 28i67, i27-8+23a (+3)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st block
H.f+3+4,4m, m25, 28i43, i27-8+23a (+3)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st hit
f,f,F+4h28i26~27+4+31a (+5)
* Balcony Break
* Homing
* Can transition to WRA (+8/+35a (+9)/-) with input D
SSH.uf+4h28i32~33+4+31a (+5)
* Homing
* Balcony Break
* Can transition to WRA (+8/+35a (+9)/-) with input D
f,n,d,df:3M27i15~17-9+13a (-4)+23a (+17)
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage when guarded
High crush
WGS.1,4m, h24, 26i19~21, i23~27-7+1 (+0)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st hit
Low crush
* Spike
* Deals chip damage on block
* Opponent is FDFA on normal hit
* Heat Smash
* Balcony Break
* Alternate input: H.R1
* Jails from 1st block
* Transitions to attack throw on 1st hit for a total of 50 dmg
* Transitions to r53 WRA on 2nd block, whiff or hit
* +19d WRA if only second hit connects (25 dmg)
2,2,2,2h, h, m, m6, 6, 21, 25i12, ,i31-14+21a (+0)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 3rd hit with 4f delay
* Move can be delayed 3f
* Blue spark with input qcf+2 for 5 more damage
1+2m25i12~13-10~-9+24a (+14)
f+3+4m25i43-14+50 (+19)+55a
* Cancel to r24 FC at earliest with input DB/D/DF
High crush 6~33
FC.df+3m25i20-17+54a (+34)
* Balcony Break
High crush 1~
SEN.1,2m, m12, 25i16, i26-16+21a (+0)
* Balcony Break
* Blue spark with input qcf+2 for 5 extra damage
* Hit-confirmable from 1st hit or if attack was absorbed
* Combo from 1st hit even with 9?F delay
* Can be delayed by 10?F
* Becomes -9 on block if 1st hit absorbed an attack
* Deals chip damage on block
* Spike
<div class="plainlist">
* Low crush 8~16
* fs17~19</div>
WGS.1m24i19~21-22+24a (+14)
* 26 dmg if manual CD
High crush
f,n,d,df:2h23i11~12 (~i13)+5+25a (+25)
* Chip damage when guarded
* Wall Crush +19g on hit
High crush 6~24
f,F+3+4h22i16~19-2+49d (-9)+49a
* Balcony Break
Low crush
f,f,F+3m22i24~27+6+32a (+24)
* Balcony Break
* Chip damage when guarded
Low crush
SSH.uf+3m22i30~33+6+32a (+24)
* Balcony Break
* Homing
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +5, +34a (+27)
* Deals chip damage on block
WGS.1,3m, m24, 22i19~21, i26~30-12+18d (-17)
* Spike
* Combo from 1st hit
Low crush
WRA.1,4h, M12, 22i12, i25~26-9+9g
* Balcony Break
* Spike
* Combo from 1st hit
WRA.4,2,2,1+2M,M, m, h, m6,8, 8, 4, 22i17~18,i13, ,i24~25-20+24 (+3)
* Balcony Break
* Blue spark with input qcf+1+2 for 6 extra damage
* Combo from 4th hit without delay
* Can be delayed
1,2,3,4h, h, m, h5, 8, 10, 21i10, ,i22~23-4+21a (+12)
* CH-confirmable from 2nd CH
* Combo from 3rd hit with 5f delay
* Input can be delayed 10f
* Move can be delayed 8f
* Interrupt with i5 from 3rd block
2,2,2h, h, m6, 6, 21i12, ,i29-4+6
* Combo from 2nd hit only if the 2nd hit connects on i15, otherwise no combo
* Input can be delayed 10f
* Move can be delayed 9f
* Interrupt with i11 from 2nd block
Requires back close to wall to execute
Low crush
ws3,4m, h14, 21i15~16, i22~23-4+21a (+12)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st hit without delay
* Can be delayed
High crush
* Heat Smash
* Spike
* Alternate input: H.WRA.R1
* Jails if any hit is blocked
* Transitions to attack throw on 1st hit for a total of 40 dmg
* +4a (-5) if any hit after the 1st connects
2,2,1h, h, m6, 6, 20i12, ,i22~23-14+12a
* Balcony Break
* Spike
* Head
* Hit-confirmable from 1st hit
* Combo from 2nd hit with 5f delay
* Input can be delayed 10f
* Move can be delayed 9f
2,2,2,1h, h, m, m6, 6, 21, 20i12, ,i35~37-15~13+30a (+20)
* Tornado
* Combo from 3rd hit with 1f delay
* Input can be delayed 4f
* Move can be delayed 3f
* Evasive, can go under jabs
Low crush 37~57 fs58~60
3,4h, m12, 20i18~19, i20-14+50 (+19)+54a
Combo from 1st hit
* Balcony Break
* Opponent is FUFA on CH
3+4,4m,m, m5,10, 20i18 i26, i16-14+50 (+19)+54a
Combo from 1st hit with 4f delay
* +13c on crouching hit
* Opponent is FDFA on CH
* Spike
df+1,2m, m8, 20i13~14, i22~23-14+12a
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +18g, +43a (+35)
* Combo from 1st hit with 2?F delay
* Can be delayed
df+4,2,3m, m, h14, 10, 20i15, ,i27-8+35a+71a (+55)
* Tornado
* Combo from 2nd CH
* Can be delayed
,High crush 7~15
df+3+4,4m,h, m5,10, 20i16,i5~9, i20-14+50 (+19)+54a
Combo from 1st hit
db+4,1+2L, m7, 20i16, i15-12+39d (-19)
* Balcony Break
* Combo from 1st CH even with delay
* Can be delayed
* CH-confirmable from 1st CH
b+1,1,3,3h, m, m, m14, 15, 13, 20i18, ,i32-16+48 (+17)+53a
b+4h20i18-8+35a+71a (+55)
* Tornado
High crush 6~17
Balcony Break
Power crush 7~
uf+3+4,1+2mm, m10,10, 20i20,i4, i17-14-4
* Combo from 1st hit
* Balcony Break
* Heat Engager
* Heat Dash +5, +67a (+50)
* Spike
Balcony Break
* Balcony Break
Strong Aerial Tailspin
* Tornado
WGS.DF+4,2l, h6, 20i16, i24-22-1
* Can transition to WRA (-15/+6/+6) with input D
* Combo from 1st hit
WRA.3,4m, m17, 20i28, i18~19+6+17a (+16)
* Balcony Break
* Deals chip damage on block
* Can transition to WRA (+8/+19a (+18)/-) with input D
* Jails from 1st block
* Combo from 1st hit
Low crush 9~36 fs37~39
WRA.d+4,3L, m9, 20i16~17, i21~22-16+48 (+17)+53a
* Combo from 1st CH with 14f delay
* Input can be delayed 15f
* Move can be delayed 13f
* CH-confirmable
WRA.1+3t (h)20i16+10d
* Unbreakable
* Opponent recovery on hit: FUFT
* Does 35 damage on wall hit
2~1m,m4,18i11(~14)-14+31d (+23)
* Balcony Break
* Spike
* Just frame if 2 is held for exactly one frame and then 1 on the next frame. Hits for 26 damage.
* 5f input window
* Spike
* Normal hit offsets opponent slightly to the left of the axis and rotates them.
* Counter hit pushes the opponent on axis like most moves and does not rotate the opponent.
OTG.d+4,1L, L14, 17 (20)i19, i20~21-26-10 / -15a (-23)
* Blue spark with input OTG.d+4:1 on frames 15-18 for 20 dmg
* Jails from 1st block
* Combo from 1st hit
SEN.1+2m,m13,17i14~15,i12~13-6 WRA+32a (+18)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
* Transitions to WRA after recovery
WGS.df+3M17i15~17-13+3+23a (+17)
* Becomes Electric War God Kick during Heat (partially uses remaining Heat Time
* 21dmg if manual CD)
WRA.3m17i28-6+22a (+12)
* Balcony Break
* Deals chip damage on block
Low crush 9~36 fs37~39
3,2h, h12, 16i18~19, i20-9+8+66a (+50)
* Tornado
* Combo from 1st hit
f+2,3h, m8, 16i13, i18~19-9+2
* Jails from 1st hit without delay
* Combo from 1st hit without delay
* Can transition to SEN (-2/+9/+9) with input F
* Cannot block up to i12 on empty transition on block
* Can be delayed
WGS.DF+4,4l, l6, 16i16, i17~18-23+2+23a
* Combo from 1st hit
High crush
b+1,1h, m14, 15i18, i22-10-4
* Combo from 1st hit without delay
* Can be delayed
* Transitions to WRA (-/+8/+17) on hit
uf+3,1h, m10, 15i21~22, i16-5+5
* +13c on crouching hit
* Jails on 1st block
* Combo from 1st hit
uf+4m15i17~18-13+70a (+54)
* Tornado
Low crush 9~
ws4,4m, m10, 15i11~12, i17~18-17-1c
* Can transition to WRA (-10/+6/+6) with input D
* Combo from 1st hit
* Jails from 1st block
WGS.2h15i11~12-10+35a (+25)
* Becomes Electric Wind God Fist during Heat (partially uses remaining Heat Time)
* 20dmg if manual CD
1,2,2h, h, h5, 8, 14i10, ,i17-14+0
* Jail from 2nd attack with 2f delay
* Input can be delayed 3f
* Move can be delayed 2f
* Can transition to SEN (+2/+12/+12) with input F
* Cannot block up to i12 on empty transition on block
High crush
OTG.d+4L14i19-19-8 / -8a (-16)
22 dmg if done with input OTG.d+4 alone
df+2m13i15~16-12+30a (+20)
* +2 on hit on crouching opp.
* +30a (+20) on CH on crouching opp.
b+1,1,3h, m, m14, 15, 13i18, ,i15~17-10+3
* Can transition to SEN (+0/+13/+13) with input F
* Cannot block up to i14 on empty transition on block
* Combo from 2nd CH
* Jails from 2nd block
ub+4m13i17~18-13+16a (-1)
* Tornado
* Balcony Break
Low crush 9~
* Heat Burst
* Cancel to r45 with b,b
* 3 chip damage on block
* Partially uses Heat
Power crush 7~62
1,1,2h, h, m5, 6, 12i10, ,i13-17+11
* Combo from 1st hit with 11f delay
* Hit-confirmable from 1st hit
* Cancel transition with input B, frame advantage +2
* Wall Crush +23g on hit
* Transition to SEN on hit only
High crush 8~17
ws1m12i13-10+13 SEN
Transitions to SEN on hit
Power crush
SEN.3+4l,h10,12i20~21,i35~36-29, -11+4
* Homing
High crush
* Homing
* Deals chip damage on block
* Can transition to SEN (+0/+13/+17) with input F
* Cannot block up to i14 on empty transition on block
* Throw break: none
* Opponent recovery on hit: FUFA
1,2,3h, h, m5, 8, 10i10, ,i21~22-10+1
* Knee
* Combo from 2nd CH with 3f delay
* Input can be delayed 3f
* Move can be delayed 2f
3+4m,m5,10i18 i26-8+3c
Low crush 9~26
df+1,1m, h8, 10i13~14, i20-4+7
* Combo from 1st hit with 18F delay
* Can be delayed 19F
df+4,2m, m14, 10i15, i18-8+6
* Can transition to WRA (-6/+8/+8) with input D
* Combo from 1st hit
Transition to attack throw on CH
High crush 9~14
Low crush 11~
Low crush 9~
High crush 1~
High crush 6~
1,2h, h5, 8i10, i10-3+8
Jail from 1st attack with 4f delay
Can transition to UNS (+0/+6/+6) with input u or d
* Can transition to r18 SEN (-3/+4/+4) with input F
* Cannot block up to i15 on empty transition on block
* Spike
** on 2nd hit
* Combo from 1st CH
* Both hits jail on block
WRA.4,2M,M, m6,8, 8i17~18,i13, i15-18-7
* Jails from 2nd block
* Hit-confirmable from 2nd hit
* Combo from 1st CH
* Combo from 2nd hit
* Can be delayed
1,1h, h5, 6i10, i15-1+8
Jail from 1st attack with 2f delay
2,2h, h6, 6i12, i14~15-11+0
* Jail from 1st attack with 1f delay
High crush 4~
* 8 dmg if manual CD
Recovers 2f faster on hit or block (t27 r17)
* Returns to standing when input F
High crush 4~
WRA.4,2,2M,M, m, h6,8, 8, 4i17~18,i13, ,i15-12-1
* Jails from 3rd block
* Combo from 3rd hit
* Can be delayed
* Automatically parries limb-based, non-airborne mids and highs
* Deals 40 damage on successful parry
* +1d on successful parry
Parry state 20~60
* Can transition to WGS with DF after 14 frames
* Can execute EWGF or EWGK by inputting 2 or 3 respectively exactly one frame after DF
High crush 1~29
Input d+2+3+4 to get Heihachi's secret taunt
* Can transition to SEN with input WGS.f+3
* Transitions to UNS (Kou, d)
* Can transition to UNS (Kou, u) with input u+3
* Can transition to UNS (Gen) with input b+3
* Can transition to WGS with input DF
* Can execute EWGF or EWGK by inputting 2 or 3 respectively exactly one frame after DF
Parry state 5~13
* Can transition to r14 SEN with input f+3
* Can transition to r2 WGS with input DF
* Parry mids and highs
* Converts incoming damage to recoverable health
* Partially restores Heat on successful parry
* Transitions to WRA on successful parry with +(recv - 17) where recv is the recovery of the parried move
Parry state 3~8
* Partially drains heat meter when in heat
* Transitions to UNS (Gen)
* Can transition to UNS (Kou, u/d) with input u+3 or d+3
* Can transition to SEN with input f+3
* Can transition to WGS with input DF
* Can execute EWGF or EWGK by inputting 2 or 3 respectively exactly one frame after DF
* See also Unsoku Cancel
* Can transition to Wind God Step with input DF
* Can execute EWGF or EWGK by inputting 2 or 3 respectively exactly one frame after DF
Low crush 10~24
* Transitions to UNS (Kou, u)
* Can transition to UNS (Kou, d) with input d+3
* Can transition to WGS with input DF
* Can execute EWGF or EWGK by inputting 2/3 exactly one frame after DF
Parry state 5~13
* Can transition to Wind God Step with input DF
* Can execute EWGF or EWGK by inputting 2/3 exactly one frame after DF
Low crush 10~24
* Can transition to WGS with input DF
* Punch parry, transitions to WGS on successful parry with +10
Parry state 2~8